One || Couch Cushions

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To all of the guests at the host club, it was just another regular day of talking with the host club boys (and Haruhi), eating cakes and sweets, drinking tea and instant coffee, but what the ladies didn't know was that in the back, on a spare couch, an English transfer student lay asleep, waiting for the club hours to be over so he could  go over to the Hitachiin's and work on a group project with the twins and Haruhi.

While entertaining the ladies, Kaoru Hitachiin couldn't help but think about Maverick McMasters, the English transfer student, who was sure to be asleep in the back room by now. Although Maverick had only been in Japan for about three weeks, and had only been at school for a full week, Kaoru felt a connection with Maverick, one he had never felt with anyone before; a connection that ran deep, almost as deep as the one he shared with his brother, though this one felt very different. He was worried about him, and he cared about him, even if they had only known each other for a short while.

When the club hours were over, Kaoru went into the back room to wake Maverick. The Brit was coaxed up by Kaoru and was then convinced to help the club clean up.

After helping to clean up, the four second-years headed out to the car that was waiting to pick them up. As the four of them had most of their classes together, they all knew each other in an academic sense, but personality wise, the three hosts didn't know Maverick all that much. Kaoru knew more that the other two as they also had French together (unlike Hikaru and Haruhi who weren't taking a foreign language), and were also paired up in a French project, Haruhi was curious about Maverick; it wasn't very often that people transfer to Ouran academy, especially from out of the country, and in the second year of high school.
"So, Maverick, how long have you been in Japan?" She asked innocently from the other side of the seats as she was on one side next to Hikaru who sat next to Kaoru who Maverick was seated beside.
"Almost a month." Maverick replied, having to think a little before he answered.
"And you're from England, right?" Hikaru added, also curious about the mysterious transfer student.
"I was born and raised there, but my family moved to America when I was about nine." Maverick answered; he seemed to be an open book so far.
"How big is your family?" Kaoru asked, a small smile on his face, looking up at him.
"Well, I live with my brother, and our care-taker." He replied, and although he was truthful about his current situation, his half-brother was moving in with them on Sunday, he obviously didn't want to say anything more on the matter. There wasn't long left in the ride, so the conversation stopped there about Maverick's personal life and moved on to talking about the project. They discussed how they were going to divide up the work, doing their best to play to everyone's strengths.

The four of them had worked out who was going to do what for their project, then got started on their parts once they were all sitting in the living room of the Hitachiin's manor. The four of them worked, mostly in silence on their respective parts of the project only speaking to compare or ask for clarification.
They took a break in the middle of their session, all of them getting a little snack-ish. Maverick offered to make tea.
"We have people for that." Hikaru replied as if it were obvious.
"I know, but I like making tea." Maverick replied, standing. "Which way to the kitchen?"
Kaoru also stood up. "I'll show you." He replied and lead Maverick to the kitchen. Maverick made the tea, humming as he did so. Kaoru watched, smiling, directing Maverick when he didn't know where something was. Though he would never admit it, sometimes Kaoru would sneak into the kitchen to make something while everyone was asleep or away - it didn't happen often, but when it did, it made Kaoru feel really accomplished and self-sufficient. He knew that his twin would never understand, so he kept it to himself. The tea was finished in just under ten minutes, then Maverick and Kaoru brought it back to the living room. One of the Hitachiin's maids served cookies shortly there after. When they had finished their tea and cookies, the second years got back to work on their project.
They were nearing the end of their session when Maverick got a text. He glanced over at his phone and immediately started to pack up his things rather hastily.
"I'm really sorry, I have to go." Maverick said, not even bothering to look at the others.
"Can't it wait, we're almost finished?" Hikaru asked, rolling his eyes, getting a little upset with the new kid.
"It's my brother, if it wasn't an emergency, I would stay." Maverick snapped back pulling his backpack onto his shoulder and called his driver as he quickly headed out of the house. Kaoru followed him, having to jog a little to catch up to him, wanting to make sure that he was okay and that he wasn't going to get lost going through the house.
"Maverick." Kaoru called after him, placing a hand on his shoulder. Maverick looked scared, he hung up his phone, the driver was on his way. "Do you want to tell me what's going on while we wait?" Kaoru asked, not wanting to leave Maverick alone in this state. Maverick took in a shaky breath.
"My brother has mental health ... problems, and sometimes our care-taker can't calm him down if he has a panic attack, or goes into a frenzy, this is one of those times." Maverick replied, rubbing his hands together nervously. Kaoru wasn't quite sure what all of that meant, or how to help him, but he was determined to stay with Maverick until his car came around. Kaoru gently rubbed his back, comforting him. Maverick relaxed a little at Kaoru's comforting touch.
"I'm sure your brother is going to be just fine." Kaoru assured him.
Maverick nodded a little. "I just can't help but worry about him, you know?" He replied.
Kaoru nodded. "If Hikaru was sick, I would be worried about him too."
Maverick smiled a little and gently leaned against Kaoru. "I've been worrying more about Matthew than I have about myself for eight years, and it never gets easier."
Kaoru continued to rub his back. "Is Matthew your brother?" Kaoru asked. Maverick nodded. "Matthew is really lucky to have a big brother who worries so much about him." Kaoru said, smiling a little at Maverick who gave him a small smile back. The two stood on the steps, waiting.
When his driver came, Maverick gave Kaoru a smile, thanked him, and got in the car to go calm his brother down. It wasn't until the car was out of sight that Kaoru realized he wanted Maverick back, and to be near him again, something he had only ever felt for Hikaru before. It was weird.

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