Keeping the baby and another scan

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Kelsey pov
"Your pregnant?" My mom asks staring at me

"Yeah mom I am, I'm so sorry please don't hate me" I say tears streaming down my face

"Oh baby i could never hate you why didn't you tell me?" My mom asks pulling me close

"Because I thought you would disown me." I tell her honestly

"I am a little disappointed because this isn't what i wanted for you, but I love you baby and nothing isn't going to change that." My mom says tearing up

"I love you mom." I say wrapping my arms around her

"I love you too honey, I can't believe I'm about to be a grandmother" my mom says pulling me closer

"I can't believe I'm going to be a mother."

"Wait I forgot to ask who's the father?" My mom asks looking at me

"It's miles mom." I say and break down again

Two months later
Kelsey pov

"Honey wake up you have your scan and school today." My mom yells from downstairs

I groan and sit up in my bed. I grab my phone off the nightstand and unlock it to see I have a message from Caleb.

"Good morning beautiful I hope you slept well."

I smile at the text and reply

"I slept good thank you."

I turn off my phone and throw the covers off me. I get out of bed and walk over to the mirror and lift up Caleb's baggy shirt on me to look at my bump.

I was a bit bigger than normal woman at this pregnancy stage and it scared me. I told my mom and she made me a doctors appointment which I have to go to later on today.

I throw the shirt over my head and was about to go to my closet when I felt my morning sickness coming to greet me. I run to the bathroom and spew my guts. I hear my mom run in and rub my back. Once I'm done my mom helps me up

"Are you okay honey?" My mom asks worriedly

"Okay as I can be for a two month pregnant woman" I say rolling my eyes

"Haha very funny now go brush your teeth and get dressed, so you can eat and dan can drop you off at a school" she says pecking my cheek and walking out the bathroom

I walk over to the sink and brush my teeth. Once I'm done I go to my closet and decide on black maternity jeans since I can't fit my old clothes anymore, a white baggy hoodie that says 'to tired to care' and my white uggs.

I walk back into the bathroom and turn on my curling iron and decide on loose curls. Once I'm done I run chapstick on my lips and walk into my room and grab my phone and bag.

I walk downstairs to see my mom sitting at the table with coffee and on her iPad

"Mom can I have a banana smoothie with a hint of chocolate syrup and whip cream?" I ask licking my lips

"You heard her Angie" my mom says

She nods and gets started. I sit down at the table across my mom and stare at her

"Are you ok honey?" My mom asked looking up from her iPad

"Yeah I just can't believe I'm pregnant and that I'm going to be a mom soon." I say softly

"I know honey, but I'll be right here to support you."

"Thanks mom."

Angie comes back and hands me my smoothie

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