Update/ Question Time

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Hello babies,
    So for starters, I'm not going on hiatus, I've just lagged behind on writing. So until the 29th, I won't be posting any chapters so that I have a little over a week to catch up. With that being said, I have a few questions for you guys that I'd love to get some insight on.

   So for starters, who are your ships? That can go for Alice, Elena, or Leila, anyone. I'm curious to see who my writing made you want to pair.

   Second, are their any characters you've really liked the way I've written or depicted? Or any you hate the way I've depicted them?

    Lastly, I do plan on continuing this book as well and I would like to add another non-kpop character. However, I'd like to use a character created by you guys and I will message whoever I pick to discuss their character and so forth. Just answer the two questions honestly and type a characters name and I'll pick before I post Chapter 7. Love you guys ~

Also, if you guys have any questions about me or about the book and any plans for it, feel free to ask.

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