Chapter 4

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    I sat with my back against a large planter in the Herbology classroom. Chanyeol sat eyes-to-pot with a screaming mandrake, just contemplating the screech it had. Johnny watered the plants and tended to them with a gentle hand. I brushed back a long lock of blonde that had gone astray from the others. I was careful not to mess up the half-up bun that sat atop my head.
     Johnny talked with Sehun as he worked. The two seemed to be joking and talking as if it was just an everyday occurrence. Sehun's lips would curl into what seemed to be an attempt at a smile. It was completely and utterly odd.
     I rose to my feet cautiously and sauntered over to them. Johnny's large hands were tending to the aconite. I perched myself just beside him on lone stool. I listened to the two talk as I swayed my feet between the stool's long legs.
      Sehun's deep voice spoke out as he watched Johnny," so you use it in a Draught of Peace potion?"
      Johnny hummed lightly in response," yeah. Draught of Peace and Pepperup Potions. They're more medicinal so thing that have a healing or helping affect usually require it."
      Sehun nodded and watched the plant in front of him," fascinating. What about cowbane?"
      Johnny moved the plant in his hands to the shelf and adjusted it," highly poisonous. It's used in a Shrinking Solution though."
        I accidentally bumped a small planter causing it to crash to the floor. I attempted to pick up the pieces as quickly as possible. I quickly grabbed handfuls of the shards that sat scattered across the floor.
      I hissed and yanked my hand back after a slight sting to my palm. Surely enough, a fairly decent gash sat across my palm. I stared at the blood that threatened to trickle over the edge and spill on the floor. Johnny kneeled beside me quickly and focused on my hand. Sehun kneeled to the other side, throwing the pieces of the pot into the garbage.
       I stared down at my palm as the blood began to teeter on the edge of flowing. A small hand towel was quickly thrust into my hand and pressed to my cut to stop the bleeding. Johnny's brilliantly dazzling eyes watched my hand as he fumbled for his wand in his pocket.
      When his wand was finally in hand, he held the tip toward my palm. His eyes flicked from me to the wound. I nodded to simply tell him to go ahead with whatever he was doing.
      His lips parted slowly and he adjusted the wand," episkey."
       The wound was hesitant, but it slowly healed over and the skin reconstructed over what was the injury. My hand was still red with my blood, but it was no longer an open wound.
      A tiny blonde girl came jogging into the room followed by three other girls. The girl kneeled beside me," are you ok?"
      I nodded in a very confused manor. The girl had ran in like she knew me, but when happened was completely impossible to know. The girl doll-like eyes watched me as she handed me a softly dampened washcloth. She pursed her lips as I took it and wiped my palm.
I stared at her tiny face and she smiled," I'm so we intruded. We wanted to make sure you were okay. We were other the greenhouse when we heard the pot crash."
I stared at the girl, whose tiny hand reached to rest against my cheek. Her eyelashes batted as she spoke," I'm Yeoreum."
I was so dazed by the entire incident that I didn't realize what she had done," Alice."
Johnny and Sehun lingered over the top of me and Yeoreum's small hand cleaned my hand of old blood. She didn't introduce the other three girls and they never introduced themselves.
When Yeoreum was done, Johnny hesitated before pulling me to my feet and from her grasp. His large hands cupped my shoulders gently but firmly. Sehun stared over his shoulder at me. I had thought Johnny would embrace me or something, but he turned me to the door and let go. I walked through the walkway as instructed and heard the patter of multiple footsteps behind me.
When I had feel comfortable enough in the grounds to relax, I collapsed into the grass. Johnny hovered over me with the boys that had gone to the greenhouse with us. When I had stood from Yeoreum, the boys scared me. They were tense and their normal behavior was off.
Johnny sighed and looked up at Sehun," did you expect that?"
Sehun chuckled and shook his head," never thought I'd be jealous of a girl."
I stared up at the two in what felt like shock. Sehun laughed it off and talked to Johnny. The two chatted about how Yeoreum could "sweep me away". In a sense, I guess she could've. But there was something that held me between Johnny and Sehun. I wanted to say compassion.. loyalty.. stability.. trust.. no word could fit what I wanted to say. There was just a feeling between us three that worked well.
I looked up at them," so we start class tomorrow."
Johnny nodded and sighed," yeah. They haven't started and yet I've already had a schedule change. Only one class luckily."
I stared up at him and he brushed back his black bangs," what class?"
He laughed lightly and rocked on his toes," charms for fourth."
I smiled at the absurd idea of having so many classes with him," me too."
His closed eyes open one at a time with a smile," oh? How did I get so lucky?"
       I chuckled and threw a dirty rag at him," don't be sassy with me."
       Sehun lightly grinned and leaned back on the table. Johnny lunged during his laughing fit in an effort to grab my arm. I dashed around the table as he ran after me. When his fingers were mere inches away, I squeezed myself behind Sehun for protection. When Johnny reached for me, Sehun pushed me behind him and played as thought he was going to fight him. The two roughhoused for a moment before Johnny made a break for me.
     I squealed playfully and ran out of the greenhouse. Johnny and Sehun were right on my heels as I jetted across the lawn. When I thought I was far enough away, I slowed down a bit and felt a hand tighten on my robe. I flew backwards and felt my head collide with hard soil. My head bounced once before settling into the grass.
     The calls echoed of the building. Even as they neared me, they seemed distant. Far off. My vision was blurry and everything moved rapidly. It was all distorted and hard to focus. My eyes rolled around as the fuzzy shapes that were mostly likely Sehun and Johnny towered over me.
      I felt my eyelashes intertwine as my eyelids shut. My head rolled around as my body was lifted into someone's arms. I felt my cheek press into the familiar fabric of the school robe.  The wind brushed my cheeks and the person whose arms were hooding me up, bounced as they ran for the infirmary.
     As the person who carried me bridal style, reached the infirmary, I became to gain consciousness. I fluttered my eyes as I tried to glance up at my savior. The ever so familiar eyes stared forward as they walked.
     "Put me down."
     The slim eyes flicked down as the body paused. They widened as I used my limited strength to push away from them. I slipped from their arms and my butt hit the floor.
     I stared at the person who had carried me," don't touch me... ever again, Wonwoo."
     He kneeled down and extended a hand," Alice, don't be like this."
     "Get away from her."
      I glanced up at the voice who caught me off guard. The boys that stood staring were mostly expected. Johnny and Sehun stood in front of a few others. Haechan, D.O., and Jihoon were the most obvious. Jihoon walked over to Wonwoo and placed a hand on his back," you should apologize and give her time, ok?"
      Wonwoo kneeled down in front of me and Jihoon kept the two boys from going at him," Alice... I'm so sorry. I hope you can forgive me for being a jerk."
       And with that, he turned and left. I stared up at the small group that stood in the hallway outside the infirmary. Johnny and Sehun lifted me to my feet and I stumbled trying to support myself. 
       I stared up at the two pairs of dark eyes," what happened? Why did he have me? Where were you?"
      Johnny and Sehun pulled me into a tiny group hug. I felt a kiss placed on the top of my head, but I wasn't aware of who did it. Johnny's voice was soft," Alice you were right in front of us when you turned the corner.... but when we turned it, you weren't there."
      I laughed at the absurdity," no.. I fell right there at the corner. I turned and you grabbed my shirt and I fell."
      Sehun looked over at Jihoon," where did Wonwoo find her again?"
      Jihoon stared up at him," he said she was just outside the Northern Towers. He saw her during practice and dropped everything to rush her here."
      Johnny turned from me to him," that's impossible. We were over by the East Wing when she disappeared."
     I buried my face into Johnny's chest," so who pulled me down?"
     Jihoon leaned on his heel," Wonwoo said she was alone."
     Sehun sighed and buried his face into his hands," and neither of us touched her."
     Johnny tightened his arms around me," isn't Namjoon a genius at magic tracking?"
     I nodded slowly from the comfort of his arms. Johnny's chin rested on top of my head before kissing it lightly," then let's go see if he can help us, okay?"
      I leaned back and smiled widely," anything to go see Namjoon!"
      Johnny and Sehun both scowled lightly at the exclamation of joy. I grabbed their hands and pulled them towards the Hufflepuff dorms.
When we got there, I gently pushed Johnny to it. It would be near impossible for Sehun and I to get it in.
     Johnny came out a few moments later followed by Namjoon. Namjoon's wide dimply grin popped up as he approached me. I ran into the embrace of my dear friend. Namjoon tucked my stray hairs back behind my ear and kissed my forehead in a gentle manor.
      He smiled and squeezed my cheeks," let's go check and see what happened ok, little dove?"
     I giggled at the childish nickname and nodded. Sehun and Johnny groaned behind me. I turned and wiggled myself in the pair's arms to halt their constant whining. They pouted but ultimately gave in.
     The four of us headed to the East Wing together. When we got to the spot I had disappeared, Namjoon got to work. I sat off on the side with the two guys and watched. We helped where we were useful, but Namjoon said we might get in the way.
When Namjoon got done, he winced softly before calling us over. He sighed and pointed at the spot I disappeared," ok so you see the magic I managed to bring back, yeah?"
     We nodded and stared at the wispy seeming air in the spot before us. The grass under it was dying quickly from the concentrated magic essence. Namjoon pointed a long finger at the essence," normally when I draw out concentrated magic like this, it doesn't kill plant life. That's a sign that it's been exposed to dark magic."
      I stared at it for a brief moment before turning to him," what else did you get?"
     He sighed," the orange tint towards the center, its light, fading. But if you remember last..."
       I sighed and buried my face in my hands," please... don't say it."
Namjoon groaned and ruffled his hair," it's got the same glint as yours Alice."
I shook my head and covered my eyes," it's not. It can't-"
Namjoon leaned back and stared at us," Ezra."
I groaned and dropped back on the grass," I didn't want to hear it."
Namjoon leaned forward," technically... there are two different essences here. Three if you know how to look. It looks like the other two combined. It's odd... One is definitely Alice's but the other.... I'm not too sure"
Johnny tilted his head," they combined?"
Namjoon nodded," Alice's is easy to spot. The other is new to me, but whoever's it is, helped Alice block Ezra from completely snatching her. The two protected her. You got lucky, Ali."
Namjoon looked up with a slight smile," only you two were there right?"
Sehun stared at him with a confused look on his face," yeah?"
Namjoon grinned and held his wand lightly," alright then. Hands."
Johnny stared at him," what?"
Namjoon held out a hand," give me your hands."
Sehun and Johnny placed their hands in Johnny's. They looked confused as Namjoon's wand hovered above them. In a minute or so, two different colored wisps sat in the air. Namjoon laughed in victory and pointed at Sehun's," okay, so look here, the center is dark blue. However, Johnny's is a mustardy yellow. The combination of the two was a yellowy orange. Do you know what that means?"
Alice sighed and glanced at him," just tell us."
He grinned with delight," Johnny's linked with you."

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