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Welcome back, fellow wattpadians... to the second book of 'Wattpad's Best Books'...

...because one book isn't enough for all the talent on wattpad.

If you don't know, I have book one of this on my profile. If you want to go thru that first, then come back, I don't mind.

 But if you want to head into this 2017 version, then feel free. 

However, if you read my old recommendations' book, then please know that there will be a different system in this book and you will soon find out what that means.

Also, I'd like to point out the fact that I don't take requests to put your book in this book...

...but I do accept recommendations of other authors' books that you think deserve to be in here.

All you have to do is PM me.

Anyways, I hope you find your wattpad favorites from this book and I hope you enjoy!

- Dilsa :)

Wattpad's BEST Books - BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now