-10- Late Nights and Early Mornings

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"Macey? Mace?" a voice whispers next to his ear.

Ignoring the pestering noise, Mason cuddles closer to the soft surface beneath him. He really didn't want to wake up.

A gentle shake causes him to mutter incoherent words, frowning at the unwanted disturbance.

Mason's foggy mind protested, burying his face in what he supposed was his pillow. The surface he was on dips down as weight sits next to him, and again something begins to gently brush his hair back with light feathery touches. Sighing at the feeling, Mason's body sinks deeper into sleep, relaxing as he returns to his dreams.

 Ben, on the other hand, sits next to his roommate, who had fallen asleep on the couch soon after they finished the meal. He couldn't help but brush Mason's hair away gently... It was so soft. When they were younger Mason went through a stage were he grew his hair out a little past his shoulders. the wild dark locks had become Ben's infatuation. Lucky for him at the time, Mason let him play hairdresser on more than one occasion.

That never happened anymore, of course. Mason grew up too fast for Ben's taste, and had lopped all the hair off. He'd grown up trying to be independent from the world. Partly due to Jack, who had been a horrible brother to Mason. Teasing him and making him feel like shit. Ben was always the hero though, always there to make things right again.

"I'm so sorry Mace," He whispers, staring at his sleeping friend," I'm so, so sorry. I didn't mean for you to get sick. I don't know what's wrong, but I know it's my fault... I'm such an idiot..."

Sighing to himself, Ben bends down and carefully picks Mason up -- the secound time in two weeks -- Mason grumbles quietly in his sleep, before snuggling in as Ben carries him through the house, huffing at the weight.

Groaning as he places his friend on the bed, Ben tucks him under the covers, watching as Mason moves slightly, getting comfortable in the cold sheets. He closes the curtains, before walking back to the small bed, guiltily staring down at his friend.

He knew that he should have told Mason about that night of the party, but he was ashamed. Truth be told he wasn't that drunk. Mason had been off his face at the get-go that night. While for once, Ben had sat aside and just watched, enjoying the entertainment his roommate brought him.

After a few drinks, Ben was a little tipsy, but he knew he couldn't chance getting shitfaced with Mason parading about. It wasn't until his roommate stood in the middle of the party, on top of the dining table surrounded by empty cups and alcohol bottles that he realised they should head back home. Mason was secounds away from ripping his shirt off to show the world... and immediately ben freaked out.

Mason was extremely conservative; he never ever took his clothes off in front of anyone, not even at the beach. Ben had stumbled up to the table and whipped Mason off, pulling his shirt back down once he had successfully taken the drunken man off.

The crowd booed and put all their phones away, turning back to dancing and grinding soon after. Mason was laughing his head off, his face flushed and hair disarray. Flipping off the drunken crowd. He latched onto Ben immediately, flirting and dancing with a tipsy Ben, no dignity what so ever. He didn't even seem to realise that he was, in fact, flirting with his roommate, and best friend.

From there, Ben took Mason home immediately. Ben was pretty drunk by the time they arrived home, but he was still aware of his actions and what he was doing. He couldn't help himself. Mason didn't help really, flirting and encouraging. Not that he could use that as an excuse...he still took advantage of his best friend.

What made it worse was the fact he didn't regret it. Over and over again Ben replayed what had happened, but he didn't feel any regret. Guilty yes, but he had enjoyed every second of that night. He was both sad, mad and glad that Mason didn't remember a thing, it meant he didn't have to face what he knew he did wrong, but at the same time... If he was the cause of Mason's... injury or sickness? What was he supposed to do? Ben had to be responsible for it! He felt like crying.

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