1. Meet The Hutchinsons

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"Dinner's ready!" A stern voice rang out through the room, awakening Lyneth from the doze she was in. When she was fully awake she sat up to see a short but well round man with glasses and a beard. Must be my foster dad, she thought faking a smile. "You must be Mr. Hutchinson." She stuck out her hand and he nodded, gazing down at her hand with amusement. "And you must be my new foster daughter, Lyneth," It was her turn to nod. "Dinner's ready." He repeated his self, turning on his heel and heading downstairs. She followed him, sticking her hand in her pocket. Manners maybe?

Lyneth sat down at the table and stared down at the old-fashioned table cloth, completely aware of the four eyes staring at her. She didn't pay attention to the whispers across the table but rather averted her eyes to Mr. Hutchinson, who placed a bowl of food down in front of everyone. He sat down the with the largest plate and she nearly gaped at him. "Dinner's served." Mr. Hutchinson announced, digging into to his macaroni and cheese. She took that as her signal and picked up her fork, sliding a string bean in her mouth and chewing it slowly. She glanced up at the four eyes to see them staring back at her and she dropped her fork against her plate in uncomfortability.

"May I help you? Any of you? Oh right." She laughed sarcastically. "I totally forgot. I'm Lyneth, I'm the new foster child here nice to meet you all. Now can I please enjoy my food without you people staring?" The kids across the table from her were taken a back by her snap and one of them laughed. "Shit, she has sass, I like her." The only boy at the table that Lyneth didn't meet clapped.

"Stop swearing. Now eat your food, all of you." They finally obeyed and began eating as Lyneth sat back against her seat and glared at her food, leaving her as the outcast yet again. They finished quickly and she was only halfway done when a voice finally broke the awkward silence. "You must not be hungry I'm guessing." The only girl out of the four teenagers commented. Lyneth studied her briefly, taking in her features and finding them a lot similar to the boy seated next to her. "You guys related or something?" She asked, disregarding the girl's inquiry.

"Fraternal twins." She huffed taking a glance at what Lyneth now knew was her brother. "Cool."

"Yeah a lot of people say that. I'm Tristan and that's my sister Trina." Lyneth nodded. Overall they appeared as the nicest ones in the home. They had deep intense eyes and brown straight hair, both styled in different ways and had similar noses and mouths. Their personalities alarmed her, she was so used labeling people before meeting them that she automatically assumed they were going to be trouble. So far they proved her wrong.

"And what about you?" Lyneth slid her plate over and pointed to Ashton. "What's your name?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Call me Ash." His eyes bore straight into hers as if telling her "You Already Know Who I Am". She grew uneasy and looked away, her eyes finding their way back to her food. "Cool." She repeated, not speaking for the rest of dinner.

Mr. Hutchinson finally finished his dinner and stood up. Lyneth examined the man and was growing a negative vibe from him. He placed his dish in the sink. "Who wants to give her a tour?" No one volunteered at first. It was rude of him, of them to talk about and over her as if she wasn't worth getting to know. She brushed off her jeans and stood. "That's fine," She smiled bitterly. "I'll do it myself."

"No, no, no, I'll give you a tour." Trina stood up eagerly. Lyneth had no choice but nod, she was far from desperate but felt as if was necessary to make nice with everyone in the house.

"Well alright. What's first?" She asked leaving the room. Ashton studied her before she left, shaking his head. "Dude, what's funny?" Calum stuck the plate he was washing under the warm tap water. "Nothing I'm going to bed." He muttered, drying his dish with a washcloth and exiting the room. But just like Lyneth, he wasn't being honest. Something was wrong, and he wasn't ready to tell Calum just yet. He was confusing Calum already, and he didn't have a good feeling about that new girl either.


"And this is the bathroom you will be using. It's connected to your bedroom which we've seen already and if there's a traffic jam, you could ask to use Mr. Hutchinson's downstairs. He'll most likely say no though."

"Wait everyone has their own?" Lyneth looked around and became nostalgic. The bathroom appeared just like her own except it was teal and had two sinks instead of one. That was before the incident, where as now her home didn't have sinks. She shook her head. "What did you say?"

"I said no, all of our bathrooms are connected, they're three of them. The first one connects Calum and Ashton's room to Tristan and I's. The second bathroom connects your bedroom to Calum and Ashton's. The third bathroom is at the end of the hall, connected to yours but the top of the toilet is broken so you can kind of see the water and the pipes within the toilet. Also you can't take a shower, only baths, and the water is always freezing cold. So if you wanna use that take caution. Questions, comments, concerns?"

"No." The brown haired female shook her head for the umpteenth time today. "Good. Well night night. I'll be in my room if you need me. " She waved and began walking to her room, leaving Lyneth in the dim hallway on her own. "Well, this is it."


That was all the teen wanted to experience today, so many surprises, so many adjustments to her life. Sleep was taking over her like a spirit over a mortal and she couldn't be happier of her sleepy state; she wanted the day to be over anyway. Lyneth grabbed her toothbrush and toothpaste out of her unpacked suitcase and slugged to the bathroom, her eyes nearly dropping as she wet the the toothbrush and squeezed toothpaste on it, placing it in her mouth.

The water was loud and she wasn't really conscious of her surroundings when Ashton came in. When he saw her, he was debating whether or not to wait till she finished but decided it was his house before hers and if he wanted to brush his teeth he will. There was two sinks anyway and he knew she didn't need both. He closed both doors, snapping Lyneth out of her quick daze. "Um w-what are you doing here? The bathroom is occupied..." He chuckled.

"There are two sinks for a reason." Ashton gave her a once over, and decided being just her brother would be hard. He turned to the sink. "And that act that you played earlier, how unbelievable." Lyneth wasn't sure about what Ashton meant and slowed her brushing to a stop, staring at Ashton out of the corner of her eye. He was already starting things and she arrived to the house just hours ago. "What are you talking about?"

"You know exactly what I'm talking about," He rinsed his mouth and the toothbrush and placed it back in it's spot. Lyneth was shocked when he averted all his attention to her, standing up all the way, walking to her slowly, towering over her more and more with every inch of a step. "Pretending as if you don't know me, asking for my name when you know damn well what it is." He stopped in front of her and she gulped and looked up at him defiantly. "I thought it was better to start fresh. You know considering we're technically related now." Lyneth didn't know who this guy was talking to in such a way, and her facial expression showed she wasn't ready to back down from him just yet. But one part of her, a small fraction liked this side of Ashton, it set fire to an excitement she didn't know she posessed. But Ashton didn't need to know that. He leaned down so they were face to face, chuckling. "God knows that wasn't how you felt that night we met. But fine if you insist," He stood up all the way and headed for his door, looking back at her before opening it. "This was my residence before it was yours so if we're gonna get along, you do you and I do me. Stay out of my way,"

"Got it." Lyneth said with a bit of a 'tude, cracking under pressure inside but refusing to let him see that. And what he said next frustrated the girl but also made her feel feelings she didn't want to feel about him.

"Oh and one more thing."


"Welcome to the family, 'sister'." He smirked, closing the door and leaving Lyneth all alone in the bathroom and wide awake.

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