Three || Confusing Kyoya

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"Before we proceed with this meeting, I would like to propose that we start making decisions as a group, a majority rule, and if there's a draw, as president, Tamaki gets the final decision." Kyoya proposed, if Tamaki agreed, then Kaoru would have to convince at least two other club members to let Maverick join the club, and considering how tight-knit the club was and how Tamaki saw them all as a family, it could be harder than he initially thought.
"I think that's a wonderful idea!" Tamaki replied over-dramatically, but then again, when was he ever not over-dramatic. "Families need to make decisions together!"
"Kaoru, you had something you wanted to talk about?" Kyoya asked, looking up from his laptop where he was making notes from the meeting.
Kaoru nodded. "We all know that Honey and Mori graduated at the end of the year, and I propose that Maverick join the club." Kaoru let it sink in a little for the other hosts. Kyoya started typing away on his laptop. Kaoru wondered what he was looking for, until he looked confused. Of course, Kyoya was looking Maverick up, seeing if he would be right for the club.
"Curious." Kyoya said, sitting back. The whole club wondered what on earth could stump Kyoya Ootori.
"What is it Kyoya-senpai?" Haruhi asked; she always asked what no one else wanted to.
"I can't find any information on Maverick preceding his move to Japan." Kyoya replied. "Just his school records, and those of his younger siblings, but it's just their transcripts and grades, their previous schools are sealed, as are previous addresses, medical records, and files on their parents."
"Siblings?" Hikaru asked, emphasizing the second 's'. "I thought he had one brother."
"He has two." Kyoya corrected, pushing up his glasses.
"What does this have to do with him joining the club?" Kaoru piped up. "He's a transfer student from England."

The club deliberated for about 5 more minutes, but ultimately decided to let Maverick join, and after the meeting, Kaoru texted Maverick to let him know, Maverick seemed excited, but it was hard to really tell over text. Maverick also seemed kinda distracted, but again, it was hard to tell over text.

In class the next morning, Maverick was in the classroom when the twins, and Haruhi arrived. Hikaru and Haruhi were having a conversation, Haruhi sat down, Hikaru leaning on her desk as their conversation continued. Kaoru started a conversation with Maverick; it was something that had been bothering him since the meeting yesterday.
"How come you never told me you have another brother?" Kaoru asked, leaning against the wall next to Maverick's desk, crossing his arms over his chest loosely. Maverick looked up from his computer and over towards Kaoru.
"Because I don't." Maverick replied. "Martin is my half-brother, and he only just moved here on Sunday, so I never lied to you, you were just never told the whole truth because frankly it doesn't really concern you." Kaoru was slightly taken aback by Maverick slightly hostile demeanour. "How do you even know about Martin? I've never mentioned him to anyone at this school."
Kaoru wasn't sure how to answer that. "Kyoya." Kaoru replied. "He can find things out about people, he had his ways, I have no idea how, he mentioned you having another brother."
Maverick nodded. "Dully noted." Maverick replied and went back to what he was doing on his laptop. Kaoru sat at his desk and pulled out his notebook and pen. Maverick was definitely hostile and irritable, it wasn't anything like the Maverick Kaoru had played the piano with on Saturday.
"Are you okay?" Kaoru asked, concern written all over his face. "You seem ... agitated." Kaoru decided that 'hostile' and 'irritable' were a little too harsh to say aloud, even if he thought it.
"It's Martin." Maverick explained, closing his laptop, giving Kaoru his full attention. "He's used to Katherine giving him everything he wants when he wants it, going to school and missing school when he wants, he's basically a brat, and now I have to take care of him and he's driving me crazy because I don't treat him like Katherine did because I'm not his mother, but I am his guardian, and I'm not going to spoil him." After letting everything out, Maverick seemed to relax a little. He let out a deep breath. "I just don't know what to do and he's driving me insane." Maverick repeated and put his head in his hands.
"Hey." Kaoru said softly, gently placing a hand on Maverick's arm. Maverick looked up at him hopefully. "If you ever need help, you can always call me. I'll help you with anything you need." Maverick gave him a smile as the warning bell rang. Kaoru sat in his desk and got out his notes. The bell rang, and class started.

When Maverick didn't show up for lunch right away, Kaoru started to get a little worried; he had never been late for anything before. Then Kaoru remembered that Maverick mentioned an art project he was excited about starting after their French class. Kaoru excused himself from the lunch table, where Haruhi and Hikaru were starting to eat and went to the high school's art wing to look for Maverick.
It didn't take long, as it was the only art room that was in use during lunch. Kaoru walked in, and smiled a little at the sight. Maverick was wearing and oversized t-shirt, probably to keep his uniform clean, he was wearing noise-cancelling, wireless headphones, which was probably why he missed the bell. He was painting with acrylics on a large canvas. It was a black profile silhouette, with a purple background, and pink and blue accents. Kaoru waited until Maverick dipped his brush back into the palette before he gently tapped him on the shoulder. Maverick jumped slightly and put his headphones around his neck, his music now slightly audible to Kaoru, not that he recognized the song.
"It's lunch, isn't it?" Maverick asked, a little sheepish, he seemed a little embarrassed, it was obvious that he was just focused on his painting and didn't notice that class was over; it was a good thing it was lunch and not his next class that he was missing part of.
Kaoru nodded, answering his question. "Yeah. I like your painting." He added, hoping to make Maverick feel better, and it seemed to work as Maverick smiled.
"Thanks." The dirty-blond replied, starting to put the paints away, bringing his brushes, water cup, and the palette to the sink to wash them. He rinsed off the palette, putting it in the drying rack, he then rinsed out the cup, putting it in the drying rack too. He started to rinse off his brushes, getting the paint out of them. Kaoru took this opportunity to look closer at Maverick's painting.
The silhouette was definitely Maverick's profile, but as Kaoru looked closer, he noticed that it wasn't black, but a very dark green. He also noticed a pattern of sorts; the things in pink in the painting were stereotypically masculine things, like balls from different kinds of sports, the outline of a car, etcetera and the things in blue were stereotypically feminine things, like flowers, music notes, etcetera. Maverick soon finished washing his brushes, and put them away. He placed a hand on Kaoru's shoulder and smiled at him.
"Lunch?" Maverick asked, his backpack on his back and his art bag tucked neatly into one of the cubbies with his oversized t-shirt.
Kaoru nodded. "Lunch." He agreed and the two of them walked upstairs and to the dinning hall, joining Hikaru and Haruhi for lunch.

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