Chapter 7

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Johnny's arms tightened around me protectively and Sehun's wand was steady in his hand. I tightened my grip on Johnny's shirt at the voice. My face was buried in his chest and I felt the tears burning my eyes.
Ezra's laugh rang out among the corridor. I heard him mumble a spell under his breath, but I didn't quite know what happened at first. I didn't realize until Johnny's body gave way under me. I wrapped my arms around his head and protected it from the impact of the hard floor. I screamed when my elbow crashed against the solid ground. I stared down at Johnny's face. His eyebrows were furrowed in pain and his teeth gritted.
I ran my hand over him to check if he was ok, but my hand came up with blood. I pressed my lips to his head," we're bonded Johnny. I know it hurts, but it'll heal, I promise."
I stood up and pulled my wand out. I clutched it and looked up at the face I'd been dreading. Ezra's hazel eyes met my own. His mouth sat in a conceded smirk. I raised my wand to him," I'm going to finish this."
Sehun's large hand pushed me back," I'm handling this, Alice."
I grabbed his hand and laced my fingers with his," Sehun... I lost Yoongi. I can't lose you."
He smiled and pulled my hand to his chest," we're linked. You won't lose me."
I nodded and smiled before shoving him back and raising my wand," bombarda."
     The small explosion didn't stun Ezra in the slightest. He tilted his head and walked forward steadily. At the flick of his wand, Sehun flew backwards. I tried to lift my wand, but my hand trembled. The violent shaking of my fingers made it nearly impossible.
    Ezra neared me and lifted his wand to my cheek," finally, dear sister. It's time for me to take what's mine."
     "Everte Statum."
     The soft murmur of the spell was almost inaudible, but it did the job nonetheless. Ezra flew backwards and slid across the tile with a squeal. He laughed and laid flat on his back. I turned expecting to see Sehun with his wand raised, but I was wrong. I turned to see Johnny, clutching his wand in one hand and his side with the other. He stumbled and tried to remain steady.
       I raised my wand at Ezra, no longer shaking," don't you ever hurt my friends again!"
        The words flew out of my mouth before I could stop them," sectumsempra."
        A large flash appeared across Ezra's chest. He clutched it with a smile and disappeared into the air. I turned and sprinted to Johnny. He collapsed as soon as my arms wrapped around him. I pulled his face to my chest and held him tightly for fear of losing him. My fingers locked tightly on him and my lips pressed into his hair with a need and urgency.
     Sehun's voice was quiet, but it was clearly there," Alice... you need to leave him. He'll heal."
      I stared at him," I'd treat you the same way if it was reversed. Just let me take care of him."
      I watched as Johnny's wound tried to close itself. The skin slowly pulled closer and closer until it was nearly all the way closed. The wound didn't heal perfectly and it scarred over, but he would definitely be okay. I ran my finger over the scar and felt my eyes burn at the sight of it.
He leaned up and grabbed my hand with a smile, "don't cry on me."
I brushed my fingers over his," you got hurt because of me.."
Johnny sat up slowly and pulled my head to his chest, "this isn't your fault, Alice. You can't take the blame for what Ezra does."
I felt tears roll down my cheeks as he comforted me. He chuckled and kissed my forehead, "we can just go to the infirmary. You do realize that hit could've killed me if it wasn't for you, right?"
      I stared at him," but you wouldn't have gotten it at all if it wasn't for me..."
       "Don't do this to yourself."
       I glanced up at him. His comforting smile had turned to something else. It was hard to tell exactly what was going on in his head. He sighed and stared down briefly as though he was organizing his thoughts. He finally looked up with a smile," let's play a game."
       I stared at him, tears still present in the back of my eyes," a game?"
       His lips pulled back into a large smile," yeah, like when we were little."
       I stared at him completely blank," you want to play a game right now?"
      He rolled his eyes and reached for my hand," yes, Ki, right now. I want you to remember how much fun we used to have."
      I brushed back my hair and stared at him," Johnny, we need to get you to the infirmary-"
      He interrupted me with a finger to the lips," Ki- Alice... I lost you once before... I don't want to lose you again. So please, play a game with me... just this once. So I can have just one more moment in all of my life where I'm focused on you... only you."
     I held the contact between our eyes and I nodded slowly," we can play a game.. but promise me something first."
     The corner of his lips tugged slightly," anything."
      I parted my lips and hesitated, but finally worked up the courage," don't ever leave my sight... or just... don't leave me, Johnny."
      He leaned towards me and brushed a hair out of my face," I'm not going anywhere. I promise."
       We sat on the floor of the corridor for what felt like an hour, just playing word games. Sehun had left a while before. I wasn't sure where he went, or why, but he never mentioned anything to me. Johnny and I played until we were both tired.
      He smiled and leaned back, "I wan't to take a nap."
      I giggled and stretched, "me too."
He rolled over with a smile, "we could go nap in the courtyard? For a little while anyway."
I nodded," works for me. I promised I'd help Professor Dara with herbology prep this afternoon anyway and it's a closer than the dorms."
He chuckled and stood up, yanking me to my feet," well then, Ki Crane, let's go."
We walked to the courtyard and stretched out beside the fountain. Johnny sat below one of the statues. I kneeled beside him hesitantly before he extended his arm and pulled me to his side. I laid my head gently on his shoulder and stared at the shadows that cascaded across the ground. In the afternoon light, they were just barely beginning to reach for the fountain. They still had hours to go before their fingertips would grace the walls of the centerpiece. By the time the sun would set, the shadows will have blanketed the entire courtyard in a serene darkness. We, however, wouldn't be there long enough to watch them dance across the floor and race for the other wall.
I felt Johnny's weight shift drastically while I admired the shadows. It was obvious he has dozed off while I was zoned out. His head lied atop mine gently and his breathing was soft but audible. His fingertips twitched against the hard ground. I grabbed them and held them within my own. His fingers were longer than mine and hand covered mine easily despite mine being fairly large. His hands were prettier than most guys but showed callouses from hard effort. They were slender and veiny, but they were perfect that way.
I closed my eyes for a minute to breathe in my surroundings. The air smelled of cut grass and rain, but it was slightly masked by Johnny's aroma. He smelled sweet, but manly. Almost like the sent of pine. He smelled like autumn while the world around him smelled like spring. He carried scents of aftershave and men's deodorant, but also of cologne. None of those were his scent though.
I noticed a small owl flying across the opening of the courtyard. A ribbon fluttered from it's foot with every flap. It changed course and veered towards the courtyard. Only at a close distance could I recognize my own owl. Pip gently landed on my hand and nuzzled my thumb. I untied the letter bound to her foot and opened it. It was addressed from my mom:
Dear Alice,
I hope this letter finds you well as we both know your owl is a bit incompetent. I was told Ezra was spotted near Diagon Alley. If that is the case, you may be his next move. Do not leave your guards' sides. Do not leave his side, Alice. He is the only one capable of protecting you and you'll soon realize that. None of those halfwit wizard boys will ever be able to protect you from him. Sehun is the only person I will trust with you and the only one you should trust. Do not trust your friends. They may be your friends, but not your allies. Your nephew is doing well and your brother is well on his way of becoming an amazing father. I do hope you'll take my advice, I do everything I can for you.
I sighed and looked at Pip, "why is she so set on Sehun being the one who protects me?"
"I was born and raised specifically for this purpose."
I glanced over to see Sehun sitting on a step to the corridor. I pursed my lips," how so? You're five years older than me, you were born before I was ever even considered."
He smirked and leaned back," I was born to protect whoever would share Ezra's link. Whether it was you or Adriel. It's why I'm a year younger than Ezra. The second they saw a link, I was decided to be the best course of action."
I sighed and stared at him," well at least you were born with a purpose. I was born to die, but ended up saving myself."
He scoffed and shook his head," you were born to defeat Ezra, but that's not all you're for. You have a greater purpose here Alice. I was created only to protect you. If I fail, and you ever..... you ever die.. I would have nothing to live for. I wouldn't want to live anymore."
I pulled my knees to my chest," don't say stuff like that. You could live even if I died."
He stood up and walked over to me. He kneeled down so that one knee laid across the hard ground and the other sat facing me," I wouldn't want to live in a world without you Alice. I have nothing here for me. My reason and my purpose is to protect you, but aside from that... it's always been you Alice. Even when we were kids, it was always you."
I tried to avoid his eyes," Sehun, you're being weird."
He reached forward and grabbed my chin, turning me to face him," do you regret it? Growing up with me? Did I ever even stand a chance?"
I felt my hands trembling as I saw the rage build up in his eyes," you never even saw me did you? You only cared about him when we were kids. Tell me I'm wrong... Answer me goddamn it!"
I looked up at him with tears forming in my eyes," don't you see that I'm trying? I care about you, Hunnie. I do... I just don't feel that way about you. I love you.... but as family... as someone I can't ever lose or ever risk losing. I'm sorry."
He stood up without a word and left. I stared at the ground and felt the tears slowly begin to drip and fall to the ground. They collided and splattered across the hard, cold floor, but I kept them quiet for fear of waking Johnny, and letting him see me like this.

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