Lesson 2.25: Conversing; Do's and Dont's

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In which a boy learns how not to talk to girls.

The memory of a full stomach and happy times became a distant one during the week ahead. Specifically, for one struggling teenager, Jeon Jungkook.

It seemed like there were always tests springing up left and right. He was having a hard time balancing his schoolwork along with his intense gaming, anime binge watching, and most importantly: sleeping. His crew had long ago worked out a grand total of three things:

1. Never trust Kim Namjoon's hands with fragile items

2. Kim Seokjin may look like a prince from a fairytale, but when he's hungry he's as scary as a fire-breathing dragon.

And lastly,

3. Wake up Min Yoongi or Jeon Jungkook, and it'll be the last thing you ever do.

The boys— Hoseok, Jimin, And Taehyung, especially—lived by these unspoken laws and enforced them with knowledgeable reverence. Experience and regrettable trial and error led them to these conclusions, so they'd be absolute fools not to uphold them.

However, some rules just had to be broken. Today, it was rule number three's turn.

Jungkook didn't know who was daring to call his phone at five twenty-two in the morning. But he was certain that whoever was on the other line wouldn't be alive for much longer if he had anything to say about it. His voice was as scratchy as dry sandpaper when it growled out of his parched throat. "Do you have a death wish?"

"And a very good morning to you, too, mah brotha." Taehyung happily chirped. As soon as he heard that voice, Jungkook pushed his face into his pillow. His low groan tumbled throughout his dark room. "What do you want from me?"

If Taehyung was in any way intimidated by the younger boy's tone, he didn't show it. "We have quite the busy schedule this morning. Up out of bed, sleepyhead. We have to be at school in an hour."

Was his clock off, or something? Jungkook squinted at the dim yellow glow of his digital alarm clock, then at the numbers atop his phone screen. 5:24 a.m. He put the phone back to his ear. "Hyung, are you high?"

"No!" Jungkook wasn't convinced, but that one ear-splitting shout convinced him to not ask again. He let the other boy speak, but still remained skeptical. "We have to meet Sachi early today because we won't be able to see her at lunch. The girls have auditions for the upcoming school play that period. Oh! You should come with me for mine, tomorrow! You'll be super impressed by how great of an actor I a—"

"Can you stay on topic please?" Jungkook turned from his back to his side, bracing his body up by his propped elbow. He asked some of the numerous questions spinning through his muddled mind. "Why are we meeting her? Why does it have to be today? What play are you even going on about? And why so freaking early?"

Taehyung took a deep breath, letting it all out in a long-suffering sigh. As if I'm the crazy one, Jungkook rolled his eyes. One by one, Taehyung breezed through each question, speaking so fast Jungkook almost couldn't understand him. "We're meeting her because you guys need to arrange a schedule for lessons that works best for both of you. It's got to be today because we don't have much time to waste, we've already waited long enough as it is, and it's not like putting it off is going to help you any. I'm talking about the school play that Jin is directing, the one we've been going on about for like, weeks now? Guess you were too focused on your food to notice. Anyway, he's doing casting for rolls this week, and Sachi will be at the try-outs today while I'll be at them tomorrow, so we'll be pretty busy. And it isn't even that early, you'll have to get up in like an hour anyway. Hey, at least now you'll get plenty of time to study for your classes or something, I don't know. Look on the bright side, Kookie."

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