4. Drunk

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Ashton gripped the steering wheel till his knuckles turned white, not caring whether or not he was speeding down a slow lane. The images on the outside of his windows passed by in a blur but all he could think about was Lyneth and her safety, as ironic as that sounds.

"Ashhhtooonn come pick us upppp!" Lyneth slurred as swift sounds of a large body of water echoed in the background. He was at home when he received the call and it was nearly nine at night. He sat up, worry deep in his veins as he tried to peace together where Lyneth was all day. "Where are you? Who's we?" He asked, receiving a drunken giggle in response.

"Hey Ash." The voice that answered one of his questions snickered, and Ashton immediately recognized the voice in the background. "Luke? What are you doing over there? Where are you guys? Why do you sound drunk?" By then Ashton was always putting on a pair of jeans and a ripped shirt, his phone leaning against his ear.

"The creek."

"I'm on my way. Stay there, don't go anywhere." He said sternly, flying quickly down and out of the house. Fast forward to him zooming down the highway, with nothing but the dark-haired girl on his mind. She was alone with Luke, obviously drunk, and Ashton wasn't gonna let that slide.

"I'm here L-" He uttered, stopping when he found out what the two were up to. They were both drunk, swimming sluggishly in the dark water.

"Guys what the hell?" He interjected, walking down the dock. He was confused as to why they're clothes were laying on the dock beside him and he realized they were both naked. So like a strict father, he said, "That's it. Party's over, get out of the water."

Lyneth, however wasn't ready to leave and crossed her arms. "No, I don't wanna go." She defied making Ashton shake his head.

"Luke, out of the water and in the car." Ashton ordered sternly, picking up his clothes and throwing it to him angrily as Luke stumbled out of the water and onto the dock. "Lyneth I'm going to ask you again, come on out, it's late." Lyneth gazed up at Ashton with a giggle, her eyes challenging him. "Or else what? You gonna take me home and fuck my brains out?" She replied and Ashton's hazel eyes multiplied in size. He wasn't expecting that, even if that was what he wanted to do. He shook his head. "Let's go." He crouched down and pulled her out of the water much to her protest. Luke was laying beside them, his clothes on backwards, his consciousness nearly fading. Hopefully he was too drunk to realize what she said.


Lyneth sighed, rubbing her ears with her damp towel. They were in Ashton's room and although she was a bit less drunk than before, she still was pretty much intoxicated and Ashton can tell. Ashton was too busy, throwing her clothes in a hamper to realize her sigh so she sighed again for good measure. He turned around with a raised eyebrow. "Yes?"

"You're very cute." She complimented, making Ashton's face heat up. "Um thanks sis?" He acknowledged, running his fingers through his hair. He's never seen her this drunk of all the weeks she's been here and even when they were at that party together. Things got more intense when she began toying with the hem of her towel, staring up at him in an forced sexual way.

"Um whatcha doing there buddy?" He laughed nervously, eyeing her oddly. She giggled and ignored his comment, dropping her towel on his bed that she was casually sitting on and exposing herself completely to him for the second time today. His body didn't take it well this time, considering they were completely alone, and Lyneth was doing this on purpose for him and him only. She stepped forward. "Oh nothing, just trying something out." She said, her eyes dangerously locked on his.

"Oh no no no drunk-ey," He rushed, picking up her towel. "No more nakedness for you." He tried to wrap the towel around her body but no prevail as she placed his hands on his shoulders. Pretty soon she was lying naked on top of him, the towel completely disregarded.

Lyneth smirked as she watched Ashton's facial expressions. "Lyneth come on stop this isn't funny." He tried to push her off but she was surprisingly strong for a drunk girl. "Oh come on," She whispered. "I know you wanted this for a while.." At this point they were just about nose to nose and Lyneth was staring at Ashton's lips hungrily. Lyneth knew she most likely was gonna make things more awkward between them but what did she have to lose? It wasn't as if anything was going for her at this house. She needed excitement.

"Lyneth I don't think you wanna do th-" Ashton was cut off when Lyneth's lips connected to hers passionately. He tasted the alcohol on her lips, and smelled the sweet perfume that hasn't weared off even with the water. He fell deep into her spell and she enjoyed that, despite her trying to avoid being with him like this since she arrived. He wrapped one of his arms around her waist, the other cupping her cheek. The kiss became deeper as each second passed and he had to take control. He flipped them over, his arm over Lyneth's head. Lyneth pouted but it faded away as she pulled him in by his shirt and clasped her legs around his hips. She was chasing her sobriety as a headache began to form but she wasn't complaining, Ashton was leaving kisses on her neck and his affection was allowing it to nearly subside. His lips found their way down her body slowly and stopped just above her hip bone when he heard a faint click of the door. He paused, making sure he wasn't going nuts.

"Guys I'm home with takeout!" Mr. Hutchinson called from downstairs and Lyneth smirked, her fingers running up and down his shirt. "Whatcha gonna do big boy?" She snickered, nonchalance heavy in the air. Ashton took this situation more seriously however, and quickly picked her up. She gasped and laughed as he ran through the bathroom and into her room, throwing open the covers and sliding her in quickly. "Night princess." He whispered, kissing her on the cheek and covering her up. He turned off the light and left her in there, disregarding her pleas for him to come back to her because he knew, that within minutes she would be asleep. And she was... Leaving him to think about what just happened with his drunk foster sister and why he loved every little second of it...

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