Chapter 8 - Metamorphosis

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Ok, sa excitement kong i-post ito I forgot to give my usual intro. Apologies to those who read this earlier, hahaha. 

Anyway, today was a good day because the bibis were together in the barangay. It's amazing how we as a fandom feel like our universe is well and good when we see them ok and happy together. Such is the pull they have on us. I have yet to see a love team that has this same magnetic pull, this ability to make people happy merely by being happy themselves. We are all so invested on them.

The same magnetic pull exists between ficRichard and ficMaine. They gravitate towards each other, and in the next chapters you will feel that pull.  It all starts with an act of kindness, a sincere concern for each other's well-being, and it ripples beautifully into a series of events that make them fall deeper.

I hope you will like this chapter to cap your day. Enjoy reading, my dears and rest well :)

Maine's shoes clicked smartly against the marble floors of the corridor, the sound pleasing to her ears. So this what expensive shoes feel like, she thought happily, loving the snug fit of her new black pumps. Her hair was in wonderful waves tumbling over her shoulders, after she followed a trick Bee taught her. After blow-drying her hair, she wore it in two tight buns similar to Princess Leia's hairstyle on the way to the office. By the time she reached the office, it had been two hours since she bound her hair and letting them free from the buns made them nicely wavy.

She went to the office in sneakers, jeans and a tee, afraid to get the dress and shoes dirty during her commute. Her sleeveless black dress with white accents transformed her completely. The length made her look taller, the bodice that clung to her body revealed curves she never knew were there. She had to admit, the dress and shoes changed her inside and out. Apart from making her look attractively smart, she felt more confident about herself.

She sorted through the mail she received for Richard and arranged them on his in tray. She washed his coffee mug in the pantry happily, remembering how nice it was of him to bother with something so trivial as her budget for clothes. Things worked out wonderfully, and although she was a bit apprehensive about the modelling part of their agreement, Bee was wonderfully nice to her.

Her back was turned when Richard arrived. He knew it was her, noticing immediately her transformation, even while it was just her back he saw. The dress showed off her slim but curvy figure, her long, smooth legs looked even longer with the black pumps she wore. Damn, how can ankles look sexy? Her arms were gracefully supple, without an ounce of loose flesh.

He cleared his throat, suddenly feeling awkward. She turned around at the sound and saw him, her face breaking into the sweetest smile. She walked up to him and twirled, making a cute curtsey after.

Shit, Maine. Why so cute?

"Pwede na ba, sir?"

He just continued staring at her, a stupefied smile on his face. 

No words. Ganda, jusko. I can just stare at her all day.

"What time did you get home?"

"Around 6:00 PM po. Sir RJ, thank you for introducing me to Ms. Bee. She gave me enough clothes for two weeks! Grabe, ang generous po niya. My first shoot will be on Sunday, I have classes till evening kasi pag Saturday."

"Di ka ba pagod na masyado? Wala ka ng rest."

"Afternoon lang naman yun, sir. Medyo kinakabahan ako, pero Ms. Bee promised na i-guide ako."

"I'm glad things worked out. You look great, Maine."

"Thank you Sir RJ."

Gaaahhhhd, please stop looking at me like that. Patid na garter ko, ramdam ko unti-unti nang bumabagsak eh. I want to look away but I can't, bat ganon?

He made the mistake of looking at her too intently, making her blush a deep red. They were looking at each other for too long till someone broke the moment.

"Maine, ikaw ba yan?"

It was Richard Sr. with a knowing smile on his face. He approached them both and took a good look at Maine from head to foot.

"Ang ganda naman ng secretary mo, RJ."

"Si Bee ang nagdamit sa kanya dad. I introduced them yesterday, kinuha siya ni Bee na look book model."

"You took her there? Goooood, that's good."

He was looking at Maine with an approving smile on his face and winked. Richard Sr. noticed with satisfaction, how intently his son was looking at Maine. Good, his plan was working. He liked Maine and he was happy his son seemed attracted to her. It was a welcome development after seeing him look so lonely in the US. He was right to ask Richard to come home.

All day, Maine was complimented for her new look. Of course, the gossip brigade speculated on how she could afford her obviously expensive dress and matching shoes. They were undecided on whether to hate or openly admire her. But Maine was too busy to notice them. She was coordinating for two lunch meetings and accommodations of two parties of clients coming over in the next two weeks. Their stay in Manila would include arrangements for some sightseeing in Intramuros and a tour of BGC where they planned to set up their office. She was so busy she lost track of time and suddenly realized it was past lunchtime.

"Sir, it's already 12:30, so sorry I lost track of time. Would you like me to order lunch for you po?"

"Uy, oo nga 'no, lunch na pala. Sige, just a sandwich for me, sa Cheese Steak Shop na lang. Ikaw, where are you having lunch?"

"Sa cafeteria po."

"Baka mahaba pila don, why don't you order lunch na lang din and eat with me? We can have a a working lunch if that's ok with you."

She ordered Philly Cheese Steak sandwiches for them both, and some fruit yogurt for dessert. The food arrived within fifteen minutes of ordering and she set the food on the round table inside his office. They settled down for lunch, and conversation was easy and relaxed, mostly focusing on coordination for their guests planing in.

"Sir, by the way......Ok lang po ba na every Tuesday and Thursday exactly 5:00 PM po ako mag-punch out? Yun po kasi days na may pasok ako sa school."

"Sure, no problem with me. How many semesters pa ba before you finish?"

"Two semesters na lang, sir. Konting subjects na lang leftover kasi hindi ko kayang mag full load in the past."

"Sige tapusin mo na yan Maine, promise ko sayo na if you do well in the next three months, eligible ka na for Technical Assistant status. I'm sure you will pass the board exam, and if you do, that will earn for you a sure spot as an Associate here."

There was a knock on the door, making them both turn to see Chona with some documents. She took a moment to note that Maine was eating lunch with Richard, and noticed as well the new dress and shoes she had on.

"RJ, approved na ng board yung proposals mo. Do you need help setting up the meetings with your clients here? Baka di kaya ni Maine i-organize lahat ng details, willing akong tumulong."

"I think Maine has things under control already. May flights and accommodations na, we just need to setup the meetings with management here. Kaya mo naman na, right Maine?"

"Yes sir, kaya pa naman. Thanks sa offer Ms. Chona."

Chona walked away, feeling furious and rejected. Maine was really getting on her nerves. She'd fallen out of grace with Richard Sr. because of this...mere student, who was slowly becoming the darling of the Faulkersons.

But Chona had a plan. She was just biding her time, and once she executes her plan these people would be sorry for looking down on her. 

GIRL FRIDAY (Completed)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon