Emilio martinez- no team 10 kind of morning

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Your eyes fluttered open as you felt the familiar rhythmic breathing fanning across your face. A small smile graced your features as your gaze fell upon Emilio laying next to you, his light golden brown hair tousled messily across his forehead and his heavy arms wrapped securely around you.

Out of instinct, you lifted your hand to his head, running your fingers through his soft locks and sighing out in contentment. You squirmed slightly in his grasp, and he shifted, his arms tightening and pulling you even closer to his hard chest.

Slowly, his eyes fluttered open as well, his light blue irises meeting your own. His lips curled up in natural happiness at you being the first thing he saw in the morning, and his eyes slowly shut again as he leaned forward and placed a light kiss on your forehead.

"Good morning" he grazed out, his voice thick with sleep. You grabbed his head between your hands and pulled him to you, planting a firm kiss on his mouth.

"Good morning to you too handsome," you mumbled.
"Sleep well?" he asked as he began to caress your back with his hand, his fingers dancing along your bare skin and up your spine.You nodded against his chest, mimicking his actions and swirling patterns with your fingers along his arms.

Together you laid in silence, the only noise was the sound of your synchronized breathing and the occasional sigh of pleasure. Finally, after quite some time, you spoke up,

"What are we doing today?" you whispered into the silence.Emilio shrugged from underneath you, twirling the lock of your hair he had in his grasp around his pointer finger.

"I'm up for whatever as long as I'm with you," he said, giving you a cheesy grin."I kinda just want to stay in today, maybe make some breakfast and watch some movies?"Emilio leaned in and kissed you on the cheek,

"Sounds perfect."It took another five minutes for you to find the strength to heave yourself out of bed, and when you did there was considerable whining from Emilio.
"Why can't we just stay in bed all day?" He asked as you pulled the sheet up with you, wrapping it around your body as you made your way to the closet across the room.

"Because normal humans don't stay in bed all day, they go out and do things in the real world. Or at the very least they get up and eat," you said pointedly.

"We're not normal humans though, we're trending youtubers," Emilio smirked, loving when he outsmarted you.You waved your hand at him to shush him, knowing he was right and not bothering to argue as you turned back to your closet and grabbed out a pair of comfy clothes. You were just about to slip on the sweat pants when Emilio spoke up again.

"Okay, I understand why we can't stay in bed all day, but can we at least stay naked all day?" he asked, a cheeky grin lighting up his features as he watched you from his position in bed.You laughed, putting your sweatpants down and walking back over to the bed to press a quick kiss on his lips, sitting down beside him.

"We can't just walk around naked all day. The boys could see through the door or something." Emilio scoffed, he pushed himself off the bed, planting yet another kiss on your lips, but dragging this one out slightly longer. You kissed passionately, lips molded together, tongues intertwined, and hands everywhere, before you finally shook yourself out of your daze of Emilio and pushed against his chest lightly.

"I need to at least where a top," you said, leaning over to pick up Emilio's hoodie that was thrown on the floor from the night before. You pulled the large grey thrasher hoodie over your head, it's baggy shape hanging loosely off your frame and ending just past your butt. Emilio admired you with satisfaction, loving when you wore his clothes, and loving even more when you wore his clothes with nothing underneath.

"I'm gonna go downstairs and start making some breakfast," you announced as you pushed yourself up off the bed, heading towards the bedroom door, "Feel free to join me whenever you're ready to get that lazy ass out of bed."
"Hey!" Emilio shouted after you as you walked down the hall, "I may be a lazy ass, but I'm a hot, lazy ass! The distinction is important!"You chuckled to yourself as you made your way into the kitchen, pulling out a large mixing bowl and the ingredients to make waffles, one of your favorites for Sunday mornings.

You set to work mixing the ingredients, stirring the dry foods in one bowl and the wet in another before eventually combining them. You were pouring the first batch into the waffle iron when you felt a pair of strong arms wrap securely around your waist from behind.

You tried to concentrate on not screwing up the waffles as you finished filling the molds. However, it was very difficult with Emilio pressing his body against yours, peppering feather-light kisses along the back of your neck.

"Mmm, that smells delicious babe," he whispers out between kisses.You sigh in acknowledgement, tilting your head to the left in order to provide him more access to your neck. He continued to assault your skin, focusing on one particular spot where you were certain there would be a mark.

You were so caught up in your own world where only you and Emilio existed, that you didn't even notice the waffles were ready until the scent of something burning touched your nostrils.

"Oh no!" You said, pulling yourself from Emilio's arms and quickly opening up the waffle maker to find four black bricks. You groaned in annoyance, "Damnit! I was really hungry and now I have to wait even longer."Emilio stepped forward and beside you, examining the charred waffles that you had removed and placed on the cooling rack,

"What are you talking about?" he asked, picking one up and sniffing it, "These look great!" Without thinking, he took a bite out of the burnt waffle. It was so crispy that it snapped in half against his teeth, crunching loudly as he attempted to chew the food.You laughed at him as he grimaced, appreciative of him and his effort to put a smile on your face,

"Well thank you babe, I'm glad someone likes my cooking."
"Of course I do," he said, nodding with the waffle still in his mouth,
"that being said, I think I'm going to spit this out now." You chuckled as Emilio headed over to the trash can to spit out the inedible waffle. When the waffle maker's light turned green once again, you opened it back up and poured some more batter inside.

This time, you were extra careful to only pay attention to the food. Emilio had tried to wrap his arms around you again at one point, but you simply swatted him away, keeping your eyes trained on the light in front of you.When the light finally went off signaling the waffles were complete, you cheered in delight.

Your mouth was practically salivating in anticipation as you removed them from the iron and placed two each on plates for you and Emilio.Emilio looked up from the book he was reading as you approached the dining room table, placing his plate of waffles in front of him and sitting across from him with your own.He grabbed the container of syrup that he had pulled from the fridge earlier and smothered his waffles with it before looking back up at you, a big grin on his face,

"I love you so much baby, thank you for breakfast."You smiled back at him, giving a small "you're welcome," as you watched him take the first bite."Good?" you questioned with a quirked eyebrow as he closed his eyes and moaned, chewing the warm breakfast.He opened his eyes to look at you, a playful glint in them,

"Not as good as the first one I ate, but it will do."You shook your head at him, laughing as you began to cut up and eat your own waffles. You were especially happy that day to be spending your Sunday morning with your favorite person. And surprisingly no team 10.

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