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"Do you really live all the way out here, or are you just kidnapping me?" You joked, your hand out of the window as you rode past woods.

You looked forward to seeing what Jeffrey's place is like. Is it grand and modern with large windows? Or is it a tiny log cabin sort of deal?

You look back at Jeffrey and find him subconsciously touching his wound, as if he was in pain. "I'm really sorry about how Tom acted," you tell Jeffrey sympathetically.

He looks over at you and chuckles. "It's fine really. You don't have control over his actions. And I've gone through much worse." He gestures to a thin line of a scar on the side of his face that you had never noticed before. "This, happened over ten years ago. Got sliced up with a beer bottle. Wasn't very fun but the lady was being roughed up by her man. So I stepped in. Taught me to be a little more hesitant on trying to be a hero," he chuckled, shaking his head as he kept his eyes on the road.

"Well thank you for being a hero for her and me. We both really needed it," you said with a smile. Jeffrey glanced at you and smiled back.

You looked out the window and watched a long black fence glide by. Whoever lived there must have a farm of some sort. Then you imagined what it would be like living on a farm with all the animals. It would be quite a bit of work, but being able to hang out with the cute animals would make it worth it.

"And we are here," Jeffrey said with a happy ring to his voice. He began to slow the car down and pulled into the driveway that lead to the home with the black fence.

"You live here?" You said in awe. He lived on the farm?

You looked straight ahead and we're astonished at the beautiful home in front of you. It was a large cabin with an A-Frame shape and filled with large windows. And all around it were barns that you were sure were filled with cute animals.

"Yes ma'am, this is my home." He pulled the car into the a garage at the end of the driveway and he got out, rushing over to open your door for you. "M'lady," he said, holding out a hand. You laughed and let him help you out.

"So you live on a farm?" You asked however it was more of a statement than a question.

"I do. I know it's a little weird but I have a special place in my heart for animals. All the animals I have here are rescues from places that weren't suitable for them," he said with a proud smile on his face. He looked down at you and realized he you been staring at him in awe. He laughed and told you he would show you around sometime.

He owns a candy shop and lives on a farm?! Can this man be anymore lovable?

He brought you up to the house and opened the door to find a very spacious living area. It was all open and you could see straight out to the backyard. Sadly, it was dark out so there wasn't much to see.

"Daddy!" Gus yelled as he ran up to Jeffrey. Jeffrey's picked him up in a hug and walked over to a younger girl sitting at the table.

"Thanks Genny. Was he good?" He asked her, letting Gus down to let him come up to you. "As always," the girl replied.

"Dads friend!" He he yelled, running up to you next. You held out your hand for a high-five, which he gladly accepted and slapped your hand pretty hard. You looked shocked and said, "dang kid, that was a hard high-five!" He found this amusing and began to laugh.

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