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Mariah Pov. (Recap)
While still on the road going back to my boyfriend trey house, I was just listening to music and just thinking. I know y'all like why I keep coming back to him and he beats on you. I can't even answer that myself ..all I can say is that I really love him. I was pulling up in the driveway and I just sat in the car for a few minutes before I walked in. I pray he dont put his hands on me because I can't take it right now.

I got out the car and grabbed my things and unlocked the door. I walked in slowly and he was surprisingly sleep so I tried to tip-toe upstairs. Well let's just say I thought he was sleep. "So u was with that nigga again?" he said rising his voice to me and I jump. I put my stuff by the wall and went over to him. "I don't know what you are talking about??" I said.
"Mariah I tried to be nice to u but u keep testing my patience with the dumb shit you do!" he yelled. I back up from him. "Now imma ask you again, Was you with that Nigga?" Trey asked.

"No I wasnt..I was ju-" I didn't even finish my sentence. "You was what?!" he said. He had some white stuff on the table in a line going down and he started sniffing it.
"Are you doing cocaine Trey!?"
"Mind yo fuxkin business..worry about that nigga u was with"he said as he got up off the chair and started walking towards me and I starting backing up.
"Trey please stop" I said beginning to panicking.
"Hoe, I didn't even get started yet" he said.

I tried to run but he grab me by my hair and I started screaming.
"Shut yo stupid ass up!" he yelled.
I tried to pull away from him but that just made him madder and he started punching me in the face and kicking me in my stomach when I got on the ground trying to block my face from getting hit.
I started screaming more saying Stop but he just wouldn't.

All I was hearing in my head was someone saying "wake up Mariah!Wake up!" Was all I heard before everything I passed out.

Karlie's Pov

"Jalen why didnt you come home last night?" I asked as he walked inside the house.

"Damn Kay, I cant even come home and settle down before you start bullshiting".

"Jalen shut the fuck up because you did this not me, you got me like this, maybe if you wasnt out anytime of the night we wouldn't have a promblem"

"Why you always questioning a nigga. You so damn clingy and insecure." He said as he walked towards our room.

"Maybe I wouldnt be insecure If you stop doing that shit you doing."I said walking into the room and sitting on the bed.

"Karlie I was out with my homeboys last night." He said as he put his phone on the charger and got inside the bed.

I wanted to believe him but when he laid down I noticed a hickey on his Neck. This would be the 2nd time he cheated on me. The bad thing about it is, I have a feeling on who he cheated on me and who put that hickey on his neck.

"All you do is fucking lie, If you was with your homeboys, why the fuck is there a hickey on your neck Jalen?" I said walking on his side of the bed.

"Jalen im sick and tired of your bullshit, all you do is lie and fucking cheat im done. Then you gonna come in MY house with a fucking hickey I said putting my hands face.

I took everything in my body not the beat his ass. I was soo fucking mad, the bad thing about it is I still loved his ass.

"Babe its not a hickey,calm down stop assuming im cheating." He said trying to kiss on me

I moved my head, avoiding the kiss.Then I looked him in his eyes and   slap the fuck out of him . Once I slapped him, I continued to hit him. As I was punching him in his face he tried to hold my hands.

" Bae chill out" he said pinning my arms above my head.

"No Fuck You Jalen, You know what? LEAVE DONT FUCKING COME BACK"

"Karlie you cant leave me babe, you know good and well you need me."

I laughed." Nigga I dont Your broke ass, I pay the bills in this fucking house, Shit THIS MY HOUSE"

He let me go and got out the bed and walked towards me. He backed me up against the wall. Once we was face to face, he tried to kissed me but I wasnt with it.

"Jalen im serious I want you to leave."
I said walking leaving the room.

I grabbed my key and walked out the house. I needed to go check on my bestfriend Mariah, She been in the hospital for a while now. Trey bitch ass was beating on her. The doctors said she's in a coma. My brother Drew said he gon handle it. Mariah and I been bestfriends since 10th grade. She's like my sister. She never told me trey was beating on her.

When I got to the hospital, I went to mariah's room and saw some dude, He was sitting beside her, holding her hand and it wasnt trey....

Sorry for slow updating on this book. I just got alote going on right now but I will be updating more often now. Hoped you enjoyed this chapter.

Wonder whos in the room with mariah?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2019 ⏰

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