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A few days had passed and you and Jeffrey hadn't talked much. Between your busy schedules and trying to keep up with everything, you began to feel like what you had was starting to fall through. Until it was Wednesday morning and a certain text woke you up.

You rolled over, grabbed your phone and read the few words that were displayed on the screen. "Are you still up for tonight? ;)"

You squinted your eyes in confusion until you realized what he meant. He was talking about the dinner date. The one that you had completely forgotten about.

Before you allowed a smile on your face, you turned over and looked at Tom, finding he was still asleep. A rush of relief came over you and you made your way to the bathroom. Then you began your reply.

"I'm still up for it. Give me a time and place and I'll be there." You smirked at this reply because it seemed so scandalous even though it was just going out to have dinner with someone.

"Actually, I'll just give you a time since I was planning on picking you up. Is that okay?"

Without even thinking you agreed with his plans.

Hours late you found yourself realizing that you had no excuses for Tom. He didn't have work and didn't have any plans for the night, leaving him the only option of staying at home. That would mean that he would be home when you would be picked up by Jeffrey. Not good. But you developed a plan as you were doing the finishing touches on your makeup.

You made your way down stairs with the special but casual dress that you normally wore when you went to dinner with your friends.

"And where do you think you're going?" Tom asked, looking over a you as made it to the bottom.

"I'm going out with Alyssa. Didn't I tell you?" You lied. You didn't even know an Alyssa but you knew Tom wouldn't even notice.

Tom squinted his as at you, as if he was trying to read your thoughts. "Well your makeup looks far too good to be going out with just friends," he said as he stood up from the couch.

"I'll take that as a compliment," you responded as he made his way to you. He stopped at less than a foot away. His quizzical expression deepening, but you kept yours innocent. You were surprised that you didn't smell alcohol on his breath.

"Are you lying to me?"

You stood your ground and kept full eye contact. "Yes. Or no. Maybe," you smirked.

Tom rolled his eyes and walked the other way. "I don't care enough for your bullshit. Be home before 9. You know I don't like you hanging
out with your friends without my permission."

You didn't respond as you walked into the kitchen. You looked in the cupboard and found the cookies that you only had a few left of. You took out the remaining ones and placed them in a different cupboard.

"Actually I was planning on having her come back here once we were done. Would that be okay?" You asks with an eye roll. It was ridiculous how it was always up to Tom.

"Yeah," he responded in a monotone voice, obviously blocking out the conversation.

"Tom? Did you eat all the cookies?" You yelled into the other room, a smile on your face.

"I don't know."

"What do you mean 'I don't know?" You asked, in hopes that he would get up from couch. Which in your luck, he did.

"I had a few earlier, but I thought there was some left." He walked up behind you and stared into the cupboard.

"Well there not there. And I already told Alyssa we could have some." You turned around to watch Tom throw his hands up.

"So what?" He asked, shrugging.

"Could you go get us some?" You asked politely.

"Are you fucking serious? Going to the store just for some goddamn cookies. Tell the bitch not to come over if it's that big if a deal.

This remark made you clench your fists but you held back and kept up your act. "Please Tom? If we don't have any then we just might stay at her house." You knew this would do it. He was far too "overprotective" to let you stay the night anywhere else other than with him.

Tom clenched his jaw and exhaled deeply. "Fine. Just don't fucking think about asking for anything else." He stormed up the stairs as you heard him mumble a few derogatory names.

After a few minutes, Tom was ready to leave for the store. You thought he'd just walk right out, but he didn't. Instead he walked up to where you were standing against the wall, texting Jeffrey.

He took the phone out of your hand, before you could even protest. "Excuse you? Give me my phone back!" You exclaimed.

Tom held it out of your reach and pushed you up against the wall. And he began to read the messages. "I'm on my way! See you soon! And there's even a winking face. How fucking cute. Good thing it's from Alyssa."

You shoved him off of you and took your phone back. Thank the lord that you had already planned ahead an changed Jeffrey's contact. That could have been a disaster.

"You better fucking come home," Tom growled at you before opening the door.

"I will." You said back innocently, just before he slammed the door shut.

He was an asshole, but you weren't going to let that ruin your night.

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