p a r t y

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*at the party*

The music was loud that I could barely hear Adrien. Colorful lights were flashing everywhere. Almost blinding me. My poor ears were bleeding! Not literally, but close. People dancing like maniacs, or dead zombies. I've been to worse parties than this.

I slowly walked to a chair in the corner. Corner of shame. As I walked past some people I felt a grip on my hand. I looked behind to see Adrien holding my wrist. I looked down at his grip on my hands. It didn't hurt, but it was strong enough from keeping me from moving.

"You're not leaving me behind, are you?" He frowned. I hesitated and pulled away from his grip slowly.

"No." I shacked my head. He suddenly pulled me close to him. I felt his chest in my face. Omg omg! What do I do! Think Marinette THINK!

"Sorry..its just some girls keep staring at me..and it's creeping me out." He whispered in my ear.

"I bet they are..." I huffed under my breath.

He chuckled "What was that?"

"Nothing." I looked away.

"Can you be my girlfriend for tonight?"

Wait....what...his girlfriend? Me?!! It's just for tonight right? Hehehe...is he serious.

"Are you serious?" I slowly pulled away.

"Yes. I've never been to school before. I've been home schooled my whole life. And I don't want girls to jump on me for my looks. It's not something I'm looking forward to...so...would you please be my girlfriend. Just for tonight." He suddenly let go of my hands.

"sure...I'll gladly be your girlfriend. Just for Tonight." I narrowed my eyes at him.

He laughed, "Haha, yes. Just for tonight."

"Well, let's go have fun." I cheered, grabbing his arm pulling him to the dance floor.

It was crazy. I've never been so energetic like this before. People were dancing, the DJ played the best tracks as well. I was dancing to the beat. Laughing and jumping around with the crowd. I heard Adrien laugh ever so often. It made me feel warm inside. I got to be Adrien's girlfriend for tonight. Well, I've been his girlfriend before. But let's not jump into that right now. Now it's time to let go of all those thoughts and be free. (A.N. let it go! Let it go Marinette!)

I felt someone wrap around their arms around my waist. I leaned my head on their shoulder. Having no clue who was behind me. Rubbing each other's bodies. Until it hit me. What on earth was I doing. I pulled away from his hold. And I saw an unfamiliar face.

It was a red heard boy with dark green eyes. He had a huge smirk on his face. It was so weird I felt a tug in my stomach.

"I'm sorry! I thought you were someone else!" I apologized nervously.

"It's fine baby girl, I saw you from a corner. You have moves I'll say."

Who is he calling baby girl. Oh no. This is war. I'm not your girl.


"Is something wrong in here?" Adrien came from behind glaring at the red haired.

"It's nothing babe." I grabbed his arm trying to keep him away from the...you know...the boy. Did I just call him "babe"? I flushed at the thought.

"Well, in that case...get lost kid." He demanded. Oh shit. Is he mad?

"I didn't know she was your girl bro, sorry about that. My name's Nathanaël, but you can call me Nathan." He let his hand out which Adrien refused to take. I took it.

"Marinette, nice meeting you."

We shook hands and let him leave. But...why was Adrien mad. Did he happen to be jealous? No. I doubt that. It's just acting.

"Is everything ok?" He grabbed my shoulders and turned my body to face him.

"Everything's fine." I cupped his cheeks with my hands. We heard some awes and ohhs in the room. We both blushed deep red. I think this went somewhere we didn't want it to go. I slipped my hands away.

"I'm sorry..." I whispered.

"It's fine, that should keep them hoes away." I laughed at his description.

"Want to go get a drink?" I pointed out to the table with cups.

"Sure, but be careful. Maybe one of them is poisoned." I punched him on his arm, and laughed.

"I'm just kidding!" He rubbed the pain away from his shoulders. I shook my head and smiled.

We walked to the table where they were serving fruit punch. I saw some beers and shots in the table too. I wanted to take one but I knew Adrien would snap them away. So I carefully grabbed a beer and snuck it behind my back.

"What do you want Marinette?" He looked at me, then down at my hands. He tried to see what I saw hiding and I moved to the side.

I stared coughing and said "Nothing! What do you want?"

"Hmm..I'll get a beer." He narrowed his eyes.

"Oh ok then, I got a beer too." I took the beer from behind my back and took a sip from it, but then Adrien snapped it away!

"Why! I was drinking that?" I whined.

"You're under age, first years like you get only non-alcohol drinks in parties like this." He said as he handed me a glass of punch.

I took it and signed at the boring drink. It showed sadness. Poor drink.

He shook his head with a laugh "Hahaha! Let's go, you're making this things seem worse than how they should."

"I was trying to have fun Adrien!" I corrected him.

"Is that your definition of "fun" He grinned.

"Maybe?" I took a sip of my drink.

"Let's go home then, you had enough fun for today young lady."

"Ok..." I placed my drink on the table, and walked outside with Adrien. We held hands. Just to make it official for the others. That Adrien is Taken Bitch!!
Back off ....

Adrien is freaking blind..

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