Telling caleb im pregnant

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Kelsey pov
I open my eyes to hearing drops hit my window. I get out of bed and walk over to my window to see it's raining super hard.

I groan and walk over to my nightstand and grab my phone. I call Caleb and wait for him to pick up; he finally does on the third ring.

"Hello." He says huskily

"Hey sorry to wake you babe, but I wanted to let you know it's raining outside, so I don't know if you still want to have the date today." I said biting my thumb nail

"It's fine babe maybe we can still go bowling and then go to my house and watch movies on the couch, sound good?" He asked sweetly

"Yeah sounds perfect I can't wait." I say smiling super hard

"Okay well I'll see you at school love bye." He says and hangs up

I pull the phone off my ear and put it on my night stand. I walk into my bathroom and could feel the bile coming up my throat.

I quickly go towards the toilet and spew my guts out. Once I'm done I turn on the shower and hop in letting my thoughts consume me.

'This is it I have to tell Caleb that I'm pregnant and I have to tell him who the father is i just hope when I tell him that he will support me'

I continue my thought until the shower turns cold. I hop out and wrap the towel around my body.

I walk out the bathroom and towards my closet and decide on a nice grey sweater, a purple bralette,blue maternity jeans, and my ugg boots.

Once I'm done getting dressed I go into the bathroom and brush my teeth and wash my face. Then I put my hair into a messy bun and decided on just a simple eyeliner wing and lip balm.

I walk out the bathroom and grab my phone and bag and walk downstairs to see my mom nowhere in sight.

"Lisa where is my mom?"

"She is at her office for the new clothing line she's putting together mrs Kelsey."

"Thank you I will call her and while I'm doing that can you please make me the same smoothie from yesterday?" I asked sweetly

"Yes of course I will get the chef right on that mrs Kelsey." She says and runs off

I walk into the living room and plop on the couch and call my mom who answers on the first ring.

"Hello honey what's wrong?" She says out of breath

"Nothing I was wondering what new clothing line Lisa is talking about?" I asked curious

"It's pregnancy line I need my daughter to be fashionable while she's pregnant." She's says astonished

"Wow I'm not sure if I should be grateful or happy to hear about this." I say

Lisa comes into the room and hands me my smoothie. I thank her and take a sip

"You should be very much grateful I'm doing this because I love you and i want you to be comfortable at all times during this pregnancy Okay?" She says

"Yes mom I hear you"

I hear a knock at the door and get up to answer to see Miles standing there annoyed.

"Mom I have to go Miles is here." I say staring at him

"Okay honey I'll see you later love you"

"Love you too." I say and hang up

"What are you doing here miles?" I questioned leaning against the side of the door

" my mom thought it would be nice if I dropped you off at school since your pregnant and all." He says rolling his eyes

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