Lesson 1: Eye Contact

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In which a girl uses strange teaching means to get a shy boy to look her in the eyes.

He had tried to escape. Of course he had tried. But that attempt had been thwarted when he moved to get out of his seat only to realize that at some point, likely when he'd been unconscious, his shoelaces had been tied to his chair. Him attempting to run only resulted in him falling flat on his face.

Meanwhile, the other boys all took the chance to retreat, fleeing from the room as if it had caught on fire. When the door closed behind Taehyung, the last one out, Sachi stood up and procured a key from a lanyard hanging around her neck. She locked the door, then tested the knob to ensure that it wouldn't open.

By the time these crucial steps had been completed, Jungkook had finally managed to pick himself up off the floor, falling back into his chair with a helpless huff.

He let his head roughly fall onto the desk, only to groan in regretful agony when pain pulsated through his skull.

His eyes screwed shut against the ache. But they immediately opened once more when he felt a presence standing close by him. That presence could only be one person....

"Mr. Jeon, please lift your head up. We have a lot to cover with very little time to do it. Your cooperation would be much appreciated, thank you."

Oh my gosh, she even sounds like a teacher. A demon teacher from Tartarus. Wait, doesn't that make her a harpy?! I'm getting taught by a freaking harpy.

Jungkook wanted nothing more than to just sit at that desk with his eyes closed and hope that she would disappear. Maybe if he stayed that way, she'd get irked of waiting and leave?

But no.

What Jungkook didn't know was that if Lin Sachi was anything, she was persistent. But that was a truth he was about to learn the hard way.

Before Jungkook could close his eyes again, Sachi placed her index finger on the tip of his nose. The boy yelped, jerking backwards in his seat to get away. Sachi took a step away from him, smiling proudly. "Now you're up. See, that wasn't so hard now, was it?"

He wanted to glare at her so badly, but that would require looking at her. And that was the last thing he wanted to do.

So, he just sat there, his folded hands resting in his lap, which was jumping due to his jittering legs.

At the front of the classroom, Sachi was dusting off the board with a chalky eraser. This class happened to be one of the few that wasn't equipped with a projector or digital board, since it was mostly used as a storage space. Boxes of abandoned props from drama classes and broken instruments lined the far walls and shelves. But because it was a forgotten room, there was a lesser chance of this session getting disrupted. And, less chance of anyone hearing Jungkook's cries for help, should he grow that desperate. Every factor had been taken into account.

Once Sachi had mostly cleared the old smudged writing from the blackboard, she selected a thin piece of white chalk and began to scrawl large, neat letters.

Jungkook really didn't want to look, but his curiosity got the best of him. Luckily, her back was to him, so he could focus on what she wrote out without getting too frazzled. He just had to do his best to keep his eyes from her backside. Still a challenging task, but not nearly as daunting.

As the words took form, he started to become more and more dismayed.

When Sachi finished writing, she put down the chalk, dramatically dusting off her hands as she turned to face her student, smiling kindly. Of course, the moment she shifted, his eyes immediately darted back down to his hands.

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