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"Campers, today's challenge will test your outdoor survival skill. I'm not going to lie to you, some of you may not come back alive." My eyes widened as the sentence left Chris's mouth.

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"Just joking." I breathed a breath of relief. "All you have to do I spend one night out in the forest. Everything you need is at your team's campsite in the forest." I nodded but immediately knew there was a catch. "You just have to find it," Chris added, throwing a map to Heather for her team and one to Duncan, for our team as well as a compass. "Oh, and watch out for bears. Lost a couple of interns in preproduction." My eyes widened as fear coursed through me. "First team back before breakfast wins invincibility." He then blew a horn and told us to get going. Owen then told us how he is a bear hunting expert and has a bear head on his wall.

As we walked through the forest, trying to look for our tent, I stayed close to DJ and Geoff, scared. We were all quiet as we followed Courtney, who had the map and the compass, the only one who knew how to find things and such.

 We were all quiet as we followed Courtney, who had the map and the compass, the only one who knew how to find things and such

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We were putting our tent together when I heard Geoff trying to flirt with Bridgette but ended up sounding really stupid. I winced slightly before I heard DJ yell.

"Guys! Look what I found!" I turned my head to see a cute little grey bunny in DJ's arm.

"Well, I've never had rabbit stew before but whatever, I'm game." My eyes widened as I ran over in protest, grabbing the bunny and hugging it to my chest.

"You can't eat it!" I yelled, glaring at Duncan before turning around, petting the little rabbit DJ named Bunny.

"What? You couldn't find any food?" Courtney sighed. "Then it looks like we have to eat grub and berries."

"Has anyone seen tweedle dumb and tweedle idiot?" I looked around and realised that the two BFFs were in fact not here.

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