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Mariah Pov
I walked in the house and Trey was sitting on the couch.

"Where the fuck you been all night?"he asked me

"I was with Karlie, we went to the club and I stayed at her house" I said without mentioning ole dude.

"Why the fuck you lying!" He said Raising his voice.

"Trey im not lying to you, im telling the truth"

He got off the couch and walk up to me and slap tf outta me and I felled to the ground.

"Ugh! Im getting sick and tired of you putting your hands on me like im yo personal punching bag!" I said as I got up.

" Who the fuck you talking to Mariah" he said backing me up into the wall. I didnt say Anything, i just held my head down.

"So you don't hear me talking to you" He said grabing my face making me look at him.

"Yes I hear you,im just sick of you hitting me, dont you love me Trey?" I ask as tears ran down my face.

He look at me and said " yea I love you But you just keep fucking with me"

"Trey im not- before I could finish my sentence he started punching me in my face. And this time I fought back.
When I punched him back, he punched me 10x's harder.After we finished fighting, I started to cry and he left. I continued to cry until I decided to get up and take a shower.After I got out the shower, I went and pack most of my stuff. As I was getting more of my things, I felt somebody grabing my neck. I looked up to see Trey.
"You stupid little bitch,you actually thought you was gonna leave me?"He said. I could find the words to talk because I was so scared. Then he started punching me.I tried to fight back but I couldnt.I cried for help, but nobody heard me, I was prepared to die.

To be Continued...


"Is that you smart mouth?" he said to me.

I looked real close and I realise it was the dude I was with earlier name Isaiah.

"Leave me alone" I said still walking on the sidewalk while he driving the car beside me.

"Why you out here late at night knowing its dangerous out here?"

"Because I don't have no place to go obviously"

"I wonder why with that smart ass mouth of yhrs"

"Look if you just going to bothered me bout my susposed to be smart mouth then you can drive off"

"(Laughing)get in"

"Nooo remember my mouth"

"Maaan get cho ass in"

I huffed.I sat my stuff in the back seat and got in on the passenger seat.

"look you can stay with me till you get on your feet"


"No promblem ma"

Isaiah Pov
When I saw shawty walking down the street crying I had to stop for her. I knew something was wrong wit her but imma find out when we head to the crib. The whole ride home it was just silent but I tried to break it but she wouldn't talk to me so I just left her alone.

I got out and went over to her side to get her bag and
"I got it."she said sniffing. I looked at her face and notice the bruises. I Immediately got mad.

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