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Picture of Mariah☝🏽☝🏽😍

Isaiah Pov.
After shawty left the bathroom, I got up and look at the bruise.Shawty hitted me pretty damn hard. I aint even gon lie, I aint knew shawty could get down like that.But she needa watch who tf she throwing licks at like that. I kinda felt bad about the way I yelled at her but she'll be okay. I walked out the bathroom and said bye to the homies.I walked the car to see Mariah sitting in the car.She looked pretty upset,her hair was in a messybun and she hade sum scratches on her face. As I got in the car, she looked at me for a moment then turned back around. The ride to the crib was died silent.

As soon as I pulled up to the crib,I took the keys out the ignition and looked at Mariah as she was finna get out the car but I grab her.

"Hold up, talk to me real quick." She rolled her eyes and sat back down.

"Ay I just wanted to apologize bout wa happen tonight"

"Its kool..I aint even mad to be honest."

"I still should be by the way yo ass hitted a nigga"

"Oh yeah I'm sorry for hit-" I cut her off and told her "look u ain't got to apologize...I just needed to for the way I yelled at you. So, we cool Again?"

"Always will be 😉" she said winking at me.

I lean in to kiss her and surprisingly she kissed me back. It lasted for about for a min and she pulled away.

At this moment I really wanted her to be mines. I wanna show her I can treat her right like my queen. But, im scared she gon turn a nigga down.

But it ain't nun wrong with asking right?

"Mariah I gotta tell you something that I've been holding in for a long time."

"Ok" she said to me.

"I didn't know when or how to ask you but I'm really falling for u and to keep this short I just want you to be mine ...n show you off but I can't do none of that if you won't let me but I understand how you feel if you just want to take this slow" I said to her.

She stayed quiet for a minute and then said "Look Isaiah I feel the same bout u but I just wanna take this slow ...I mea-" I cut her off.

"I understand." I said catching an attitude.

"Are you mad at me ?" she said asking

"Nothing to be mad over" I said lying in her face. The thing I was really hoping she was going to say yes to me but she really did turn me down.

I got out the car and went up to my door unlocking it while she was behind me. I let her walk in first and I close the door and went upstairs to take a shower to get this off my mind from wat she just told me. .

I was already a lil high so I mind as well do my hygiene then go to sleep.

Mariah Pov
Isaiah just told me how he feel bout me but I just wanted to take it slow and I thought he would understand that but instead he got all mad and went upstairs to take a shower.

I mean am I wrong for telling him no, I mean i just wanted to talk it slow...oh well he'll be okay or will he?

After I took a shower, I went down stairs and saw King.He was siting down watching tv. But to me it looked as if he was thinking hard.After about 15 minutes of watching Empire, he recieved a text and got up and left. Will damn no bye...maybe he is taking it hard. I continued watching Empire until it was over.Then I got up and went to sleep.

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