Chapter 5

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    I stared at Namjoon," that doesn't make any sense."
    He shrugged and pointed," I'm just telling you what I know."
    I shook my head," I've been linked to Sehun since we were children."
    Johnny and Sehun stared at each other in silence. I realized that they knew something I didn't. Johnny glanced at me and broke the gaze. Sehun's eyes went to his feet.
    Namjoon looked from person-to-person," I'm not going to pretend that I know what's happening, but could you be less obvious."
     Sehun sighed and nodded," sorry about that."
     Namjoon jotted a few things down in his notebook before standing," ok. Classes start tomorrow and dinner's soon. We should all head in. Alice, one thing, stay near Johnny... please."
      I sat through all of dinner in awkward thought. Johnny and Sehun got along very well, which was odd on its own. Then the fact that Johnny was linked to me after only three days. Not to mention, how was my link to Johnny stronger than the one to Sehun. I expected him to gloat about being the one to save me.
    The two never spoke at dinner. Most of our, now large, group sat chatting away. Us three, however, were lost to ponder what we were hiding from each other. Johnny was severely distracted by whatever I didn't know. Sehun was on edge, but not nearly as much as Johnny. However, when asked about it, Sehun would say nothing. He would pretend that he had no idea why Johnny was blatantly silent.
The only time the two spoke up was because of Wonwoo. The group was discussing my accident. They had hoped that I was in good health and feeling better. Wonwoo decided to slip in a comment between words," she's obviously not ok. She pushed me away and, even now, pretends that I'm the enemy."
Both Johnny and Sehun slammed their hands on the table. It was impossible to tell what was going on in their heads. Sehun held a straight face as he glared down Wonwoo and Johnny's long hair masked his face.
I assumed Sehun would speak up first, which he did, but Johnny was very close behind. Sehun gripped the table to keep calm," watch your mouth, you ignorant fool."
Johnny lifted his head, his hair falling out of his face to reveal a calm and collected face," how dare you..."
Wonwoo watched as Johnny's eyes turned from calm to rabid. Johnny's fist hit the table once more," how dare you play innocent. You weren't the one who directly hurt her, sure. But you did, in fact, hurt her. You made her feel like nothing more than a pretty face. Does she really mean that little to you? And here you are spreading gossip about her to her own friends. You didn't deserve the time you had with her and I'll be damned if I let you get anymore."
Johnny's threat wasn't just words. He had an intent to back them all the way. He would never let Wonwoo caress me again. He wanted him as far away as possible. While Sehun kept his composure, it was obvious he was seething below the surface. He was boiling with rage.
    I only spoke up to calm the two," hey... it's okay. He's being petty and immature. It doesn't bother me."
    Johnny didn't seem to buy my lie. His gaze told me that he didn't believe a single word. I smiled and grabbed the two boys' hands," I promise... I'm ok. Now both of you, just sit down and have lunch with me."
     They hesitated, but sat down. The two eagerly linked an arm around me. D.O. seemed awfully confused with the whole situation. waved to him that I'd tell him later.
     Johnny's arm stayed touching me all night. When dinner ended, he walked Sehun and I to the Slytherin dormitories. When we both entered, he left.
      Sehun flopped down on the couch that sat in the center of the common room. I walked over and stood beside his outstretched body. He looked up and saw me staring. Without asking, he adjust me body to make room and held out an inviting arm. I crawled in the open space beside him and rested my head on his chest.
       His large shoulders rose and fell with each breath. His heart beat was steady, but would speed up if I moved around. His eyes were closed and his chin sat atop my head comfortably. He placed a gentle his to the top of my head. His hand caressed my back as lovingly as possible.
       He sighed and stared down," today.... everything that happened..."
       I adjusted my head lightly. Thum Thum thum. The steady strumming of his heart sped up on que and I couldn't help but feel content," the part with Wonwoo? Or Ezra?"
       His lips parted and paused," I suppose both."
       I pressed my hand flat against Sehun's chest," I'm not safe anymore. Not here."
       He groaned and stretched out more," as much as I hate to say it. This is the safest place. I'm here. Johnny's here...."
        I sat up and stared at him," you're not done. Who are you leaving out? What don't I know Sehun?"
        He sighed and rubbed his face," I promised Madison-"
         I threw my leg over and sat on his thighs, forcing his hands down," Madison isn't here. Tell me."
        Sehun's eyes attempted to pull away, but couldn't," Cha Hakyeon."
        I practically fell from his lap to the floor," no... Why is he here?"
        Sehun swung his legs off the couch," he's leading the protective order your mother's installed. It's safe. I promised to not let you two meet. After what he did-"
        Tears slowly began to stream from my eyes," he can't know I'm here. He's a terrible person. I don't want him anywhere near me."
        Sehun nodded and pulled me to him," he won't see you at all, Alice. If he does, I'd rather kill him then let him touch you."
       Tao entered the dorms and stared at us," what happened?"
        Sehun frowned and attempted to comfort me," Cha Hakyeon is here."
Tao groans and flops down beside the couch with his face in his hands," so what do we do, leader?"
Sehun ignored the remarks of his friend and combed my hair out with his fingers," simple. Hakyeon is going to be focused on his job. We start classes tomorrow so I doubt we'll even see him."
Sehun's focus turned from Tao to me," now... I think it's time you got some rest..okay?"
I nodded and headed towards my room. Out of the six beds in the room, three were occupied. I sat on mine, taking up the fourth spot. Elena and Yeonjung were both still out. Yeri and Luda were already asleep and Lip was adjusting her bed.
I smiled and whispered across the room," Kim Lip."
She looked up, smiled, and whispered back," Alice Crane."
I sighed and leaned on my pillow," you aren't asleep?"
She shook her head," I've been having problems sleeping. You have too. You move a lot in your sleep and you mumble."
I nodded and looked at Yeri," it's impressive that they sleep this well."
Lip stared down," could we maybe bring one or two of the guys in here? They can sleep on the floor... I just think I'd be able to sleep easier."
I nodded and walked across the empty common room to the area where the boys' rooms were. I nodded and waited for a response. Yuta opened the door with a messy yawn," yeah what's up?"
I played with my thumbs nervously," could a couple of the guys sleep in our room? Lip and I are having trouble sleeping."
Sehun's tall figure appeared from behind the door with a blanket and pillow. He silently crossed the common room and entered our room. Yuta turned and yelled into the room," anyone else?"
Three more boys came to the door. Two were familiar. Hwiyoung and Jaeyoon. The third was a complete blank in my mind. He smiled wide and innocently," I'm Jae."
When we got back to the room, Sehun had laid his blanket down between my bed and the wall and now lied down comfortably. Hwiyoung and Jaeyoon slept at the foot of the beds. Jae slept by the door, but far enough back that he wasn't in the way.
In the shadow of the night, Sehun's body moved around quietly. He adjusted the pillow and quieted back down. Around two o'clock, Lip woke up panicking. I quickly moved over to join her in her bed so she'd feel ok. Sehun moved over to be between Lip and Yeri's beds. His hand reached up go caress mine lightly before rolling over.
When we woke up the next morning, Lip was wrapped so tightly around me. Sehun had been awake already and sat watching us. He stared down before standing and forcing the boys out. Hwiyoung was still asleep and was attempting to wake up. Before he could even sit up all the way, Sehun was dragging him out.
     I stood up and stretched before changing. Yeonjung and Elena were distraught by the sudden sunlight. Lip and Luda were already dressed and waiting. Yeri sat in her bed brushing her hair out.
      The four of us who went to sleep early sat in the common room waiting on the other two. Sehun and Yuta sat on the chairs waiting for us. When the two lazier roommates finally joined us, we all headed over to Astronomy. Lip and Elena were the only of my roommates to have Astronomy with me. Sehun and Yuta had it too. As well as Johnny. We all went in and sat down at the table waiting for our non-Slytherin friends. Chanyeol showed up first, followed by Namjoon, Leila, and Jungkook. Johnny and his friend Jaehyun came in after them. Johnny sat to my left as per usual. I stared at him as he stared at his textbooks. He flipped through his book to catch up on some stuff.
      He glanced up at me and his pretty lips pulled into a soft smile. His eyes smiled along with them. I felt my heart bump a little bit as he went back to studying. I tried to stop my hand before it gently ran through his hair but it was impossible. My fingers lightly curled into his long black hair. I felt him chuckle under my fingertips.
     Sehun reached over and smacked my hand away lightly. I stared up at him for being petty. He rested his jaw in his palms. I lightly brushed his hair to settle his nerves. He glanced down at me with an almost invisible smile. Lip messed with my hair as we waited for the teacher.
       After a few minutes of waiting, Professor Donghae showed up. He set stuff down on his desk and sighed quite loudly. He rested his hands anxiously on his desk.
      Finally, he looked up with a smiled," I have a very quick and important lecture students. After last year's kidnapping incident, a protective order was sanctioned by Madison Crane and JYP themselves. As your first period teacher, it is my duty to make you all aware of the current situation. You are all safe so don't fret. This order is simply to keep you safer than you were."
      Jae, one of the Slytherins who slept in the girls' dormitory last night,sighed," if we were so safe before, then how did people get kidnapped? This protective order probably won't do anything anyway."
      Professor Donghae exhaled and nodded," I will admit that I too have doubts seeing as the order is smaller than normal. Anyway, I have to introduce you to the leader of it. Mr. Hakyeon, if you will."
      I felt Sehun's hand tighten as the name was announced. However, what really caught me off guard was being blocked from the door by Johnny. I leaned up to whisper in his ear," what are you doing?"
       He sat up to block me from Hakyeon's view," I won't let him see you."
       My eyes widened," Sehun told you..."
       He laughed and looked back," oh trust me, Sehun wouldn't give up that info."
        I stared at him before feeling a flash from the past. As though my mind was trying to force me to remember something. I gasped lightly and Johnny turned to look at me.
        I pushed my chair away slightly," you... you're him."
        "Well if it isn't Alice Crane.... I missed you my dear."
        I stared up to see Hakyeon's eyes glue on me.
       Johnny turned to look at me," I'll do it again if I have to. He won't put a finger on you."

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