Six || Pool Party

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Kaoru approached the McMasters' manor letting himself in with the passcode Maverick gave him. He had been coming by whenever he could. Hikaru had tried to go with him on more than one occasion, but somehow Kaoru is always able to talk his big brother out of going with him.
By this point, Kaoru knew to find Maverick, he would just have to go to the music room. Today, Maverick was in the small recording booth at the back of the room. He was wearing large headphones and started to sing almost immediately as Kaoru walked in. Kaoru didn't recognize the song, nor did he know all of the words Maverick was singing, as they were in English.

Hey mom, dead mom
I need a little help here
I'm prolly' talking to myself here
But dead mom I gotta ask
Are you really in the ground?
'Cause I feel you all around me
Are you here?
Dead mom, dead mom

Dead mom, I'm tired of trying to iron out my creases
I'm a bunch of broken pieces
It was you who made me whole
Every day dad's statin' at me
Like all 'hurry up, get happy
Move along, forget about your mom'

'Cause daddy's in denial, daddy doesn't wanna feel
He wants me to smile and clap like a performing seal
Ignored it for a while, but daddy's lost his mind for real
You won't believe the mess that we've become

You're my home, my destination
And I'm your clone, your strange creation
You held my hand, and life came easy
Now jokes don't land, and no one sees me
Nothing seems to fit
Mama is this it?
Are you receiving?
I want something to believe in or I'm done
Take me where my soul can rot
Or I'll be in my bedroom
Wake me when I'm 21
Daddy's moving foreword, daddy didn't lose a mom

Mama won't you send a sign?
I'm running out of hope and time
A plague of mice, a lighting strike, or drop a nuclear bomb
No more playing daddy's game
I'll go insane if things don't change
I'll do whatever it take to make him say your name
Dead mom

Maverick didn't notice that Kaoru was there until he stepped out of the recording booth to save his recording.
"I haven't heard that one before." Kaoru stated as he walked in, sitting next to Maverick.
"It's from a pretty new musical." He replied. "I only just finished transposing it earlier today.
"Making the notes lower or higher to fit one's range, in this case, lower."
Kaoru nodded in understanding.
"Don't forget, tomorrow the club's going to the water park." Kaoru reminded.


"Can someone explain to me why we're here again?" Maverick asked, sitting on a deck chair by a pool in a huge water park that Kyoya's family apparently owned.
"I decided this year to make this relaxing trip to the pool an annual one!" Tamaki replied, exiting the changing room.
Maverick nodded a little. "So I have to make my life more stressful so that you can relax?" Maverick asked pointedly, trying to get his point across that he would really rather not be there, and he was sure Haruhi felt the same way.
Hikaru rolled his eyes. "If you can't loosen up, just go home." The older the the twins said, crossing his arms over his chest.
"He's not going home." Kyoya retorted, putting his proverbial foot down. From that, Maverick gathered that Kyoya probably didn't really want to be there either. Maverick was right in that regard but not for the reasons the Brit might think - Kyoya had already conducted his research about this particular park the year before and although it had since been updated, he was sure that the park was now Host Club proof. Haruhi then came out of the girls change room wearing a two-piece swim suit - it was the one she didn't get a chance to wear at the beach the year before.
"Just go with it, once Tamaki-Senpai decides something, almost nothing can change his mind." Haruhi said, standing next to Maverick. "You get used to the Host Club's shenanigans." Tamaki's face went as red as a strawberry and he shoved the yellow hoodie at Haruhi, as he had done the year prior. She sighed and put them on over her bathing suit.

The twins went out into the pool to toss a ball around, Kyoya wrote notes in his black book, Tamaki fussed over Haruhi, and Maverick went swimming. He figured if he had to be there, he might as well get some exercise in. He did some laps using various strokes, working on his own personal times. Kaoru was watching and got hit in the face with the ball. He fell back into the water, but resurfaced a few seconds later.
"What was that for?!" Kaoru asked, looking at his brother.
"That's what you get for not paying attention." Hikaru retorted. "I'm going back to shore for a snack, want anything?"
"No, I'm okay." Kaoru replied, watching Maverick again. Kaoru swam out to meet him. Maverick resurfaced, pushing the hair out of his face.
"Hey, Kaoru." Maverick greeted.
Kaoru opened his mouth to say something, but Kyoya called Maverick from the shore.
"We'll talk later?" Maverick asked before he started to make his way back towards Kyoya. Kaoru deflated a little before he too made his way towards the shore.
"Maverick, I just have a couple questions for you." Kyoya said, leading Maverick away from the group. "So, what exactly happened with your mother?" Kaoru heard Kyoya ask before he was just out of range for him to hear. Kaoru sighed softly and sat in one of the chairs.
"What's got you down, Kaoru?" Haruhi asked, tilting her head a little.
"I don't know, exactly." He replied honestly. "I just really wanted to talk to Maverick, but Kyoya just snatched him away from me." Haruhi smiled knowingly.
"This time, you're the dummy, Kaoru." She said, sitting next to him. Kaoru looked at her, confused. "You like him, more than a just friend." Before Kaoru could retort, Haruhi walked away.

Kaoru thought about what Haruhi said until Maverick and Kyoya came into view. They were talking about stocks and statistics - nothing Kaoru really understood. Maverick smiled at Kaoru, and after he finished his conversation with Kyoya, he sat next to Kaoru, handing him a glass of water as he sipped on his own juice.
"Hey, Kaoru." Maverick greeted, smiling.
"Hey, what were you and Kyoya chatting about?" Kaoru asked, taking the water.
"Nothing important." Maverick dismissed. Kaoru still wanted to know, but wasn't going to push it.
"You were swimming pretty fast earlier, trying to make the swim team?"
Maverick laughed a little. "No, I've never wanted to compete in swimming. At my old school, part of the phys. ed credit was swimming, and the grade you got corresponded to how fast you swim. Just trying to improve my personal best."
"You certainly had good technique, from my limited knowledge on swimming."
Maverick smiled. "Why thank you." He replied and sipped his juice. "You know, I've got a pool at my place, I open it in May, if you want to swim sometime when you're over..." he trailed off as Kaoru nodded, smiling. "Cool." Maverick replied with a nod.

The rest of the day was pretty uneventful - the hosts mostly relaxed and then went back home.

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