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Let me introduce myself before I jump into the story of how I met Adrien.

My name is Marinette Dupain-Cheng. I live in Paris, France, pretty sweet I'd say. My parents own a bakery, where we live in as well. I love designing, and I'm hoping to become a great fashion designer.

How I met Adrien, has a pretty funny thing actually. Now, I was 14 in this time. You can say, I was so cringy back then, well...I still am. In this time. (Keep in mind this was in the past) Many people used this app called "Cupid". Supposedly, you can find a match there. For all those single pringles out there like me. There was just this problem. Your match could be on the other side of the world. It's complicated, but I'm not whiling to meet someone that lives all the way in Australia, or South America. No, not happening.

The people there were really nice, yet they weren't my type. Looking for a match was hard too, as well in the real world. But, one night I found this boy that had send me a friend request. His name was Adrien Agreste. His interests were really impressive. He was a fashion model of a Fashion Line of Gabriel Agreste. Never heard of him actually. He played piano, spoke Chinese, did fencing, played basketball, part time model, and learned Karate as a little kid. And he was 15 years old. Not a big gap, don't you think? This brought my attention. I had to see his profile picture.

As clicking on this profile, which seemed to be many times. I saw the most gorgeous, define face I've ever seen in my life. (Dah, it's Adrien Agreste!) His green orbs shined bright like the sun. His golden locks brushed back made him look handsome. Take a Look AT THAT JAWLINE!!! I accepted his friend request and waited for an answer.

Later on that day I received a message from Adrien. I ran like a maniac to see his message. It read "Hey, nice meeting you I'm Adrien :)" I typed in quickly "Good evening, nice meeting u too, I'm Marinette".

We talked and talked that day. The more we talked the more I loved him. It sounds crazy but I felt comfortable talking with him. He suggested we should face time in Skype. I accepted the request but was nervous as well. All I remember that night is me going to the bathroom and putting on tones of things on my face and hair. Then getting a call from Adrien. I was super dupaaaa nervous. The guy was an angel fallen from the sky.

This is still a flashback so don't get too excited. This is what happened.

I accepted the call and turned on the light from my desk on for better lighting.

"Hey!" He waived.

"H-hey." Why am I stuttering?

"You look beautiful Marinette." He complimented putting his chin under the palm of his hand.
I felt flustered to death.

"Why thank you, you look adorable...I mean handsome...no cute?" I covered my face trying to hide my blush.
I heard him chuckle, a very cute chuckle I'd say.

"Haha, thank you." He smiled brightly.

"I'm sorry, I'm just not used to this whole dating thing. It's hard here in Paris." I signed.

"No no, you're fine. I'm not either. And Paris? You live in Paris?"

"Yes I do, and you?" I slightly nodded my head.

"Paris, France?" He asked again.

"Yes, Paris, France." I giggled.

"That's awesome, I live in Bourgogne, France" he beamed at me.

"Really? That's pretty cool, I heard you are a model?" I grinned.

"Hahaha, I am little lady. May I ask who told you that?" He asked with a radiant smirk.

"I read it on your bio." I said as I played with my hair.

"No wonder, well enough about me. Tell me about you." He said with wonder on his eyes.

Enough of that flashback. I was horrible and I regret using Cupid. I bet Adrien thinks I'm pathetic.

The past in the past. I just wanted to tell you something that happened in my life. We dated for 3 years but then we figured things wouldn't work out. We were heading to college and this relationship wouldn't last.

I don't want to get too deep, but it was hard to let go of him. We didn't talk for years, or even bothered to be friends. But now I got better things to worry about. College here I come! How bad could it be?

A.N. I'm attempting on writing this story, but I want to know what you guys think? Is it good so far, should I keep writing or quit? Let me know in the comments.

Internet Crush [Adrienette AU]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora