-11- Blue Hair and Fresh Air

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"Mason! You little shit!" the scream echoes from the bathroom. 

Mason, on the other hand, happily munches a packet of chips on the couch, pausing at the screech.

Throwing down the packet, he begins to run to his room, laughing his head off. Ben would burst from the bathroom at any given moment, and Mason wanted to be safely locked away in his bedroom before then.

Frankly, Mason decided that enough was enough, and that he wanted things to be back to the way they were before. Ben had become too overbearing. So, being the lovely roommate that he is, Mason decided to play a prank. One that involved switching shampoo for a lovely shade of blue. In the moment, Mason also thought that taking all of the towels from the bathroom would be a good idea-- leaving the little hand towel.

Red faced and laughing, Mason runs past the bathroom, just as the door slams open with a furious Ben.

Pausing for a secound in front of his own bedroom door, Mason stops to take in his blue, patchy master piece.

"Mason! What the fuck is wrong with you!" Ben shouts, face bright red in anger.

His auburn red hair was now patchy with blue, that hadn't even been rinsed out properly. Blue water was dripping  down his face, and the little hand towel was held up to his front.

Mason bursts into another fit of laughing, eyes watering.

To answer Ben's previous question--although it wasn't really a question-- Mason gives a little shrug, before diving for his bedroom door. Ben immediately runs to stop him from escaping, dropping the hand towel in his haste to slam his body weight into the door.

Forcefully, Mason tries to slam the door shut, all the while laughing at his roommate's current predicament.

"Give up Ben! You should finish washing your hair before it all turns blue!" Mason cackles, leaning against the wooden door, heels digging into the grey carpet.

"Not until I beat the shit out of you, you little turd!"

Shoving with all his weight, Mason manages to get the gap to close a little more, groaning at the effort of keeping his six-foot roommate from barging into his room.

He wouldn't be surprised if they broke his door, and if that happened, Mason would take Ben's room until the door was fixed. There was no way in hell he would go without a door to his bedroom, despite being the one who started this little spat.

With one more heaving shove, Mason slams the door closed, forcing the latch to lock. Ben shouts profanities, banging his fists into the door and twisting the handle in a fruitless effort to open it.

"Ha! Shithead!" Mason calls through the door, grinning.

He waits with baited breath as Ben finally gives up with one last punch to the wood. Mason only sighs in relief, slumping against his door.

Surprisingly it was actually extremely tiring. Laughing, sprinting to his room, laughing again, and then using all of his weight (and what little muscle mass he had) to win the war of the door. Ben was definitely the stronger out of the two, but Mason did have a couple kilos on him now.

Speaking of weight, Mason was almost three months along; he didn't really look like much. He did notice the weight gain though. His stomach was only a little bigger, but his butt was what was taking on all those extra pounds. He opted for wearing trackies most days now, only wearing proper pants when he had a shift for work. He didn't even need a belt anymore! How could one little...thing, growing inside him cause so much weight gain? He was never one to gain weight! He was a skinny twig, but now, now his body decided he needed the extra padding, apparently in his butt.

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