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"Well this is your new home Lyneth. Get used to it." The social worker of the uneasy girl chirped. The girl known as Lyneth took a brief glance at her surroundings, forcing a smile on her face. "A group home? Swell!" She set her bags down and stuck a strand of her hair behind her ears with a sigh.

"Oh please, wipe that smile off your face. I know you don't want to be here. " The social worker said matter of a factly. And she was right. Lyneth didn't give ten shits if her home wasn't stable, she didn't want to spend the rest of her teenage years squeezed in a house with other teenagers whom she knew nothing about.

"Then why are we here?" She groaned, attitude dripping from her words. She was starting to grow uncomfortable standing in the new home - her new home, whether or not she'd admit it. She finally stepped inside giving herself a tour. "You already know why we're here. They're only like four other children in here. " The social worker also known as Ms. Coletta advertised on but Lyneth held up a hand as the sound of shuffling and hushed conversation bounced off the bright yellow walls. The sounds came from two males who were giggling. Well, that was before they seen Lyneth. When they did, all conversations stopped.

"Mr. Hutchinson! New girl's here!" One of the males called out. He sported raven black curly hair and sun kissed skin, standing over six feet tall. He had a warm face with a chiseled features and body. As attractive as he appeared, he didn't catch Lyneth's attention. No, no, no, what caught her attention was the golden haired boy next to him, strong angular features and a muscular body. It wasn't because she was drawn to him like a moth to a flame, like most girls probably would be. It was because she definitely seen him before. And more and more she wanted to leave this house.

"Hey," The golden haired boy called out to her, confusion plastered on his face. "Have we met?" Lyneth shook her head.

"No," Her eyes flew to Ms. Coletta and the taller male beside him who were looking at them curiously. She picked up her bags. "We'll talk later." She said to Ms. Coletta, pushing past the two eye-catching males. "Don't you want me to show you to your room?"

"No thanks, I'll find it myself." She replied back, dragging her and her luggage up the unfamiliar carpeted stairs. She barely reached the middle when a hand took a bag from hers. She looked back and sure enough it was the black haired boy. "You're struggling. Let me help you." She sighed and gave him permission. She might as well adjust to life here.


When her bags were placed down, she fell on top of her new bed, leaving her new "brother" at the door to stare at her. He leaned against the door frame, studying her. "You can leave now thanks." She uttered turning on her side so she doesn't have to face him.

"You know it was kind of rude, not introducing yourself to us."

"I guess." She sighed, wanting this awkward introduction to be over, he chuckled. "I'm Calum by the way. "

"Lyneth. Any thing else you want before I take a nap? It's kind of been a long day. " She spoke to the wall but her words were directed to the tall boy she now knew was Calum. She wasn't expecting him to say anything else but he did anyway. "Yeah one thing," He walked over to a computer chair by her bed and took a seat. "Were you being honest when you said you didn't know Ashton?" Lyneth's eyes widened and she was glad she was facing the wall. "Who's Ashton?" She asked, already knowing the answer. "He's the other boy you seen downstairs of course. So were you being honest?" Lyneth didn't want to answer that question considering she wasn't obligated to tell him anything and the fact that she wasn't being honest. She remembered the day she met him very clearly...

* Start of flashback*

"C'mon play the game!" Lyneth was sitting on her own drinking what she identified was beer in the red cup in addition to slightly nodding her head to the music blaring from the speakers across the room. She was alone and didn't know the person who told her this. She gazed up to see a curly haired girl with blonde tips, smiling down at her. She smiled in return. "No thanks." She took another sip of her drink and looked away, expecting the girl to leave. She was wrong.

"Not to be a creep but I seen you when you arrived. You look like you need some fun come on!" The curly haired female took grasp of Lyneth's hand and that's when she realize the girl wasn't giving up. She took a deep breath and sat up, following the stranger deeper into the crowd.

Lyneth and the female found themselves in a circle when they stopped. "We found our last guest!" A wavy haired boy cried happily. "Now we can start."

"Good so what's our first game?" The golden tipped female beside Lyneth asked, making Lyneth herself look around in confusion. No one paid attention to her expression as one of the females in the circle stuck a hand in her pocket. "I know!" She said with a smirk, holding up a queen of hearts card and allowing the circle to cheer on her behalf. Sooner or later mouths were pressed against the card, passing it around the circle. The card got around to her and the wavy-haired boy was possessing it. "Go on, do it!" The girl Lyneth came with lead on, making her laugh uneasily. "Guys this is class one peer pressure!" She giggled.

"C'mon do it, do it do it!" The circle cheered. She shrugged and finally gave in, sucking in the card from the boy and passing it on. The rest of the game went by quickly and after she found herself doing it she realized she was over reacting. She wanted more and now she knew exactly where to get it.

The next game rolled around quickly and it was again something Lyneth never experienced before. Body shots. "So who volunteers?" The male who was her partner in the last game shouted over the music. Lyneth raised her hand to everyone's surprise and took her place on the kitchen counter. The circle screamed in approval and the male stood over her giving her a sweet smile. She lifted up her shirt.

"Mind telling me your name before we start?" He shook a line of salt down her stomach and placed a lime between her lips, smirking. "It's Ashton." He said before opening the bottle of tequila.

*End of Flashback*

"Lyneth!" Calum hollered, setting Lyneth back into reality. She turned to look at him."Huh yeah?"

"I asked if you were being honest ages ago. You should start talking. " Lyneth swallowed some saliva forming in her mouth and nodded. "Yeah." She turned back around, biting her lip.

"Okay. Dinner's at 7 and I guess you have to meet everyone. Don't be late." The words went through one ear and out the other as Lyneth fell into a daze.


Red Light || A. I Fanfic ||Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang