My decision

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Kelsey pov
You know that moment in your life when something really bad happens to you and you never thought it could ever happen to you, well that's how I felt at this moment as I cried in the bathroom next to a positive pregnancy test.

"Why me" I whisper in between my sobs

I jump as I hear the bathroom door open.

"Omg Kelsey" Macy says and runs over to me

"What's wrong babes?" She says squatting down next to me with worry

I couldn't find the words to say it because I couldn't believe it, i honestly couldn't.

I just shook my head and handed her the pregnancy test.

She takes it from me and looks down and shock just covers her face.

"Omg Kelsey am I reading this right?" She ask looking over at me

I burst into more tears once the words came out her mouth.

Macy wraps her arms around me and rubs my back as I cry into her arms.

"Come on let's get you home" she says and helps me stand up

She grabs my stuff and we walk out the bathroom and the mall.

We walk towards the car and hop in.

I didn't say a word during the whole drive and neither did Macy.

All I could do is stare out the window and watch everything go by.

'How could this happen to me, i was so careful, I never wanted this' I thought as we pull up in my drive way.

"Do you want me to come in with you?" She ask with worry

I shake my head no and grab my stuff and hop out the car.

I walk into the house and straight towards my room.

I jump and lay down on my bed feeling the tears hit my pillow as I cried myself to sleep.
I woke up to feel something coming up my throat.

I run towards the bathroom and puke my guts up.

once I'm finished I sigh and brush my teeth.

I spit out the excess and turn on the water to run me a bath.

I add bubbles and wait for the tub to fill up.

once it does I strip off my clothes and hop in.

I sink into the water as my mind wonders.

I look down at my stomach and I could feel tears threatening to leave my eyes.

' I can't believe this, I'm really pregnant, I can't be pregnant, this can't happen to me ' I thought and just shake it off.

I wash up and hop out. I wrap a towel around my body.

I walk back into the room and throw on a tank top and some pajama pants.

I look over at the clock to see it's 1:00am. I sigh and grab my laptop off my desk and hop onto my bed with it.

I open it up and go on safari. I type in google 'pregnancy. options' and hit enter.

The main three options appear, which are adoption, keeping it, and abortion. I read about each one and abortion honestly seemed like the best option.

'I mean I couldn't have this Baby, I have my whole life ahead of me, my modeling career is taking off and I just don't need a baby right now.

I look up some places that do abortion and I find a really good one for free abortions. I make an appointment on the computer and turn off my laptop.

I put it on my night stand and cuddle into my blankets.

'in the morning you will be gone and I will be getting my life back' I say to my stomach and fall asleep
'Am I wrong for thinking we could be something for real' i jump out of my sleep as I hear my ringtone playing to see Macy calling me.

I slide the answer button and put the phone up to my ear.

"Hello" I say as I yawn and get out of bed

"Good morning how are you feeling?" She asks calmly

"Fine actually can you come over I need to talk to you?" I ask as I go through my wardrobe

"Yeah sure, of course I'll be right over" she says and hangs up

I toss my phone on my bed and put on a grey sweatshirt and some black yoga pants with my brown ugg boots.

I throw my hair into a high ponytail and decide on no makeup once again. I grab my phone and walk downstairs and outside to see Macy just pulling up in my driveway.

I run and hop into the car.

"Where are we going?" She asked

"To saint Mary's medical center" I say holding my stomach

"Why are we going there?" She asked

"I'm getting an abortion" I say and look out the window

"What, no the hell your not, I refused to drive you" she says crossing her arms

"Fine I'll walk and do this by myself" I says ready to pull on the handle

"No wait I'll take you" my best friend says in defeat

"Thank you" I say and continue looking out the window

Soon enough we pull up to the medical center

"Are you sure this is what you want Kelsey?" She asked looking at me seriously

"Yes Macy I do, I can't be a mother and I know miles doesn't want to be a father" I say pulling the handle and getting out of the car

Macy sighs and gets out with me and we walk into the building and towards the waiting room.

I look around to see mothers pregnant, mothers with there kids, and mother with their kids and pregnant.

I look away and look down at stomach and start to rub it

'It's almost over' I thought

I feel something hit my lap to see its a toy plane

A little boy maybe 4 or 5 years old runs up to me.

"Excuse me miss but can I have my plane back?" He ask politely

I looked at him in awe and nod as I hand him back his plane

"Here you go buddy" I say

He laughs and says thank you and runs off

"Are you really sure this is what you want Kelsey, we could always decide on something else it doesn't have to be this way" Macy exclaimed

The door opens and nurse walks out

"miss Adams" she calls

I stand up and look over at Macy

"Yes this is what I want" I say and walk into the room after the nurse

'Here goes nothing'

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