Lesson 2.0: Conversing; How to Start

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In which a boy learns how to speak to a girl, in order to save his own life.

A week had passed since Jungkook's first lesson with Sachi.

He found himself not immediately looking away from his female classmates whenever he caught them staring at him. Usually, he would be first one to look away. Now, he stared long enough to see them duck and hide their blushing faces. This behavior of theirs greatly confused him, but also made him feel a bit better about himself, oddly enough. Initially, he had believed that he was the only person to have such a reaction to making eye contact with others. But this proved that getting embarrassed was something that happened to his peers, as well. It made him feel less set apart.

Jungkook's newfound ability was a hot topic amongst the female students, little to his knowledge. Their gossiping was often filled with discussions about Jeon Jungkook's "mysterious," "intense," and "enigmatic" gaze.

One such group of girls currently held a conversation about him at their lunch table.

"His eyes are so big and innocent, like a little bunny!"

"I know right. He was staring at me in math class the other day.... I thought I was going to die right then and there!"

"Lucky! I wish I had him in one of my classes...."

"No, you're the lucky one. I bet he likes older girls."

"Really, what makes you think that?"

"Well, I saw him looking at Lin Sachi the other day. She was talking to Kim Taehyung in the hall when they were going to gym, and Jungkook was watching her the whole time. He almost walked into a door!"

"Woah. I wonder why he's so interested in her all of a sudden?"

"Who knows. But I heard from this first year that the two walked out of the same classroom. When the first year went and checked, she saw that they'd been the only two people in there."

"What?! No way! What do you think they were even doing in there?"

"Who knows. But, in any case, Jeon Jungkook might not be as 'innocent' as we all thought."

"Well, to me, it looks like Sachi's just been hoeing around. That girl is new, and she already has the hottest guys in every year wrapped around her finger!"

"I know, right? She had the top button of her shirt undone the other day. Such a slut."

"Whatever, he'll never fall for her. Jungkook is a good boy. They don't fall for loose girls like her."


While some weren't quite sure how to feel about the recent change in him, Jungkook's friends were completely over the moon. The seven currently sat outside in the schoolyard. The weather was considerably warmer than previous days, so they claimed an outside table and benches for themselves, beneath the shade of a large tree.

For the millionth time since they'd learned how the lesson had went, Taehyung let out a happy sigh, pinching Jungkook's cheek. "See? Didn't I tell you this was a good idea? Our little boy is growing up so fast!"

Jungkook batted the boy's hand away, massaging his sore cheek. "No need to be so dramatic. It's not a big deal."

"Au contraire, mon frère," Jimin contradicted, "It is a major deal. Just a week ago, you wouldn't even be able to look at a girl without sweating, let alone have a staring contest with one! This is definitely something to celebrate!"

"Yep," Hoseok agreed, reaching over to ruffle Jungkook's hair affectionately. "As soon as Mr. Shin stops attacking the second years with insane assignments, we're taking you out for a special weekend. Promise."

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