Eleven || Five Fright Nights

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In the lead up to halloween, Maverick asked the rest of the host club what usually happened around this holiday, as it was his favourite.
"The host club usually dresses up, but other than that, nothing special." Kyoya answered.
"Each class usually sponsors something." Kaoru explained further.
"I think that the Host Club should host something this year." Maverick replied, saying what he was implying by his first question to the club as the meeting began.
"I think that's a wonderful idea." Tamaki said, seconding Maverick's proposal.
"What did you have in mind, Mav?" Kaoru asked, wanting to be on board with his boyfriend, but wanting details first.
Maverick smiled. "I'm glad you asked, Kao." Maverick replied and paused for dramatic effect. "I was thinking, five nights of frights" He paused again, gauging the club's reactions to his idea. "I know that Halloween is on Thursday, and that Friday November first would be the last 'fright night', but still." He added when Hikaru opened his mouth.
Kaoru shrugged. "Sounds cool, I'm in." Kaoru replied, smiling at his boyfriend. Maverick beamed.
"What would these 'fright nights' consist of?" Kyoya asked; Maverick knew he would be the hardest to convince.
"I was thinking that we could host scary game nights. We could have stations with different scary games like FNAF, Bendy, Until Dawn, The Last Of Us, Men of Medan, Trivia Murder Party, different hosts could play different games, and the ladies could choose what games they want to watch or who they want to watch play." Maverick explained; his pitch was rather good, he just hoped that the others would go for it.
By the end of the meeting, Maverick had convinced Kyoya to look into the games he had suggested, saying that he would get back to him after he saw if he could talk the AV club into lending them some equipment, though everyone else seemed to be on board, if they could get the equipment.

At the next meeting, Kyoya had come back saying that the AV club could lend them the TVs and computer screens, and would help them hook everything up, but that the club would have to provide the consoles, controllers, and games if they wanted to play. Maverick said that that was no problem, he'd even talked to Kaoru about borrowing their PlayStation4 for that week, and he had all the games already.

Maverick assigned all the games to each host as he knew them all the best.
Tamaki was going to play Five Nights At Freddy's, Maverick didn't think he would get through the first one, but if he did, Maverick had the second and third one set up on the same computer.
Kyoya was hosting Trivia Murder Party.
Haruhi was playing Bendy and the Ink Machine, and if she finished that, which Maverick thought was probable, she could start The Last of Us.
Hikaru was playing Until Dawn.
Kaoru and Maverick were playing Men of Medan, as that one could be cooperative.

The AV club came in the Friday before their Fright Nights, Maverick helped them set everything up as the other hosts set up the couches, chairs, blankets, and decorated.
Once a station was set up by the AV club, Maverick would check to make sure that the game worked, and that everything was synced properly, he would then show the respective host where they would be playing and a short explanation of the game as well as how to start it up.

After everything was set up and working properly, the AV club left. Maverick then started to help the other hosts set things up, like decorations, and even checked their costumes for the week with Renge. Eventually, Maverick all but collapsed on one of the couches when Tamaki suggested that they take a little break. Kaoru sat next to Maverick.
"More work than you thought it would be?" Kaoru asked teasingly.
Maverick chuckled. "No, just hard work and a lot of back and forth." He replied and smiled at the ginger boy whom he had fallen so hard for.
Kaoru chuckled lightly at his answer. "Fair enough." They smiled at each other.
After their break, the hosts finished what they were all working on and went home.

-- NIGHT 1 --
The twins' mother made each host 5 costumes for the five different fright nights. Tamaki suggested that they all play off of a theme for each night. The first night's theme was undead. Tamaki was a vampire, Kyoya was a mummy, Haruhi was a skeleton, the twins were zombies, and Maverick decided to be something that couldn't be dead, an immortal. He had talked to the twins' mother about making him a costume that had different pieces from different periods of time.
After all the hosts got to the club room, they all booted up the games as the ladies started to arrive. Near the door, Maverick had made a small, simple map that showed where each host was and what game they would be playing. Next to the map, Maverick had typed up a short description for each game so that the ladies could pick either a host or a game and would know what kind of thing to expect.
As the ladies filed in, Maverick and Kaoru were picking characters. They sat rather close to each other as they had to pass the controller back and forth.
All of the Host Club members started to play their games; Maverick laughed every time that Tamaki got jump-scared as he actually jumped and screamed, every time. Kaoru smiled a little when Maverick laughed. Tamaki celebrated loudly when he got passed night one.

-- NIGHT 2 --
For day 2, the theme was classic/common horror characters. Tamaki was a werewolf, Kyoya was Dracula, Haruhi was a witch, the twins were Frankenstein and Frankenstein's Monster (Adam), and Maverick was Beetlejuice (a cult CLASSIC).
Kyoya seemed to be a little more popular than usual - probably because his game was interactive. Hikaru was the second most popular this week as his game was also partially interactive in that the ladies were making a lot of the decisions for how the game was proceeding. Tamaki was usually the most popular, so it wasn't a surprise that he had a lot of girls watching him freak out over animatronics. He also got through two more nights, which meant that he was almost done the first game.

-- NIGHT 3 --
For day 3, the theme was not humanoid, so nothing that too closely resembled a human. Tamaki was a lion, Kyoya was a robot (which Maverick thought wasn't too off from real life), Haruhi was a mouse, the twins were bears, and Maverick a dragon.
Maverick and Kaoru were making really good headway on Men of Medan, and so far, they had kept everyone alive. Haruhi finished Bendy and the Ink Machine at the end of hosting hours, so she and Maverick stayed a little late to set up The Last of Us.

— NIGHT 4 —
Day 4 was supernatural/paranormal. Tamaki was a glorified sheet-ghost, Kyoya was a demon, Haruhi was a poltergeist, and the twins and Maverick were Sam, Dean, and Castiel from the tv show Supernatural.
Haruhi started The Last of Us, Tamaki finished the first Five Nights at Freddy's game, and Maverick and Kaoru finished the first version of Men of Medan, starting the alternate route.

— NIGHT 5 —
The last day was a group costume that Maverick all but begged them to do - they were all themselves, but if they were wizards in the Harry Potter universe and went to Hogwarts. Maverick helped them all to figure out their houses. Tamaki a Griffindor, Kyoya and Haruhi Ravenclaws, Kaoru a Hufflepuff, and Hikaru and Maverick Slytherins.
The last night was really fun for all of the hosts. Haruhi couldn't finish her game, but promised that she would eventually in the coming weeks.

All of the hosts liked getting to lay back and play games for a week, and really just be themselves rather than their Host Club persona. It was lucrative for Kyoya too, and they had an increase in customers that week. As the hosts cleaned up, and the AV club helped to disconnect the systems, Maverick brought up the idea of having a gaming corner at the Ouran Fair at the end of the school year, and Kyoya said that he would take it into consideration.

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