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"You smoke?"

Jeffrey turned around and pulled the cigarette out of his lips. He blew out the smoke along with a slight chuckle. "Yeah I do. I'm not very proud of it but it is what it is."

Your subconscious sighed in relief because of his mellow reaction. You knew that some people would be offended by a question like that. Fortunately, Jeffrey didn't see it that way.

"I've never really liked it just because the smell always lingered," you admitted. You walked up closer and leaned against the railing with him. "They also drilled it into our brains at school that they are bad for you."

"Tell me about it. My son always tells me that it's bad but it's not as easy to quit as he thinks." Your thoughts trained on one little phrase 'my son'. He had a son, meaning that he probably had a happy family that you couldn't tear apart no matter how hot he was. "But I've always figured that if you're gonna die, might as well look cool doing it," he said with a smile. It was a dark thought that took you back a bit, but then the realization set in and he was right.

You always had thought that smoking was unattractive and even gross, but Jeffrey made it look so trendy. "Well I have to admit, you do look cool," you said with a laugh.

Jeffrey smiled and bowed his head, "thanks, I try my best." You both stood in silence for a few moments. It wasn't awkward, but it wasn't pleasant. You both watched the waves and the reflection of the moon on the water. You could feel the tension between you two. You both wanted to strike up a conversation, but you didn't know what to say. That is until you thought of the current events.

"So why did you censor yourself in the restaurant?" You asked him out of sheer curiosity. Jeffrey just laughed and glanced over at you. When he noticed you were being serious his expression changed to a more awkward one.

"Well you see, I have a pretty bad problem with it. I've been cussing since I was a kid so it just comes naturally now. And with working as a waiter in this fancy restaurant," he said as he gestured towards the large building, "you can't exactly swear with customers. And my kid gets on me about it all the time," he laughed. He glanced down at his hands and seemed to be in thought. He smiled once again, signaling that he must've been thinking about his kid.

You began to imagine Jeffrey with a child, even if it wasn't his. How would he react? From what you seen within the past few minutes he seems to adore his son. And that made your heart melt.

"Excuse me miss," you heard from behind you. You turned back to see an employee awkwardly standing by the back door. "Theres a cab waiting for you. Your partner is waiting as well."

"Thank you," you said as you turned back to Jeffrey. Taking in a deep breath you looked into his eyes to see sadness. Sadness from disappointment and sympathy. His once glistening hazel eyes had dulled down. Seeing this pulled at your heart strings a bit. "And thank you, again. My boyfriend is such an ass sometimes. So thank you for sticking up for me."

Jeffrey grinned down at you as he stood up straighter. "No problem. I'm glad knowing I helped you tonight. And if you don't mind me asking... how often does this happen?"

"Pretty often sadly. It started at around the sixth month of our relationship," you explained with a sigh.

"I'm really sorry. Some guys don't deserve what they have," Jeffrey admitted.

You gave him a small smile and nodded as you began to walk away. "Thank you, again," You said over your shoulder, your heels clicking as you walked.

"No problem," said back in a slight yell.

You wanted to get one last look, just in case you never saw him again. Before you turned the corner around the building, you looked over your shoulder. You and Jeffrey made eye contact, making you both smile. You took in a deep breath, taking in the moment and continued on your way.

Once you made it to your cab your boyfriend was already throwing a fit. He was upset over how they wouldn't let him drink in the restaurant and how he would sue them. But you didn't give a shit. All you could think about was Jeffrey. His kind hazel eyes, perfect white smile and curly salt and pepper hair. His words kept playing in your head, making you smile. "Some guys don't deserve what they have." He was so genuine and true.

"Why the fuck are you smiling about?" Tom asked and he pushed your shoulder. You shot a glare in his direction, followed by an eye roll.

"I'm smiling because we are going home and I can go to bed," you said while turning to look out the window.

Even though the night had turned to shit, you got to meet a person that was down to earth. And gorgeous. And had a son... and a wedding band in his finger. You let out a disappointed sigh, knowing that you'd never have a chance.

But the way he looked at you with such concern. And you caught him stealing a final glance as well. And his phrase. That all has to mean something, right?

"Alright we are here," your cab driver announced. Tom got out of the car, cursing under his breath, letting you pay the man. You gave him the money and a little extra for dealing with your boyfriend.

Thinking if Tom as a boyfriend made you angry now. Sure he was a great guy but couldn't stay sober long enough to prove it anymore. Like what Jeffrey said, he didn't deserve you anymore.

You headed inside to find Tom slamming things around your bedroom. Not wanting to deal with it you took some clothes out of the clean laundry pile and put them on. You disposed of your fabulous dress and got more comfortable in your sleep wear. You also grabbed a blanket from the closet and laying down on the couch. Turning on the T.V., you thought of the man you met today. You're waiter.

As you drifted off into sleep you hoped that tomorrow would be a better day and a fresh start.

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