Chapter 6 - Avenging Angel

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How is everybody? I had an exhausting day at the office, but the fatigue is a feeling that I've accomplished a lot and am satisfied with the results. So ok lang to be tired because I was productive.

Anyway, have you ever felt defensive for somebody whom you feel is being targeted for bullying? I always hate it when someone gets bullied, and I have low EQ when I see people ganging up on someone. Ako unang napipikon. That's why I get so mad when people gang up on Alden or Maine, and lambast them for such simple things.

FicRichard is the same. He cannot stand bullying and it spurs him into action in defense of Maine. What do you think he will do? Will Maine accept his help? Make a good guess and let me know, ok? Have fun reading :) 

Richard was standing in front of her in an impeccable blue suit, white shirt with no tie. His hair was neatly parted at the side, not a strand out of place, his leather shoes polished. He looked freshly showered and quite a far cry from being heartbroken. Or maybe he hid his heartbreak well.

"Uh.......good morning sir. I-I just came in early to check out. Wait, mali. Check your office kasi yun. "

Susmaryosep ang guwapo naman nito. Those eyes, dang. Parang mata-mata pa lang climax na. Ummm, those feet. Laki ng paa, shit. Diba pag malaki paa......malaki din yung......

"Good, Foo Fighters, huh? Good choice. Maine, right? I'm Richard Jr., but call me RJ."

Huwaatttt, kilala niya Foo Fighters.  Pogi na, cool pa. Take me I'm yours, let's make babies now na.

He extended his hand and waited for hers to clasp. Reluctantly, she gave him her hand and felt it enveloped with warmth in his clasp. She tried to contain the shudder that went with the flutter of her tummy. His smile was lethal, that dimple should be considered a deadly weapon. The flutter was close to being a rumble, her knees felt unsteady. And fuck that, he knew she was singing a Foo Fighters song. Which brought her to a realization.

Kingina Maine. He heard you singing. And saw you headbanging. Airdrumming. Ano pa? Ano pang kahihiyan ang pinamalas mo on the very first day you get to meet your new boss? Way to go Menggay.

"Maine? Are you ok? You seem pale."

"Huh? Sorry sir RJ. Uhhh, nagbreakfast na po ba kayo? I can order you breakfast or get you coffee."

"Coffee na lang, please. Thanks. Take your breakfast muna while you're at it. Let's meet at 9:15 so that we can discuss your scope of work."

"Thank you sir."

They got down to work after the unorthodox first meeting. Alden took her through the division's business, explaining patiently the details of their division.

"Maine, our division handles management consulting for offshore clients with operations based here in the Philippines. From the time they start setting up their operations here in Manila, we assist them with the right documentation of their business registration, especially with BIR and other government agencies. We help them build their network, hire the right people and guide them through their respective industry here in the Philippines. This is an exciting division because it can open doors for you to travel. I read your resume beforehand and I saw that you're graduating from Accountancy soon. Because of that, I will treat you not as an ordinary secretary, but also as a possible associate for the company."

"Thank you sir RJ."

"I have three business prospects who plan to open Philippine operations but they want feasibility studies muna. We have a research team that does that for us. Please set an appointment for me and the team, I will brief them on the business profiles. Set up another appointment for me with the Comms Manager. We need to update the website on the additional services we now offer, as well as the client roster."

Maine's fingers flew over her laptop's keyboard as she took notes on the things Richard wanted her to do. One hour into her meeting with this new boss, she already learned so many new things and the job excited her because it was more related to her course than just mere secretarial work.

There were letters and memos that needed to be sent out, a TV appearance in one of the morning shows, and a Rappler interview. He also had invitations to speak in some business forums. It seemed that her boss was quite the business celebrity at such a young age, and it was just her luck to be assigned to his office. Unknown to her, this key assignment was beginning to sow further intrigue and discontent among the other staff within her floor.

In the afternoon, Maine asked to be excused to deposit some checks for Richard and submit documents to open a payroll account for him. She left the office after lunch to carry out these errands, welcoming the chance to step outside and stretch her legs for a short walk.

Richard stood up to stretch his legs and arms, moving his head from side to side. He was still not used to Manila time and needed more coffee to perk himself up. He made his way to the pantry to get his own coffee since Maine was still out. He was near the pantry already when he heard some female voices talking about Maine.

"—sipsip yang si Maine eh."

"Di ko nga alam paanong sa kanya napunta yung position with RJ eh."

"Sinabi mo pa. Imagine, secretary ng Offshore Consulting Group. Haharap sa mga CEO, sa mga reps ng HQ clients, tapos tignan mo naman manamit."

"Oo nga bes.....pero kawawa din student pa lang kasi kaya walang pambili ng damit."

"Sus. Eh bakit yung sweldo naman niya di naman minimum wage, binigay sa kanya yung sweldo talaga ng item niya. Hindi porket pinayagan siyang magwork kahit student pa lang siya eh, hindi siya susunod sa policies natin ng tamang office attire. Jusko naka doll shoes na pang ulan—"

Richard heard enough. His ears felt warm and red, he was angered by the viciousness of these women. He walked right in to get his coffee, shoving his mug under the coffee machine and selected Americano.

"RJ, good afternoon. Do you need anything pa ba? May blueberry muffins dito, bagay na bagay sa coffee, you want? Pag-init kita."

"No thank you."

If there was one thing Richard hated, it was mob mentality. He hated people ganging up on someone helpless, because he was a victim of being bullied when he was still in school. He looked at them one by one, his face devoid of any emotion, but he was seething inside. He was disappointed with them, people he knew ever since he was in his teens, these people who were always nice to him. Apparently, their niceness was reserved only for a select few.

He did not bother to reprimand them, because he was pretty sure if he did, they would make things hard for Maine all the more. But he had a plan, and he wanted to implement the plan as soon as possible. He made a few calls, set some appointments by himself and waited for Maine. He hoped he would be able to convince her to cooperate with his plan. He would show these people for bullying Maine, make them eat their words.

Pretty soon, Maine was back and entered his office to give him the validated deposit slips. She looked a little breathless, her hair was not as neat with a few tendrils escaping her ponytail. Her cheeks were rosy from her walk outside, and it made her smile prettier. A lot prettier, actually. He smiled at her gently, there was something about her he couldn't put a finger on, something that drew him to her.

"Maine, we're going out for some appointments. Gather your things, this will take the rest of the afternoon, no need to go back to the office."

By the time he would be finished with his plans for Maine, these people would be killing themselves with envy. Let it be said that Richard Faulkerson Jr. was an avenging angel for the bullied, and this girl just awakened his protective instinct like no one did in the past.

GIRL FRIDAY (Completed)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon