A Weight Lifted

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You heard your phone buzz as you were putting on the last few spritz of perfume. You look at it to find a message from 'Alyssa'. "I'm here."

You smiled and replied back. "I'm almost ready. Shouldn't be long at all." You hit the send button and immediately searched for a purse and items to go in it. After a few minutes you were ready to go. You left the house to find the handsome man waiting for you.

Instead of his truck, he was now driving a white, older model mustang

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Instead of his truck, he was now driving a white, older model mustang. His hair was neatly combed back while clad in a stunning leather jacket. And of course, a cigarette was held between his lips.

When he heard the front door shut, his eyes flickered up to you. Quickly a smile adorned his features.

"You still smoke?" You asked, referencing the first night you met.

"I sure do," he replied, exhaling the smoke. His eyes followed you as you made your way to his car. "Damn, you clean up nicer for me than that other guy," he said with a smirk.

You wanted to playfully punch him, but you held back. "You don't look too shabby yourself." You follow him around the car and realize how much of an understatement "shabby" is. This man was damn near perfect. You watched his broad shoulders as he walked, proving your statement a little more.

"M'lady," he said as he opened the door for you. You responded with a simple thank you as you sat down in the leather seats. Jeffrey made his way back around the car to his side. Once he sat down, he flashed a smile at you. "Let's get to it."


"So do you like this place?" Jeffrey asks you from the other side of the table. He took you to a nicer restaurant, but nothing too fancy. It was perfect for an evening that was a little more special than just casual.

"I love it. It's so spacious and charming," you reply as you spin your fork in the spaghetti.

"Yep. Like me," he says with a wink.

"You're spacious? I didn't know that was possible," you teased back. Jeffrey chuckled at this which made you smile even more.

It grew quiet as you both ate. But it was nothing from awkward. I already felt like you had been friends for years.

After a while, Jeffrey broke the silence. "So Gus really liked you," he laughed. "He told me that you were my coolest friend. And that means a lot since you're competing with uncle Norman."

And at this moment, you really wish he hadn't said that. Because all those feelings of guilt were back.

You gave Jeff and small laugh and a nod in return. You kept your eyes on the plate in front of you, trying to get rid of the thoughts. You're taking him from his family. They could be together right now, but you're ruining it.

"Hey, are you okay? Was it something I said? I mean Norman is a pretty cool guy but -" Jeffrey starts, worried about your sudden mood swing.

"No no, its okay." You interrupt. "I'm fine," you smile. Man, you had been lying a lot here lately. And Jeff knew it.

"You're not okay. You were all smiles just a few seconds ago." You notice him pausing but you still don't look up. How do you say this? Where do you even begin?

But you suddenly feel Jeffrey's hand wrap around yours. Your eyes flicker to your hands finding Jeffrey's arm stretched all the way across the table. The sight makes you want to chuckle, and Jeff catches this. "You can tell me what's wrong. I wont be upset."

You look into his hazel eyes to find sincerity. He nods and you slowly nod in return, taking in a deep breath. "I feel like... what ever we are is wrong. I feel like I'm taking you from your family. I've seen the ring on your hand, and I don't want to take you away from Gus."

You watch as Jeffrey's eyebrows furrow and he nods. He slowly pulls his hand back and your stomach drops. You were right, what you guys were doing was wrong.

"Doll. I don't want to sound rude but, did you hear what I just said?" Jeffrey asks you with a slight chuckle. Now you're the one furrowing your eyebrows.

You lean back in your chair. "I-I don't-" you stutter.

"Gus really likes you. If anything you'd be taking me and him away cause that kid is already constantly talking about you. And in all honesty, it would be okay if you took us away," he shrugs. And now you're more confused than ever. "I only have this ring on because I'm technically still married to Hilarie, my wife. But things have been going south and we've decided to get a divorce. She wants me to keep the ring on until we are completely over."

You were stunned by the words he was saying. The whole story that you had made up in your mind about this man, just came crashing down. And you were happy but devastated at the same time.

"So basically," Jeffrey continued. He started taking off his wedding band, "this piece of metal really means nothing. It's just a reminder of how things have gone bad." He placed the ring on the table and looked you in the eyes.

"Im so sorry," you told him. "I didn't realize... I just thought you were in a happy family."

"It's fine doll. And I'm glad you're here actually. You're helping us cope with it. Especially Gus. So don't feel bad or guilty." Jeffrey told you with a slight smile.

At that moment, the waiter came with your check. After arguing with Jeffrey and saying it was your turn, he still insisted on paying. The "date at the movies" wasn't exactly a meal.

As you both left the building, you walked close together. Often bumping arms and hands. At one point you looked up to Jeff and joked, "are you trying to hold my hand?"

And of course he had a witty comment at the ready. "I thought you trying to hold my hand." You chuckled at his response and looked up at him once again. But this time you got that same feeling from before. The sudden urge to just reach up and give him a kiss. Not even on lips, just on the cheek like a couple would.

A smile formed on your lips as you realized that maybe there was a chance of that happening.

And as if Jeff had been reading your thoughts, he grabbed your hand interlocked your fingers. "Let's be honest here, we are both trying to hold hands." You both laughed and made your way to the car.


"Well, this is it," Jeff said as he pulled the car into park. He looked over at you with a smile. "Thanks for agreeing to dinner."

"Yeah I'm glad I did," you tell him. "And Im glad you convinced me to get that stuff off my chest. It had been bothering me since the day we went to the movies."

"Well it helped me too. I'm just happy we got everything out there. I feel like we got some weight lifted." Jeffrey looks down with a smile and you remember that you should probably get going.

"Thank you, again," you say with a wide smile. You go to open the door when Jeffrey stops you.

"Wait. Can I uh... get a hug?" Jeffrey chuckled, slightly embarrassed.

"Yes you can have a hug," you say with a laugh. You both awkwardly wrap your arms around each other over the center console. You focus on the embrace, noticing how relaxed you felt in his arms.

It was cute how Jeffrey wasn't good at saying goodbyes. He was such a charmer so it was surprising that he could be embarrassed.

You say your goodbyes and you make your way up the the door. You look back and give Jeffrey one more wave before going inside. You close the door and go to turn the lights on but someone beats you to it. Tom.

"Who was that?"

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