-3- Phone Calls and Excuses

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"Wh- what did you say?" Mason's voice shakes as he clutches the phone tighter in his grip.

"The tests were confirmed, Mr Fain; they were all positive. If you'd like you can call later to book another appointment?"

He couldn't believe it.


The lady at his appointment told him that the results for the tests he took yesterday morning wouldn't come back for another couple of days, unless they could rush them through. 

He didn't expect to receive the news so soon after visiting. He wasn't prepared, he didn't have enough time to think it all through! To prepare himself for the news...

"Hello? Mr Fain?

"Yes. Yes, I'm here, sorry." Mason ran a hand through his hair, his breath shaky.

"That's fine Mr Fain, I understand that this is a lot to take in." her tone calming Mason's nerves.

"How far along...." his voice shaking, fading. 

"Well the tests don't actually give us the definite gestation age, but if you'd like to book another appointment, we can take an ultrasound, to see how far along you are, if the foetus is healthy, and discuss what some of your options are. Does that sound okay?"

Mason nods absentmindedly, before realising she couldn't see him, mumbling a, "Yes please."

"How about you come in...in two days' time? Dr Maier has a time slot free for you at two in the afternoon if that works well? She'll talk you through what's going to happen to your body and she'll answer any questions that you have. Does that sound good, sweetie?" she spoke so calmly and quietly, that Mason found himself breathing easier.

He thought he'd get to see his usual doctor, Dr James, who he'd had since he was a child, but apparently Dr Maier was some sort of... baby expert.

"Uh- um, yes sure. Two pm Saturday works well for me. Is- is there anything I could do, I mean, in the meantime?" Mason stutters, biting his lip.

"Well, if you hop onto the internet you can probably find some good sites that will give you some information on what to expect and some dietary suggestions, but don't stress yourself out too much sweetie, okay?  You have plenty of time to think this through. I'll see you in two days Mr Fain."

And with that they both hang up, Mason not even saying goodbye; his mind still processing what he just heard.

Plenty of time, she said. No need to stress...

...Yeah right! I'm a pregnant man for goodness sake!

One thing was for sure, he needed to tell his mum. He couldn't even imagine what she was going to say in response. Would she be mad? Upset? Would she blame herself? Or would she shame him? She was contradicting at the best of times.

Trying not to overthink the situation, he decided to just ring her.


"Mum?" as soon as Mason heard her voice, his body crumbled.

He wasn't one to cry, but he felt like he was stuck between rock and a hard place.

"Mace? Dear, what's wrong?" her soft voice calls through the phone.

"Um- well, I went t-to the doctors," he couldn't help the hiccups bubbling up, " and- well, there were tests, b-but, well of course I took them, and- and they said that it would take days- but- mum I don't know what to do! I'll have to quit uni! I- I won't be able to support myself, I can't do this!"

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