Chance sutton-Truth or dare

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"Okay," you sighed as Chance was non stop asking you to pick truth or dare. You knew Chance would be the worst person give a dare so you always went with truth unless you were feeling rebellious. "Truth." You spoke out and he narrowed his eyes, rubbing his chin trying to think of a question to ask you. He smiled and leaned back against the couch. "Do you look at yourself naked in the mirror?" Your eyes widened at the question Chance had just asked you. "To be honest Yeah." You lowered your head because you didn't want to see Chance's reaction to that. His smirk would probably get larger. Either way you didn't want to see it. "Okay, truth or dare, Chance ." You smiled at him and he leaned his head back and stared up at the ceiling. "Well," you started to say, "Your dares probably will be something stupid, so I'll go with truth." He let out a small chuckle at his comment and you sarcastically laughed at him. "You're so funny, ha ha." You rolled your eyes and looked at him, squinting your eyes. "If you were to kiss anyone in the world right now, who would it be?" He sat there across from you and just stared at you. when he ran his fingers through his hair. "Erm..." His hand lowered to the back of his neck and he scratched it awkwardly. "I told you honestly! You have to now!" You encouraged him to go on and he took a deep breath and he looked into your eyes and slightly smiled. "If I could kiss anyone in the world right now it would have to be..." His voice trailed off and he scooted closer to you and you looked at him confused. "Definitely you." And with that his lips were on yours.

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