Eight || La La Lobelia

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"What's this I've been hearing about an exposition for the cultural clubs?" Maverick asked when the twins made their way to his desk before class, all of which were cancelled for the day, but teachers still had to take role.
"It's for all of the academies in the area. It's a lot like the variety-show your old school did that you told me about last weekend." Kaoru explained.
"I just hope that those Lobelia girls don't try and take Haruhi again." Hikaru said, rolling his eyes, leaning on his desk. Maverick didn't know what Hikaru was talking about, but he did get an idea if the girls did return and challenge the Host Club.

All club hours were expanded because of the exposition, but Kyoya had arranged it so that the guests would only be at the Host Club after lunch, which gave the boys (and Haruhi) time to just chill together, do homework, goof off, whatever; knowing this, Maverick had asked if Matthew could spend the morning in the club room, which no one was opposed to.
Just as Hikaru and predicted, two of the three Lobelia girls from last year showed up at the host club, claiming them to just be dumb boys who were in this club for selfish reasons. The younger one make a snide comment about them recruiting even younger when she saw Matthew, which did not fly with Maverick.
"You want to challenge us? Fine. I accept your challenge. Four on four. Winner takes Haruhi." Maverick said, way too confidently for the Host Club's liking. The Zuka club seemed to like those odds.
"Only if you do numbers traditionally done by women." The elder of the two Zuka club members said, stepping foreword.
Maverick thought for a moment. "Deal." Maverick replied, sticking his hand out to accept the challenge when Haruhi stepped between them.
"Wait a minute. I'm not some prize to be won." Haruhi said, looking between the two of them. "And didn't we come to the conclusion last year that I'm not leaving Ouran?"
"Doesn't mean we can't have a little friendly competition, Haruhi." Kyoya replied, pushing up his glasses.
They deliberated for a little while longer before they finally widdled Haruhi down enough to let them host the competition, she would be host of the night, the winner would be determined via secret ballot vote after both groups had performed, and if Lobelia won, they got to pick the Host Club's next cosplay, but if the Host Club won, they got to pick what play the Zuka club put on next.
Once the parameters were set, the Lobelia girl's fouetté-d away.

"Kaoru, Matthew, Hikaru, we're going to represent the Host Club, let's get to work."

~ 𝓈𝑜𝓂𝑒 𝓉𝒾𝓂𝑒 𝓁𝒶𝓉𝑒𝓇 ~

It was finally the day of the competition. Maverick, Matthew, Hikaru, and Kaoru had been practicing their set every weekend since the challenge came about. Maverick had come up with the set list, the choreography, the twins had worked on the costumes, and Matthew helped Maverick with making sure that he wasn't too stressed.

At the competition, all eight of those competing stood on the stage with Haruhi for the coin flip.
"Heads, the Host Club goes first; tails, the Zuka club goes first." Haruhi explained. She flipped the coin, and it landed on tails. "It's tails." Haruhi announced, and both teams walked off stage. The four boys made their way into the audience so that they could watch the Zuka club's performance.
As the girls got ready, Haruhi explained what was going to happen.
"Once they're ready, the Zuka club will perform, followed by a short intermission, during which feel free to go into the foyer where you can purchase some refreshments and exclusive merchandise. After the intermission, the Host Club representatives will perform. After both teams have performed, you, the audience members here tonight, will vote on who you think was more entertaining." Haruhi then looked into the wings to see if the Zuka club was ready or not. "The Zuka club's performance will begin momentarily." Haruhi said and made her way to her seat; front and centre.

The Lobelia girls weren't ready yet, so the audience broke out into idle chatter.

"You nervous?" Maverick asked, gently nudging Kaoru.
"A little." Kaoru answered honestly.
"You have no reason to be, we've been practicing hard, and I talked to Renge about our setlist, and she said that any girl would go crazy seeing us dance to those songs." Maverick assured him, smiling.
Kaoru nodded a little. "Okay." He replied with a smile and a nod.
Matthew and Hikaru were both listening to the conversation going on between their brothers, each taking it very differently.
Matthew was happy for his brother who had so obviously moved on from what had happened back in the U.S.
Hikaru, on the other hand, felt a little threatened by Maverick; he and Kaoru had been together for their entire lives, and even before that. The ginger didn't want to loose his brother, his twin, his best friend to someone who they had only met earlier that year.

Lobelia's performance wasn't terrible, but as he watched, Maverick was confident that what he had put together was going to make a bigger impression on everyone; he also thought about how they had gotten the better spot in terms that when it came time for the vote that the Host Club's performance was fresh in the minds of the audience.

During the intermission, Kyoya had made quite a profit selling more photo albums as well as snacks and drinks for the second half, which made him happy, and for him, made this whole competition thing worth it.

During the intermission, the Host Club boys were getting ready. Once they were all in their costumes, they made their way to the stage and got into their starting positions on the stage behind the drawn curtains.

After intermission, the audience members all filed in, and the Lobelia girl's took their seats to watch the Host Club boys. They were certain that they were going to make a fool out of themselves but boy, were they wrong.

The lights went down in the auditorium and the idle chatter quieted to a silence. The curtains opened and the lights came up as did the music - Kill This Love by BlackPink. The Host Club's customers screamed watching the boys dance. It was all original choreography, choreographed by Maverick, and each of the boys lip-synced with one of the girls - which wasn't against the rules that they had established with the Zuka club. There were many follow-ups, and it was just a warm up for what they had discovered that they could do. Kick It by BlackPink was next which was a little slower, but the moves were a little more harder and complicated. They had more formation changed in this one and it looked a lot more intricate. BlackPink's Forever Young was next where the boys invited the audience to sing along - this was more fun and interactive, which Maverick thought might be a good strategy. Boombya by BlackPink was after, and this one brought the speed back and was definitely more sultry as Maverick had taught them all the original choreography. Ddu-Du-Ddu-Du (remix) by BlackPink was the finale where they pulled out all their big tricks - a tumbling pass done by the McMasters brothers, a couple easy lifts.

As Maverick had predicted, the Host Club won the bet, and the play that Maverick picked for them to perform was Seven Stories - a play purposely picked for its lack of being a romance, a musical, and its in-script plain set.

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