Deep Thoughts & Raccoons

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Aj Lee's POV*

"Stop the wedding!"

And there he stood.

Dean Ambrose.

The day of my wedding, I was going to marry Aj Styles. Keyword was.. When Dean showed up, everything changed. It was different. And here's what happened after he showed up...

"Dean? What the hell?" I looked at him with a confused look on my face.

"Just listen. That man is about to ask if anybody has any objections, well you know what? I fucking object! I wasn't gonna come here today, but Roman over here convinced me. Its been three years since I've seen any of you, I know I disappeared, but I'm here now. And this all may sound a bit weird but.. April Jennette Mendez, I love you. I told you three years ago that I was going to set you free, and everyday for three years I sat at home looking at the pictures of us and remembering every little thing about us. We weren't perfect, and I guarantee that coming here today might have been a huge mistake. But I really need you to know.. Not for one second have I ever stopped thinking about you and not for one second have I ever stopped loving you. I don't expect you to take me back but I made the biggest mistake of my life leaving you... And also, I just got chased by an angry raccoon just to come take a chance and it may be here right now, specially under that table right there." He stated, pointing to the raccoon under the table.

Damn that thing looks mad.. But that was beside the point.. Dean, he's.. He's here. It was true, I haven't seen Dean since the day we found out Sasha's scheme. After that he left, he didn't show up at work, he changed his numbers, moved into some apartment and only ever saw Roman. He disappeared so I could be happy.

"D-Dean.. I.." I started to say.

"You don't get to come in here and interrupt my wedding, man. Last I checked, you weren't invited, you need to stop messing with April's emotions." Aj stepped in.

I frowned, "Dean I waited three years for you to come find me and tell me how you really felt. You disappeared out of no where, why? So I can be happy. Well I was happy with you. I was always happy with you. I made a mistake and I didn't blame you for getting mad, but even after that you were still so fucking irresistible. And you know what? I hated those three years because I couldn't see you. I didn't know if you were okay or not, I thought something terrible happened to you. You're right, we were never perfect but that's what made us.. Well us. Aj I'm sorry, but I can't marry you. And Dean I'm sorry but I can't be with you.. I need time. I just.. I can't do this anymore."

I started to walk away but I realized that there was still a furious raccoon right in front of me and if I moved then I would get attacked.

"I'll take care of the raccoon. You wanna be alone. Go." Dean spoke softly.

I shook my head before running off.

Where was I going?

No idea.

Dean Ambrose's POV*

After she took off I had to grab the raccoon which was a horrible mistake because it attacked me. I was fighting off a raccoon while everybody was standing there, wondering what the hell just happened.

Fuck off you dumb raccoon!

I picked it up and threw it off me. I took off running as it chased me.

Aj Styles' POV*

"I know you probably feel like crap right now, but just know that you will find someone, its not April. You don't know the whole story with her and Dean. They have a too complicated relationship to keep up with and they always seem to find their way back to each other. I'm sorry for what happened today, I hope you can understand." Roman was saying to me.

"I was about to marry the girl I loved and she left me for someone who disappeared for three damn years without saying a word. If you wouldn't have convinced Dean to come here, I'd have the girl of my dreams. Fuck you." I got up and walked away.

Dean and Roman will pay for this.

Aj Lee's POV*

I ran off into the woods and ended up breaking down in tears. Why does this always happen?! What the hell have I ever done to deserve this. I love Aj. I love Dean.. This is too much for me to handle. What am I gonna do?

A million different thoughts were swarming through my head to the point where I didn't know what to feel. I was mad at Dean because he left for three years without saying a word to me or anybody except for Roman, I was sad because I had just broke off a wedding with someone who I love, and I was stupid for sitting in the middle of the woods alone because I didn't wanna deal with my problems.

"Aj.." A voice sounded.

I looked up to see Paige standing there.

"Hi." Was about all I could manage to actually say.

"What just happened out there?" She asked, sitting down next to me.

I sighed, "I don't know.."

"Come here." She wrapped her arms around me and gave me a hug.

It took a minute but I gave into the hug and started crying again.

What the hell is happening to me?

Hey guys! I'm back!! Well its literally been one day since I've finished Something To Fight For, but... Hiiiiiiiii

Alright so I mentioned this in the description but I honestly don't know if everybody saw it or not. If you did NOT read Twisted and Something To Fight For then you need to, Twisted was the first book of the series and then Something To Fight For and now this. If you did not read those, you will most likely be very confused because take this chapter for an example, its based on the previous events from Something To Fight For.

I love you guys

~Ashley xx

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