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I was this close on crashing my car in a pole. Don't ask. I'm supposed to be right now at the registration office to pick up my dorm keys. Yet I'm here trying to calm myself down. I swear if I didn't push the breaks who knows where I'd be.

I made it in time, well 6 minutes late. But I'm here! I walked in rolling my luggage inside the building. I went straight to the registration lady.

"Hi, good morning." I politely waved.

"Good Morning ma'am, how may I assist you?" She kindly smiled.

"I'm here to pick u-" I was cut off my someone nearly making me fall as he or she pushing me to the side.

"Yeah, my name is Adrien Agreste. I came to pick up my dorm keys." a guy pounded out clearly on a hurry.

"Hey! I got here first, wait for your turn!" I glared trying to stand up correctly. But as soon as I saw his face. A very familiar face. I felt a cold shiver going down to my spine. I face palmed in front of him. Was he the "Adrien Agreste" I dated in "Cupid" or was this just a coincidence.

"I'm sorry, sir but you'll have to wait after her turn." The lady pointed him to go behind me, with a face that said get-back-there-or-else. He shoved himself behind me.

"Sorry about that, what's your name?" She apologized.

"It's ok, I'm Marinette Dupain-Cheng." I answered slowly for her to catch it.

"Ok, your dorm should be on building 4B, room 59, and it looks like your roommate is Adrien Agreste." Her eyes widen.

"So he's my roommate?" I pointed at the guy behind me.

"I believe so, isn't his name Adrien Agreste?"

"Yeah...I think so." I signed.

"Well, here are your keys, have a nice day." She beamed.

"Thanks, you too ma'am" I waived and rolled my luggage outside. I'm still thinking about that dude. Could that really be him? The guy I dated two years ago? Maybe qit's not him. I could be wrong. But he looks just like him. Then again, he's my roommate. Great. I didn't know they could pare up opposite genders here.

I found building 4B. To be honest with you, it looked amazing. It was 6 stories tall. I wanted to get a dorm for myself, but I couldn't afford the rent. So I had to go with sharing, although these dorms are big. They come with a kitchen, living room, laundry room, two rooms, and two bathrooms. I'm glad we got two bathrooms. I don't want to be fighting over the toilet seat.

Anyways, I walked inside the building and went straight to the elevator. I pressed the 5th floor button and waited for the doors to open. I rolled my luggage to room #59. I got my keys out and opened the door. I took a look inside before stepping in. The place was miraculously neat.

"I know it's awesome, but could you please excuse me. I'm trying to get in." I heard a voice from behind. I jumped and looked behind me. Oh, it's just Adrien.

"Sorry, I was just taking a look." I nervously laughed.

"Let's go in, and pick out our rooms." He said shipley. I nodded and walked inside.

"Well, I have tones of clothes, so I need the biggest closet." He explained.

"I have a lot of clothes too." I crossed my arms. We checked both closets. They were around the same size so there was nothing to worry about then.

"I'm getting the room with the window!" I shouted to Adrien that was probably in the hallway.

"Sounds good to me, I hate the sun in the mornings!" He yelled back.

I started unpacking my stuff. Putting my clothes neatly on the cabinets and hanging my night out dresses in the closet. As soon as I finished unpacking, I went to clean the restroom. I know people think just by spraining water on bathrooms kills of germs. You're wrong kid.
These places have been used my many people yet so many butts too.

I spent about 15-20 minutes cleaning and mopping the restroom. It wasn't that hard, I have experience on these kinds of thing ya know. I checked both sides of the hallway. No Adrien I see. Good. I ran to my room and put my cleaning supplies up. I then changed to some comfortable pajamas.

This day past by so fast. Until I heard a knocking on my door.

"Hey, It's Adrien, your roommate, can I come in?" I heard him say from outside the door.

"Ahh, sure...just hold on one sec!" I yelled back nervously putting my shirt on quickly. I walked to the door and opened it. And there he was with a smile on his face. It made him look stupid yet cute. Wait what, Marinette chill.

"Come in." I moved to the side.

"No it's ok, I was just wondering what do you want to eat for dinner." He explained.

"Oh, well. What would you like to have. I'll literally eat anything." I chuckled a little.

"Do you like pizza? I could order one right now." He suggested.

"Sure. I'm fine with that, but I'll pay it." I raised my eyebrow making sure for him to understand I don't want to argue about it.

"Haha, ok as you wish. Pepperoni, or cheese or any other topping?"

"Pepperoni is fine." I nodded.

"Ok, I'll call for one right now." He motioned to the phone on the kitchen. I simply nodded and followed him to the kitchen. But I'm still wondering. Did he totally forget about me? I'm so confused! I need answers!

Adrien didn't seem to recognize her, did he? I wonder if he's hiding something? You'll find out on season 2! Jk jk jk 😂 maybe in a couple of chapters. Or towards the end

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