Anthony trujillo-scared to be lonley

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It was great at the very start,
Hands on each other,
couldn't stand to be far apart,
closer the better

At the start of my relationship with Anthony everything was perfect. We couldn't stay clear if each other. Always hugging, kissing, texting.

Now we're picking fights and slamming doors
Magnifying all our flaws
And I wonder why
Wonder what for
Why we keep coming back for more.

After a year of dating we started arguing, always fighting and screaming at each other. But at the end of the day or maybe a couple hours later we would come back to each other and apologise.

Is it just our bodies
Are we both losing our minds
Is the only reason you're holding me tonight
Cause we're scared to be lonely

Losing Anthony would be like losing a limb I couldn't function properly. Same goes with him. At night is the time we're closest, we think one of us is just gonna leave in the middle of the night. That's why Anthony always has his arm around me while sleeping.

Do we need somebody?
just to feel like where alright?
Is the only reason your holding me tonight
Cause we're scared to be lonely.

Having Anthony with me keeps me company I feel like I need him,like he's a drug, my own personal addictive drug.

To much time losing track of us
Where was the real
Undefined, losing track of touch
Forgot how it feels.

Lately Anthony has been completely distant from me. And only me. We barley talk any more, he know shares a room with chance instead of sleeping in mine. I feel like I'm losing him and there's no way to get him back.

Even though we know it's wrong
Is somebody else better for us all along
Tell me, how we keep holding on
Holding on tight
Cause we're scared to be lonely

Maybe I'm not the wright girl for Anthony. Maybe there's somebody out there that deserves Anthony more than I do. Am I what's dragging Anthony? Am I dead weight to him?

Dear Anthony,
Im sorry for what has become of us, for how our relationship turned out. I was dragging you down instead of lifting you up. And I'm not stupid, Tony. I know about the other girls, and that's my fault because I just wasn't enough for you that you could only stick to one . We lasted a year, but that year seemed to have caused us to drift apart. I know your feelings for me have lessened as they went from love to like. And I'm sorry that I wasn't good enough and that I didn't reach your standards, as most girls could have. And that's why I have to say goodbye. Because I'm you could have any girl you want now. Because I'm no longer here. Don't try and find me because what I mean by no longer here means no longer on earth. I'm down in heaven with our baby girl that we lost last month. But just no that I love you, we love you.

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