p r o p e r t y

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Marinette's POV

I don't know if I should be mad at Adrien. But then again I brought him down to kiss me. Or did I kiss him. Aughhh. The crippling depression!

I missed the touch of his lips on these last couple years. They were soft as ever. That I'd like to kiss them again.


Don't let Adrien A-grass-te be a distraction this semester.

I walked inside my class and sat on the first row. I've learned that being in the front keeps you from lurking around.

I took out my laptop and journal along with a pen to take down notes. I settled my myself in place. And waited for the professor to arrive.

Minutes past and more students were coming in. Non of them sitting by my side. Not that it bothers me. But I'm okay with having a partner.

On a split second there was a loud scream. Everyone was anticipated by the sudden outburst. I stood up and looked at the direction I heard the scream coming from.

"Oh My God! It's Adrien Agreste! He attends this campus?!?!" A girl from the hall way squealed with excitement.

I ran outside the class and saw Adrien surrounded by girls. Most of them trying to touch him.

Rage stung my body.
My breathing getting heavy. My blood boiling inside. My hands turning to fists. My feet moving to the direction, where my enemies surrounded my property.

I ran all the way up to the crowd. And pushed all the girls aside through the crowd. Until I stood in front of Adrien. Adrien looking quite horrified.


All the fangirls/girls blinked a couple of times, then came back to the situation.

"Ha! That can't be true, a guy like Adrien wouldn't date a simple ordinary girl like you." someone from the crowd shouted.

"I rather date a simple ordinary girl, then to date a bunch of FAKE Barbie dolls." Adrien spoke, making everyone gasp in defeat.

"We'll see about 'that' Agreste." The girl from earlier responded marching herself to class.

I looked up at Adrien, who was as surprised as me. He then mumbled, "Thanks, let's talk at lunch. Go back to class, I'll manage to get through the day."

I nodded and walked back to class. Looking behind me every second, making sure he makes it to class without any interruptions.

I walked inside, everyone staring at me. Good thing the professor isn't here yet.

After a second or two, people started clapping. I turned around and saw someone walking up to me.

"Look at you girl! You're dating the famous fashion model Adrien Agreste. But only did you defend him as your property." A girl with hombre hair cheered.

"Y-yeah...I guess you can say that." I beamed shyly.

"Welcome to U of P. Where every asshole can be found." She sarcastically laughed.

"Can't argue with that." I mumbled.

"What was that."

"Nothing. Just the girls from earlier." I twirled curls in my hair.

"They're the ummm...supposedly the diva club. Which to me it sounds ridiculous and out of their league."

"Yeah, but the girl with reddish hair and blondy...who are the-"

"Morning Class, sorry for the delay there was some traffic going on." The professor bursted in interrupting me.

"Let's talk later." she stated.

"What's your name?" I asked while turning on my laptop.

"Alya, but you can call me Al." She winked and sat on her seat.

"Alya, nice name." I thought.

In a matter of seconds, someone walks into class. He had red hair. So red that I'll confuse it with a tomato. His eyes stand out on his face. Making it the only thing that would catch anyone's attention. Well at least me. I waited for him to take a seat. Then he caught me staring at him. I quickly looked back at my screen from my laptop.

"Hey, is anyone sitting there?" I heard a masculine voice.

I glanced at who was standing and saw the tomato.

"Ummm, no tomato, I mean! No one's sitting there." I faked a smile. Earning a chuckle from him.

He sat next to me and took his materials out. He smelled so good. I wonder what perfume he uses, or shampoo.

I scratched that thought away and listened to the professor's orders.

After all, I'm dating Adrien. When we're in campus.....

I am super sorry for not updating. Harvey came here in Houston and it was just a matter of time for everyone to heal physically and emotionally. Like everyone, school started and being active will be a challenge for me. But I'll try to keep updating. Cuz this book is coming out ok.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2017 ⏰

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