Lesson 2.50: Conversing; Maintaining

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In which a boy learns how to maintain a conversation with a girl.

Jungkook had taken Sachi's advice to heart. It was hard at first, but he tried his best not to flee when cornered by a girl wanting to ask him something. When a fellow first year stopped him to ask if he knew the time, he accidentally raised the "no" flash card instead of just shaking his head like he'd been planning to. It became a habit to always carry them in his hands, so using them happened on impulse.

More girls had been going up to him than usual. He thought it was really weird at first, since a lot of the students already knew about his female phobia. But it did give him a bit more practice with getting used to interacting with girls, even if he wasn't actually interacting much. Little did he know, Sachi and Taehyung played more than a small hand at that. All Sachi, the "next queen bee," had to do was bat her lashes and smile, and she found that a lot of people, both guys and girls, succumbed to her desires. Not that she really had any desires to begin with. Still, being popular did seem to have its advantages sometimes. And of course, anyone would be willing to do anything for the hot second year Kim Taehyung, now considered a legend for his phenomenal acting during try-outs.

Speaking of the play, the results for who got which roles would be announced just that day. Now at the end of the week, students were all eager to hear the news before the weekend.

Everyone flocked in hordes from their classes as the final bell rang, rushing through the halls to the main lobby. A poster was plastered against the wall outside of the cafeteria. "Move! Out of my way!" one girl shouted. She pushed her way to the front, skimming the list with a manicured fingernail like it was heaven's roll call. Her expression fell the closer she drew to the bottom.

Silence dawned upon everyone, broken only when she spun around, a look of livid fury on her face. "Where is she?!"

There were confused murmurs of "'she' who?", "what did it say?", "who got the lead roles?" More students fought to see the results, some more expressions dimming while others brightened, the hallway rapidly echoing with cheers.

Sachi slid on the shiny linoleum floor, almost missing the hall entirely. She had to run back several steps before finally entering the lobby full of distressed and happy peers. She hadn't even gotten close to the crowd when someone suddenly shouted, "There she is!"

The rest was chaos: people coming up to her to congratulate her for something she wasn't even aware of, clapping her shoulder or patting her back when she had never seen them prior to this very day. Her stupefied face didn't leave until a stranger finally announced, "You got the lead!"

And then, she was all joyous smiles and disbelieving laughs, her hands clasped over her mouth in awed wonder. Because though she had acted as if she would undoubtedly get the part, her heart hadn't stopped pounding since the day she auditioned for it. Truthfully, she had been extremely nervous. But what's a popular high school girl without a show of confidence?

Finally, more actual familiar faces began to approach her, their grins even wider than her own. Taehyung and Sachi almost knocked each other over with how quick they were to run at each other and hug. The two were screaming and shouting at the top of their lungs, victorious howls so mixed they were practically gibberish.

They eventually drew apart, arms still holding one another. "You got the lead!" Their synchronization made them burst into a fit of giggles. Taehyung ruffled her hair. "We both got the leading roles! We're pretty awesome, huh?"

Sachi grabbed his hand from her head and linked their fingers, swinging them sunnily. "Yeah. But your audition was so great, it's no surprise you got the male lead. Speaking of casting though, where's the director man himself?" Sachi surveyed the students, some now making their way out to start their anticipated weekends. But Jin was nowhere to be seen.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2019 ⏰

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