3. Solitary

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"That was actually pretty good. I'm impressed." Lyneth insisted with a bashful smile. It was just pass nine and the stars heavily illuminated the nearly black sky. The teenagers spent most of the night at band practice, retreating later on to the wet scented, bright green backyard. Luke couldn't keep his eyes off Lyneth and it upset him when Mr. Hutchinson called and said they had to leave. They were at the front door now, laughing and saying their goodbyes. Lyneth had Luke's sweater laid over her shoulders, she had been wearing it awhile after she announced she was chilly. But what she would later find on the drive home was that along with the jacket gesture, some of the things that went down tonight upset her siblings. She hopped in and closed the door quickly. "Well I'm glad I came along. You guys are great." She commented. Trina gave her a once over and rolled her eyes, averting her attention to the disappearing objects outside her window. Ashton didn't even reply to her or look; he was the driver so his full attention was on the road. It was his band too though, and she was expecting an answer from him. But no. Calum, being the life saver of awkward moments, turned around in his seat and smirked.

"Of course. Why wouldn't we be?" Lyneth shrugged, glad to have someone to talk to. She didn't know exactly what she did wrong. Trina, however, knew exactly what she did wrong and waited till they reached a stoplight to get up in her seat and whisper something in Calum's ear, making his whole mood change. His face hardened and he turned around, making that the last time anyone talked to Lyneth or at all in the minivan. Now it felt like it was some sort of battle, her against them. She wanted to know why this was so but her pride got the best of her so just like everyone else in the van, she stayed quiet until it was time for them to go into the house. Even so she didn't utter a word to anyone and carried herself to bed in confusion.

Trina wasn't too happy herself on how the night turned out. She was starting to like and trust Lyneth and she ruined it. One thing about Trina was she didn't care about how small the issue was, she reacted in large measures. This wasn't a small issue though, she has had a crush on Luke since the moment he and Michael met her and Tristan for the first time. And here comes Lyneth who wasn't even here a fourth of the time Trina was and instantly she catches his eyes and maybe even his heart without even knowing it. It hurts to know you've put so much effort into a crush but they're too busy chasing after someone who doesn't even try as much as you do but still gets what's rightfully and originally yours. And Ashton knew exactly how that felt.

It was different circumstances for him and the only difference in it was that she wasn't striving to get Lyneth. From what he knew she was obeying him and keeping her distance but still Lyneth and one of his best friends in a relationship didn't sit well with him. She belonged to Ashton even if she wasn't fully aware of it. He was nonchalant about the fact that they lived together as siblings but reality didn't matter for him; that night at the party just kept replaying over and over again in his mind. And the night ended with awkward tension floating from room to room, clouding into Lyneth's room and suffocating her dreams.

The days rolled by like a slug and the nights were even slower. Trina filled Tristan in on everything and now every kid in the household seemed like they were holding something over Lyneth's head. Breakfast for her was now spent outside on the porch, dinner in her room. All to avoid the glaring or whining eyes of her new siblings but even then, her plan didn't prevail.

She was on her way to her room when Calum stopped her, his palm on her wrist. She pulled back and seen he wasn't too happy.

"What's going on with you? Talking so much about me behind my back?!" He threw his hands up and Lyneth raised an eyebrow. All of this seemed weird, especially coming from Calum.

"I have no idea what you're talking about Calum."

"You know damn well what I'm talking about. Saying that I don't have any talent, calling me offensive names. You just got here and all you've done is be rude. Why? Hm?!" Suddenly, all the kids in the house began to gather, looking to see what was going on. It was almost as if the small crowd was closing in on Lyneth, who was still trying to figure out where the hell Calum got this information."Calum why the fuck would I say that after I was just complimenting you? This is getting blown out of proportion." Lyneth turned on her heel and was beginning to exit when Trina spoke up.

"Lyneth stop playing possum. You know exactly what you said to me during band practice." Trina crossed her arms with a glare that can freeze hell over. But Lyneth knew it was all a lie. And she couldn't believe their relationship flew south in the way that it did. She turned around. "You. What the hell is your problem?"

"My problem," Trina laughed bitterly, keeping up the act. "My problem is you're picking on my brother and I won't stand for it."

"No, the problem is you're a plotting ass bitch who likes to tell lies on people you know nothing about."

Ashton never seen a verbal altercation like this in the household. Yes they argued, that's what siblings do. But it was minor things like privileges and the last pizza slice, not something like lies and deceit.

"Guys cut it out." He interjected, not wanting this to go any further. But of course they didn't want to listen. Calum was still rather angered but more confused as to who's telling the truth. Tristan was over it, and the creases in his eyebrows proved his annoyance. But Lyneth and Trina were just getting started. With every comment they were getting closer and closer to one another.

"I couldn't care less if you're new or old. No one wants you here." Trina uttered. And that was all it took. Just that simple sentence. That one opinion. And Trina was on the floor, Lyneth towering over her in the next few moves. Ashton took this opportunity to pick Lyneth and throw her over his shoulder, delivering her into her room and out of the drama. Ashton couldn't care how jealous he was of her relationship with Luke, he wasn't gonna sit and watch while his family went at each other's throats.

"What the hell Ash?" Lyneth exclaimed. "I wasn't done with her yet." He sighed and ran his hands through his hair. "You are now. Listen you need to relax, blow off some steam." He sat on the bed, thinking of all the ways he can help her with his suggestion. He could take her on a date. He could give her cuddles and talk for hours and hours as she ran her fingers through his hair. He can get her alone and fu-

"Ash did you see what just happened? She's so.. Ugh!" Lyneth screamed in frustration, laying down on the bed. Ashton was having a mental battle within himself, knowing the calming older brother act wasn't his normal persona around her. But there were more important things than that. "I get it," He started. "We all argue sometimes. And yes Trina could be a bitch occasionally. You just need to forget it happened." Lyneth sat up. She wasn't going to sit here and take advice from a dude who couldn't even handle his own childish issues. And she wasn't going to trust herself in a room alone with him.

"Whatever Ash. I'm going out. Don't wait up." She took her phone and her filled bag, storming out of the house and leaving Ashton worried for what she might do next. She was gonna stay out all day and try some new things. And Luke was her first call.


Luke didn't think Lyneth was going to call her once he gave her his number. He thought he was being too eager, that she would never like him back. But here he was, walking down the dirt paved path that led to the lake. He didn't know why she asked to meet here though. And just as soon as he wondered he found out.

"Lyneth why did you want to me- oh my god." He gasped, making Lyneth smirk and tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. "Stop being a wuss and join me." Luke couldn't believe his eyes. There stood Lyneth, well swam, in the lake, completely nude and staring up at him. Her brown eyes glistened with spontaneity and it was getting harder and harder for him to say no to her. He tried to think of any excuse not to.

"Um I don't have a change of clothes."

"Don't worry about that, you don't need any."

"The water seems cold."

"You'll get used to it.

"It's getting late."

"It's 4 in the afternoon Luke. Cmon dont be a wuss!" She giggled, motioning him over. Luke began to see the experience wouldn't be too bad.

"I have beer with meeee." She tempted, knowing that would win him over. He lifted up his shirt and sighed, his blonde wavy hair falling down. "Here goes nothing."

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