Ivan martinez-jealous

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Emma and her newly boyfriend Ivan have only been together for a week but everyone in team 10 except Tessa, Erika and Emilio have been saying dirty jokes towards her.

Emma and her newly boyfriend Ivan have only been together for a week but everyone in team 10 except Tessa, Erika and Emilio have been saying dirty jokes towards her

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"Are you homework cause I wanna slam you on the desk and do you all night." Jake jokes around making Chance, Anthony and Nick laugh.

"Wait wait, I got one," Chance gets everyone to be quiet, "If your left leg is Christmas, and your right leg is Thanksgiving, can I visit you between the seasons?"

"Guys seriously stop, it's not funny... leave her alone." Tessa rolls her eyes while grabbing Emma by the hand and taking her upstairs so she wouldn't hear what they were saying.

Jake rushes up to them both before they got into the room, everyone else following him including Ivan which was trying to stop him.

"Yo Emma!" Jake calls from behind. He walks to her and smacks her ass real hard. She turns around and right before she can slap him, Ivan comes running to them and tackles Jake to the ground.

He throws punches at him making his nose bleed. Ray, Chance and Emilio try pulling them apart but there was no use. Jake was trying to get Ivan off him but he kept punching him making Jake weaker by the second.

"IVAN STOP!" Emma yells, tears running down her cheeks. He looks straight to her and gets off Jake. She runs to check if he was okay. He looks into her eyes and sees fear and shock.

He gives her a tight hug and they walk downstairs, everyone staring at them both. Ivan picked up Emma in his arms and hid her from everyone's view. He rushed her into her car making her turn it on and drive to a hotel where they spent the rest of the week at

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