Chapter 2 -Paranormal Activity-

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A cold breeze flew into Addison's room the next morning. Addison woke up to her room freezing, and her bedroom a mess. All her books on her shelf were scattered all across the floor. Her closet door was wide open with her clothes all dropped in a large heap on the ground. Her blue curtains had large tears in them and the cold breeze had seemed to come from her window for it was wide open and the wind was flying in. Addison immediately shut the window, then she got a better look at her room, which was messed up. She had no idea what to think of this. Addison rubbed her sleepy eyes, blinked a few times and glanced around again. Everything seemed to be the same.

Then Addison remembered what happened last night. She remembered what she'd said to Charlotte and immediately assumed her. Addison crawled outta bed and left her room and into the small living room where she found her sister past out on the couch.

"Charlotte!" She yelled.

Immediately her sister sat up. Her long blonde hair fell in front of her face as she sat up. Charlotte lifted her hair away from her face and glared at Addison.

"You gave me a freaking heart attack, idiot!" Charlotte yelled.

Addison rolled her eyes and crossed her arms to hint off she was unhappy.
Her little hint worked and Charlotte asked, grumpily, "Why are you so ticked. You're the one that scared me!"

"What the heck did you do to my room!" Addison immediately answered with a very strong yell.

"I didn't do anything to your room!" Charlotte yelled back.

"Oh okay, my room just magically became a pig sty," Addison added sarcastically nodding her head.

Charlotte stood up from the couch and stormed past Addison, towards her room. Addison followed. When Charlotte entered she stopped in the doorway and glanced around the messy room.

"I didn't do this." Charlotte sternly said.

Addison stepped to her side. Addison felt so much hate for Charlotte. She had never gotten along with her, when she found out she had to live with Charlotte after her parents past away, Addison got more hatred for Charlotte, because she's been rude since never showed compassion or love.

"Then who did? Wyatt would never." Addison said.

Charlotte shrugged her shoulders, "Well, you figure out your little problem. I'm gonna go get me breakfast."

Addison scowled at Charlotte as she walked off down the hall. Addison looked back at her messy room. She stood still in her doorway looking around it. She still couldn't find out what happened to her room, but she still had a strong feeling it was Charlotte. As Addison went into her room she heard something. The noise was quick, like scratching against her gray painted walls but she couldn't see the source it was coming from. She then heard thumping against her walls, yet she couldn't see the source of the sound. Addison's heart leaped when she saw something large scurry from the corner of her eye and under her bed.

"Hello?" Addison called quietly, "Who's there?"

There was no answer just more scratching but this time under her bed. Addison stepped backward, towards her doorway. Addison turned around to leave her room when something hit her hard in the back of the head. Addison grasped her head and spun around to face her room again, and to see what had hit her. She looked down at her feet to see her favorite book lying in front of her. Addison bent down an picked it up.

"What the h-" Addison began but was cut off by Charlotte yelling her name.

Addison dropped the book again and turned around and left her room. Strange things were happening. What had messed up her room if Charlotte hadn't and how did her book get to her? Addison entered the small kitchen where Charlotte was holding a pan of eggs.

"Come eat now. I have to get to work in thirty minutes." Charlotte said, "Wake up Wyatt in an hour."

Addison nodded as she sat herself down at the small wooden table. Charlotte sat down a plate of eggs in front of Addison. Charlotte ran from the kitchen and Addison heard the apartment door slam as Charlotte left the home. Addison sat at the table for a few seconds, listening to make sure Charlotte was actually gone. When she was sure Addison pushed back her chair and ran back to her bedroom and when she entered she beheld something that made her jaw drop. The book she had dropped was floating in the air as if someone was carrying it. The book floated over and back to its rightful place on the shelf. Addison was too distracted from the book she never noticed her room was spotless. Everything was picked up and looked better than before. Addison glanced over at her bed, which was now made, and noticed her blankets were sunken down in two places, with the outline and footprints as if someone was standing there but no one was to be seen. Addison slowly approached her bed and reached out to place her hand on the footprints but before she could set her hand down her window above the head of her bed swung open and the footprints disappeared. Addison could hear scurrying down the side of the apartment as the invisible thing climbed down the apartment like a spider. Addison jumped onto her bed and looked down at the street below. As her eyes rapidly looked around the street for the figure she saw a trash bin get knocked over, it crashed to the concrete and trash scattered across the sidewalk.

Addison sighed and slowly shut her window. She fell down backward onto her bed and let out a long sigh. What the heck was in her room and what was it here for?

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