First scan

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Kelsey pov
"Wake up" I hear Macy yell as she rips the covers off of me

"No Macy, go away" I groan as I throw the covers back over me

Macy called me last night and we both apologized to each other and I told her what happened between me and miles.

"Come on we have school and then we have your very first scan" she says brightly

"Oh how could I forget?" I say rolling out of bed

I grab my phone to check I have a message from my mom

'Honey I'm coming home in two days and I have a surprised for you'

I felt my heart stop in my chest as I read it. She couldn't be coming home already.

I mean could she? she doesn't even know about me being pregnant yet. I can't let her find out.

"My mom is coming home in two days Macy" I panic

"Calm down this is good you need to tell her" she says nodding

"No I can't tell my mother I'm having a baby. she will kick me out and she will never let me model ever again" I say feeling tears pricking my eyes

"I doubt that Kelsey she loves you. she will understand; your mom is an understanding person" Macy says rubbing my back

"I hope your right" I sigh

"I am, now go get ready so we can go to school" she says

Macy walks out of my room and I feel my dinner coming up my throat. I run into the bathroom and puke.

I rinse out my mouth once I'm finished and walk out the bathroom.

I slip on a random hoodie, jeans and some converses. I throw my hair up in a cute messy bun and quickly put on mascara.

I grab my bag and phone and walk downstairs to see Macy eating, while seeing the cook john in front of the stove.

"Morning john" I say plopping into my seat

"Morning miss Kelsey do you know what you want for breakfast this morning" he ask turning towards me

"Mm I'll have a banana and strawberry smoothie with a stack of chocolate chip pancakes with a side of pickles" I say licking my lips

My cook looks at me then Macy. Macy shrugs and john turns around and starts making me what I asked for.

After breakfast my driver drops me and Macy off and we go to our lockers. Macy leaves me early and I see miles coming my way.

"Hey how are you this morning?" He questions sincerely

"I'm fine" I say

"How's......the you know?" He says nodding at my stomach

"He or she is fine" I say rolling my eyes

"Oh good so uh have you made a decision yet?" He ask looking down

"I had one, but you and Macy don't agree with it so I guess I'll just figure it out another when I can" I say rolling my eyes

"Right well I'll see you later" he says pecking my cheek and walks away

The bell rings and I groan knowing I'm now late to biology and start walking

The day goes by in a blur and soon enough the last bell of the day rings. all the kids run out the classroom.

I walk to my locker and grab my bag and to put the rest of my books away

"Hey ready to go? I saw your driver out front." Macy ask leaning against her locker

"Yep ready as I'll ever be with going to a scan to see a baby that I don't want" I say crossing my arms in annoyance

"Lets go" Macy says rolling her eyes

I sigh but follow after her towards the car. we hop in and tell my driver to take us to Macy's since she lives down the street from the hospital.

I can't risk Dan telling my mom I went to the hospital and what for. we pull up to Macy's and we thank Dan and get out.

We wait until Dan pulls off then start walking towards the hospital. we soon get there and go to the OBGYN section.

I walk up to the receptionist who was filling out paperwork

"Hi excuse me my name is Kelsey and I'm here for my first scan" I say to the lady

"Okay take a seat will be right with you" she says going back to her paper work

I roll my eyes and plop down in the seat next to Macy and sigh

"It's going to be okay I promise" Macy says taking my hand

"I hope your right" I say sighing

Soon enough a doctor who looks like she's in her 30s comes out and smiles at me

"Hi I'm doctor bowman and you must be Kelsey" she says shaking my hand

"Yes and this is my friend Macy" I introduce

"Nice to meet you Macy would you both like to come back so we can see the baby" she ask

We nod and follow her to the back and into the ultrasound room

"Just lay down right there Kelsey and I'll be right back" doctor bowman says and walks out the room

I lay down on the bed and sigh rubbing the stomach that I don't have much of

"Nervous?" Macy ask

I nod Macy opens her mouth, but closes it as mrs bowman comes back in

"Alright Kelsey can you lift your hoodie up?" She ask

I nod and lift it up. she grabs this gel stuff and squirts it onto my stomach. I shiver

"Sorry it's a little cold" she says

I nod in understanding. she grabs the probe and starts to move it around on my stomach.

"See that pea shape that's your baby" she says pointing

I felt tears brink my eyes as I look at the tiny pea that was my baby, the baby I don't want

"Want to hear the heartbeat?" She ask

I nod and smile as I hear the heartbeat. I didn't notice I was crying until I felt Macy wiping my tears

"Kelsey this baby is perfect" Macy says wiping her own tears

"Your one month pregnant Kelsey would you like pictures" she ask

"Yes please" I say

She nods and hands me a tissue to wipe my stomach

"I think I've made my decision" I say to Macy

"Really what?" She asked

"Hand me my phone" I say instead of answering her question

She looks at me in confusion, but does it anyway. I tap on miles number and hold the phone up to my ear. it goes for two rings before he answers

"Hello" he says

"Hey it's Kelsey I made a decision" I say smiling

"What" he says nervously

"I want adoption"

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