-5- Late Lunches and Arguments

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Steam from the shower escaped the bathroom as Mason opened the door, his towel over his head has he tried to dry the bird's nest. He could smell spaghetti and Bolognese, the loud sound of the soccer game  blasting through the apartment.

So Ben had decided to stay home. Not only that, but from the smell of it, decided to cook tea. At least the tv was playing instead of Ben's usual rock music rattling the apartment.

Shaking his head, Mason tosses his towel in his room before heading down the carpeted hallway, the floor creaking as he makes his way to the kitchen. There his plate of spaghetti awaited him, drenched in sauce with a mountain of cheese; just how he liked it.

Heading to the lounge, which was sort of connected to the kitchen anyways, he plonks down on the couch and props his feet up, ignoring the way Ben shuffles away, slurping the food noisily. They had both had a lazy day, thank the heavens, with Mason only leaving his room until noon to get ready for the appointment.

With a sigh,  Mason focuses on eating his own meal in a less noisy manor. He had a lot to think about. For one, he had to get his head around this whole 'having a baby thing', and he also needed to start thinking about what he was going to do when he became bigger. wasn't like he could hide it for too long. And uni? What was he going to do about that? He needed to attend the lectures to get attendance credits,and it wasn't like he could just leave his dream of becoming a famous architect for a baby. Could he? Imagine the stares he would receive once they saw with with a rounded stomach waltzing into class. 

People would never look at him the same.

They would all know that he was different. Some would think that he was a girl from the very beginning. Or maybe that he was one of those people who struggled with their gender identity? Who could even guess? He didn't really understand what was happening himself, how could he buffer himself against those who would just...assume things?

With another sigh Mason puts down his fork to turn and look at Ben. He was glaring at the tv, munching his food in obvious anger.


No response.

"Ben. Look, I'm sorry, okay? I get that you worry about me, but I'm an adult. We're not in high school anymore. I'm not that scrawny little kid anymore. I can handle myself." Mason turns back to his food, stabbing at a couple of pasta noodles.

"Handle yourself?... Don't worry? What, so I'm supposed to just let you do whatever the hell you want now? Because you're an "adult"?" Ben slams his bowl on the coffee table, his eyes lit.

Mason jumps at the loud noise, stunned.


"-No! I'm not going to listen to you rant to me about 'how much you've grown', and 'how you can take care of yourself'! Cause you can't! Who's the person who always picks you up from parties? Who saves you from making a fool of yourself? Who makes sure that you have breakfast every morning, and that you're on time for work? Huh? Who the fuck is the one who takes care of you when you're sick Mason! Tell me, who?"

Mason stares blankly. Did he really just-? Did that just happen? Mason couldn't help but feel anger boil under his skin. Ben may have helped him out in the past, but he didn't have to, Mason would have been fine all by himself.

"Don't you dare say that Ben. That is not fair and you know it. Making a fool of myself? At parties? I never wanted to go to those stupid parties in the first place! They were all your idea! I hated them so fucking much! But no~

"I had to go with you because I'm your 'best friend'! Well fuck you Ben. I never wanted to drink! I never wanted any of this! This is all your fault! Don't you even think blame that on me. Just because for once in your life, you don't have your nose shoved in my business, doesn't give you the right  to be such a shit-head!" Mason stands from the couch, shouting  at the top of his lungs, throat burning.

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