Chapter 2

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I sat down on a bench in the cafeteria between Wonwoo and Elena. Not only was this my chance to see if we had classes together, but also a blatant excuse to avoid Sehun. He had become dependent on his job to give him a reason to hover of my shoulder like a helicopter parent. Wonwoo thought it was slightly irritating, but it had gone far beyond that to me. He need to guard me like a pathetic child was infuriating at the very least.
I set my schedule on the table," so period one is..... Astronomy with Professor Donghae."
Elena smiled at her schedule," me too. What about second?"
I flipped the page and stared at the confusing sheet," History of Magic with Ryeowook."
Wonwoo chuckled slightly," so we have at least one class together."
Elena groaned," damn... I have it fourth."
I giggled and scanned my sheet," third is Herbology with Professor Dara and fourth is Charms with Professor Bom."
Wonwoo scanned his sheet," I have Herbology with you but not Charms."
Elena nodded," yep. Same here."
Wonwoo stared over my shoulder at my paper," Potions with Heenim. I got that too."
Elena groaned and leaned back," nope."
She stared at my paper," Magical Theory with Professor Hyori and Transfiguration with hottie Professor Jay."
       I laughed lightly and rolled my eyes," Professor Jay is my teacher and he's not all that hot."
      She laughed," yeah but you have Wonwoo. I don't have anyone in my life so I can admire him."
       Wonwoo chuckled," and besides, we have Professor Jay's class together so she'll never notice him."
       I smiled and stuck my tongue out at Elena," see?"
      She scoffed at my childish act," well good thing I'm in it too then, huh?"
      I grinned and flipped through my papers and reorganized them. Elena looked up as a group of familiar faces moved towards us. Jungkook and Namjoon stood in the front. The two looking just as broken as we all had only months before. Jihoon and Vernon followed them closely with Wei, Kuhn and Hwanhee. I practically tripped out of my spot trying to rush to greet them. I was welcomed by the seven pairs of open arms. They all crowded me in an attempt to reconnect. I went straight for Jihoon and squished his baby face. Since last year, his hair had been dyed to a light lime green color. Something I couldn't pull of but he had no problem doing it. Vernon's hair was blonde now as well. Kuhn's was dark brown, Wei's was a silvery color, and Hwanhee's was maroon. Jungkook and Namjoon both had brown hair that seemed a little untamed.
     I pulled Jungkook and Namjoon to me and felt them both ease up at the touch. They had been struggling with themselves since Yoongi died and I didn't blame them. I wished he was here everyday. Elena had never forgiven herself for it even though the others had. It pained me to think that they were all unhappy and in pain because of something that was undoubtedly my fault. A lot of things happen over a short period of time last year. This year was the year we were going to try to fix that.
     JYP had set up what was his way to remember Yoongi. I don't think Jimin every left it since we all checked in. He had been there since we got here. Jungkook and Namjoon had gone to see it and leave him flowers. Three of their friends, Taehyung, Hobi, and Jin, had all gone to see it with them, but I guess it was pretty rough on them seeing as they weren't with the group.
     We all sat down at the table in an attempt to remember what it was like to be together last year. Before everything had happened. I looked up to see a group of nine moving across the cafeteria. One lagged behind a bit and it took me a second to realize what was happening. The one in the back was overly nervous and had good reason. He was being watched by a group of third years.
     I stood up to head over to him and felt a hand rest of my side. I looked down to see Wonwoo staring up at me. I gave a meek smile and he seemed to understand. I moved toward the new first year as the third years approached him. They pushed him around, but his group was too far ahead to have noticed.
    I flicked my wand up and pointed it at the group," bombarda."
    A small explosion separated the first year from the others and I rushed over. I ran a quick over him. He was seemingly young, but not much younger than myself. He had tanner skin than most students and a crisp, brown eye color. His hair was a darker burgundy color.
     I smiled sweetly," I'm Alice."
     He laughed and sat up," Haechan."
     I turned and looked at the somewhat familiar third years. I didn't know any of them personally but a few were familiar. One girl was familiar. Her name was Jimin and she had been in my History of Magic class. She wasn't exactly smart enough to make it into Slytherin so I didn't really talk to her.
     She chuckled annoyingly," you think you're so strong because you're Madison Crane's daughter, huh? Pathetic."
      I sighed and tapped my wand lightly," I never said I was strong. Just leave the first years alone."
      She laughed," I wasn't the one who tried to destroy Griffindor."
      I shrugged," and I learned my lesson. Now screw off. I'm taking Haechan to the infirmary."
      She scoffed and pushed me," how dare you try ignore me."
       I heard the footsteps of my friends, but the spell that almost hit me, was not them.
        Jimin flew back a few feet and stared back," I was waiting for you to show up."
       I turned and stared at the brown eyed boy behind me. His cat-like lips sat in smirk and his slim eyes narrowed. His black hair was gelled back in a gentlemanly manor and one earring hung from right left ear.
     His lowered his wand and stared at her," Jimin... I warned you earlier that if you aimed for one of my friends-"
      She smirked," you hadn't noticed until the tramp stepped in."
      Wonwoo and Jihoon stared at me, ready to harm her at my notice. I gestured for them to lower their wands. The black haired boy pushed me and Haechan behind him as he neared her.
      He towered over not only her, but me as well. I stared up as he leaned toward her, "pull another stunt like this, and I'll make sure Professor Jay personally gets you kicked out. He's taken quite a liking to Haechan and myself, it'd be a shame to hear that he's being bullied."
      She groaned and looked away," whatever. Stay outta my way."
      She pushed past him and slammed into me. Despite the height difference, I ended up on my butt. I looked up to see a hand extended to me. I grabbed the black-haired-guy's hand and he pulled me up.
     He smiled and looked down," thanks, for standing up for Haechan."
     I shook my head," it was nothing. Jimin is spoiled and needed to be put in her place."
     He laughed and nodded," yeah, her little "Ace of Angels" gang isn't exactly all that sweet. I'm Johnny by the way."
      I shook his gigantic hand," Alice."
      He chuckled," so any chance I could see your schedule?"
      I grinned and handed it to him. He scanned for a second," we have four classes together."
     I looked over," really? Which ones?"
     He smiled and handed back the schedule," I guess you'll have to look for me in all your classes, because I'm not telling."
     I groaned and stared at him," you're evil!"
     He shrugged," then how'd I get Ravenclaw?
     He looked down to Haechan," Yuta and Taeyong are Slytherin and Alice is too. So you won't be alone, okay?"
      Haechan nodded and looked up at Johnny," we'll still be together at meals though, right?"
      Johnny laughed and roughed up his hair," yeah we will."
I smiled at the two as their group neared us," how sweet. I should probably head back to my friends now. It was cool meeting you two."
Haechan smiled widely," it was... amazing.. to meet you and thank you so much for helping me."
I laughed and gave a small nod and turned to the speaking Johnny," hey, look, if you need anything, let me know. It means a lot that you did that."
I grinned and nodded," will do. See you guys later."
I moved to join my group and Wonwoo. Without a second thought, he buried me in his embrace. I wasn't the type to complain about affection but Wonwoo was never the type for PDA.
I leaned back and stared and soft smile," what're you up to Jeon Wonwoo?"
He shook his head lightly," nothing, why?"
I smirked and wrapped my arms around his neck loosely," are you jealous?"
He scoffed lightly," why would I be jealous? At the end of the day, I get the girl, right?"
I hummed and stared at him with a grin.
He raised an eyebrow lightly," right, Alice?"
I giggled," of course. All yours."
He smiled and gave me a quick peck on the lips. After the whole Heachan vs. Jimin situation, we all headed to our common rooms. Jackson, Bambam, Namjoon and Jungkook sat on the sofas in peace. Wonwoo and I rested comfortably on the floor with Vernon stretched out to the left and Kihyun to the right. Wei and Hwanhee were sitting at the table beside the couches. Wooshin, Jooheon, Bin, and Rocky sat at the other table by the wall. P-Goon, Hansol, Haechan, and two boys who we believed were Yuta and Taeyong, sat in small cushioned chairs by the walls. The Slytherin common room was always so crowded and lively when we were in it. Despite having so many Slytherin students, barely anyone ever spent time in the common room. It was likely because we kept claim on it. We knew we wouldn't have classes starting until tomorrow and it seemed like a waste to explore a school well known to us.
      Haechan turned to look at us," Alice?"
      I stared up at him," yeah, Haechan, what is it?"
      He fiddled with his fingers before finally speaking up, "could you take me to see Diagon Alley?"
       I giggled and sat up," you wanna go to Diagon Alley?"
       He nodded slowly and stared down," yeah..."
       I nodded," ok, how about we go as a group."
        Taeyong shook his head," I've been too many times. Yuta can go."
        Yuta shrugged," yeah I'll go."
        By the time a group was organized, we had invited friends from other houses. The group ended up being fairly large. It consisted of Yuta, Johnny and Haechan; Namjoon, Hobi and Jungkook; Bambam and Jackson; Wonho and Kihyun; Wei, Kuhn and Hwanhee; Wonwoo, Jihoon, Mingyu, and Vernon; Rocky and Bin; Hansol and A-Tom; Sehun, Tao, Baekhyun, D.O. and Chanyeol; as well as Leila, Elena, and myself. I had tried to convince my "bodyguards" to stay back. That plan, however, ultimately failed.
     As we all sauntered up the alley looking for shops, it came perfectly clear that I had three sets of eyes glued on me. Only one of which was guard. Sehun hadn't stopped staring since I grabbed Wonwoo's hand. Wonwoo was staring for the simple fact he could. The last set of eyes was Johnny. Maybe he was simply confused why five fourth years refused to allow me to go to Diagon Alley without an escort. I was just happy to not have all seven with me. Luckily for me, Kai and Xuimin were attempting to lay low.
      Jihoon lightly pulled my free hand," hey Alice, we should check out the apothecary. Maybe we could get some stuff to study for potions?"
      I nodded," that's a good idea. Wonwoo's in that class with us too so maybe he'd study with us?"
       Jihoon smiled," well it wouldn't be as much fun without him, would it?"
       Wonwoo smiled and barely hesitated," yeah. Sounds fun."
We walked around the store for a while. Jihoon combed through his textbook for potions class and grabbed a few vials here and there. I had only noticed Adder's Fork, Bloodroot, Jewelweed, and Death-Cap. I had roamed around the entire building and ended up away from the group while exploring the vast amounts of ingredients.
I was caught off guard when I felt a hand clamp over my mouth and yank me out the back exit. I flailed in an attempt to break lose. I couldn't tell if it was someone I knew or not. It took a minute to realize that it was definitely not a friend. The man attempted to drag me down the back end of the alley unnoticed.
"Take your filthy hands off of her!"
I glanced up to see the tiny but mighty Jihoon, wand at the ready. The man shoved me to the wall. I slammed my head just on the temple and slid to the floor. I grasped at my forehead and checked my fingertips. Much to my dismay, there was blood.
I heard a slight scream and turned to see the man cornered by D.O. and Chanyeol. D.O. had his wand in hand and he swung it gently between his fingers.
He raised his hand and the wand settled into place," you... you hurt my friend.... prepare to feel the worse pain imaginable."
Jihoon pulled me to my feet and tugged me to the apothecary. I tried to turn and see what was happening but Jihoon was persistent to not allow me to see it.
He managed to wrestle me back in the building and it took all but three seconds to be rushed by the group. Johnny, Jungkook and Wonwoo were the first to get to me. Wonwoo hugged me and examined my face," Alice, are you ok?"
I nodded and smiled weakly," yeah. It's only a little scrape. Nothing much."
Johnny's fingers lightly touched the wound and I winced," be careful. You'll get blood on you."
He chuckled lightly," you get hurt, but you're worried about me getting blood on myself. I'm fine."
He pulled out his wand and held the tip close to the wound," episkey."
I reached up to touched my forehead and jumped when it still hurt. Johnny laughed quietly and smiled," it's still going to hurt. It's just not open anymore. Here."
He ran over to the store clerk to receive a rag and gently dabbed it against my forehead. Wonwoo watched closely and stared at the boy who had wiggled his way between us. Luckily for me, Sehun had gone to join Chanyeol and D.O. I giggled at Wonwoo's obvious jealousy. It was almost impossible to see to the untrained eye. Wonwoo usually had a blank face and even now, the only telltale sign was that his eyebrow twitched lightly and he wouldn't stop touching me.
I finally managed to get away from the two of them and continued to explore the shops. We decided to take Haechan to the Magical Menagerie. He had talked about wanting a cat instead of an owl. When we went in, I spent my time looking at the cute kittens and the odder species of animals that were sold.
     After a while I realized that Johnny and Wonwoo were talking not too far behind me. Johnny's voice was hushed but still fairly audible," if you keep holding boring conversations with Alice, it's gonna come up snake eyes."
       Wonwoo chuckled," snake puns to the Slytherins?"
       Johnny shrugged and sighed," all I'm saying is that a girl like that is gonna get bored with someone who can't entertain her."
       Wonwoo smirked," a beauty like her's could rewrite snake eyes."
       Johnny scoffed," I meant that she'd get bored of you. I know she's beautiful, but she's fun when she's allowed to be. Try not to hold her back."
       Wonwoo turned to meet his gaze," I'm not holding her back.."
       Johnny shrugged and went off to join Haechan. Wonwoo stared at me and all I could offer was a reassuring smile. I had never thought Wonwoo was boring or that he held me back. Wonwoo and I never needed to talk to enjoy each other's company and I didn't care what anyone thought. I walked over and buried my face into his long neck.
       He grinned and wrapped his arms around me," what's this for?"
       I shrugged and pressed my nose to his," I overheard what Johnny said to you. I never thought you were boring."
       He stared down," how much did you hear?"
      I stared away from him," enough to know you mostly care about my looks, but I guess it's okay."
       I pulled back from him as he attempted to apologize. I made my way to Haechan and his new orange tabby kitten. It was fairly small, but almost an adult. Haechan cuddled it in his arms.
     Johnny smiled at the tiny cat," so what're you going to name him?"
     Haechan smiled up at him," actually it's a she, and her name is Heicho."
     I scratched the kitten's head gently," hi there."
     The cat purred and pressed her head into my fingertips. I smiled at the two boys and watched them fixate their gazes on the small animal in their hands. Johnny's eyes slowly turned to look up from the kitten to meet my own. His upturned lips pulled back into a sweet, small smile.
Haechan lifted Heicho to Johnny and continued to flaunt her off. He was so happy with his new pet that he hardly noticed that Johnny was no longer paying attention. In fact, half of the store wasn't. Everyone was staring at what had happened outside.

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