Chapter 6 -Crash Landing-

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Grimm suddenly grabbed Addison's wrist. Addison gasped at her sudden movement.

"Come on," Grimm groaned as she started to pull Addison towards a mini set of stairs in the center of the room, "I haven't showed you all of Big Daddy!"

Addison laughed and followed Grimm down the set of stairs, down under the cockpit was a room with five stained memory foam mattresses. Addison raised an eyebrow as she looked around the room. Blankets and pillows were scattered all across the room, making a large mess.

Grimm had noticed Addison confused face and smiled slightly.

"Oh come on. We need somewhere to sleep." Grimm said as she walked over to one mattress that was against the back of the wall, "This is yours and that ones mine." She pointed to another mattress next to Addison's.

Addison walked over to hers and looked down at it. Her expression immediately changed to disgust. The mattress had orange and black stains on it with holes, ginger dog hair coated it also, obviously from Starla.

"That use to be Candaler's." Grimm said when she noticed Addison's face.

Addison looked up at Grimm, "He use to be part of The Outcasts?"

Grimm nodded, "Ya, he only joined because Andrew was in it, he really wasn't a," Grimm paused, "outcasts..."

"Why did he leave?" Addison asked.

Grimm sighed, "I don't know. One day he just disappeared, only one person knows where he went and he won't tell."

Addison tilted her head, "Who?"

"Andrew..." Grimm whispered.

Addison took a deep breath, "Oh."

After a long awkward silence Grimm straightened herself and smiled.

"Well enough with that." She began, "We can fix that." Grimm motioned the the nasty mattress.

Grimm spun around and grabbed a navy blue wool blanket off her bed and sat it down on Addison's and it covered up everything. Grimm smiled and put her hands on her hips

"Well, that should do it." Grimm gladly said.

Addison and Grimm returned back up the stairs and they noticed Andrew and Rocco flipping switches and pushing buttons violently, they seemed as if they were in a panic.

"Uhh...guys..." Grimm began nervously. "What's going on."

Danez was standing behind Andrew and Rocco with his arms crossed. He didn't seemed worried at all. He had a blank expression. He turned around and faced the two girls.

"The engine gave out..." Danez calmly said.

Grimm's eyes widened and so did Addison's.

"Well that's just dandy!!!" Grimm yelled throwing her arms in the air.

Addison began fearing.

"What? What does he mean the engine gave out...?" Addison asked with worry in her voice.

Grimm spun around and gave Addison an expression that read, "Are you serious?"

"It means the engine went out, duh!" Grimm yelled, "It stopped working!"

Addison glanced over at Andrew and Rocco again. She could hear Rocco and Andrew arguing.

"Come on, we can land at Filtio. It's the closest planet we've got!!" Rocco yelled at Andrew.

"Are you nuts!? You know how territorial the Filtos are! They'll eat us alive! We have better luck of surviving if we go to Yekerta!" Andrew responded angrily.

"It's farther away though!!" Rocco said.

Suddenly there was a loud burst that shook they entire ship. Addison and Grimm fell over with a loud bang into the steel flooring.

"We must go to Filtio!" Rocco yelled, "Or we'll blow!"

Andrew let out a long groan and then suddenly steered the ship sharply to the left.


There was another loud bang and Addison quickly covered her ears. Danez was still standing upright, calmly staring out the front window as a forest green planet came into view.

The whole ship was shuttering and Andrew and Rocco steered the old spaceship downwards towards the planet, Filtio. As they came closer and closer Addison saw that the entire planet was covered in trees and plants. It was one giant rainforest!

"Whoa..." Addison quietly said to herself.

The large plant rushed closer and closer as the trees became more visible  Addison could've sworn she saw a strange creature staring straight at her. It's eyes fixed on her, but it moved away so fast she couldn't get a good glimpse.

"Get ready for a rough landing!!!" Andrew yelled his knuckles turning white from his tight grip on the steering wheel.

Suddenly Addison felt someone's large bulky arm wrap around her waist and hold her tight as the ship came to a hard crash and Addison flew out of the mans grasp and slid across the steel ground with a large bang.

Addison lifted her head with a groan and saw a pair of large boots in her eye level. She glanced up to see Danez with his arm stretched out towards her. Addison took his hand and he helped her up.

"Thanks, Danez." Addison told him.

Danez quickly shot Addison a short smile and then it faded quickly back to his normal blank expression.

Addison looked around the ship. Grimm was knocked out of the ground next to a shattered window. Andrew was trembling as he helped Rocco off the ground and was holding Starla by the vest. Addison slowly walked over to Grimm.

"Grimm?" Addison slowly asked as she placed a hand on her shoulder.

Grimm let out a quiet groan. And rolled over. Grimm grasped her head.

"Ugh, what happened..." Grimm moaned.

"Uh, well, the ship crashed..." Addison tried to explain.

"Not again..." Grimm said as she sat up to a sitting position.

"Again?" Addison raised an eyebrow.

"Ya, again, this is the third time!" Grimm responded standing up and rubbed her arm, that had a large cut down it.

"Oh, wow..." Addison muttered.

"Addison!" Addison heard Andrew call her name. "Are you okay!?"

Addison turned around and faced Andrew and nodded.

"Oh wow, okay." Grimm gasped, "What about me! I was just knocked out!!!"

Andrew gave Grimm a glare, "Your fine, you heal quickly!"

Addison looked over her shoulder and noticed the large cut was already healing. It was like magic.

"Wow." Addison whispered to herself.

"Addison come here," Andrew said grabbing her wrist again and dragging her towards a small cabinet, "Your head is bleeding."

Now that she thought about it Addison noticed how much pain she was actually feeling. Her head was stinging and ringing and her entire body was trembling.

"Here sit." Andrew pulled down a table that folded up from the wall.

Addison pushed herself up onto the table. Andrew pulled out a strange blue glowing liquid. He also pulled out a white cloth from the cabinet and dabbed some of the strange liquid onto it. He began to dab the cloth on her cut on her forehead.

"Sorry 'bout this." Andrew said as he pressed a small bandage onto her cut.

"It's okay, we all get our bumps and bruises." Addison replied with a smile.

Andrew smiled back and put away the first aid stuff. Addison hopped off the table and put it back up into the wall.

Andrew sighed and put his hands on his hips.

"Now we just gotta find out how we're gonna survive on this planet..."

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