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You carefully crept into your room, not wanting to wake up Tom. Luckily he wasn't there and had just gone to work. You let out a relieved sigh as you walked up to your closet. You put on some fresh clothes, which were just simple clothing. You took a glance out of the window and remembered that it was supposed to be colder today, so you grabbed a light coat and a scarf.

You headed downstairs to grab the car keys and found a note from Tom.

'Hey babe. We left your car at the restaurant last night but I had to take mine to work. Hope you don't have any plans.'

Shit! You did leave your car at the restaurant. You grabbed the note and crumbled it up in anger.

He's just gonna leave you there without a car. Asshole. 'Hope you don't have any plans' You internally growled at the thought because you didn't have any plans but now you do. You have to go get your car... and possibly see Jeffrey.

Suddenly your anger dissolved into a stomach full of butterflies. You felt nervous to see a man that probably wouldn't even be at work. A smile grew in your face as you replayed last night over in your head. He was so sweet and genuine towards you.

Get it together. He's got a family. You don't stand a chance, you thought. You mentally slapped yourself to snap out of it. Back to reality, you gotta get your car.

There was a coffee shop that was down the street from the restaurant. If you took a cab there, it would be cheaper and you could just walk the rest of the way. Deciding that was pretty much your only option, you called up the cab and grabbed your purse.


"Thank you," you said to the cab driver before he sped away. You walked up to the coffee shop to find that it was quite busy. The line started at one door and ended out the other. Was it really worth the wait?

Hearing your stomach growl, you laughed to yourself and figured that it was worth the wait. You'd order a bagel and a normal ole coffee.

After dealing with the rude customers and employees who couldn't spell your name right, you finally get your order. You looked around for a spot to eat and low and behold, there he was.

"Jeffrey?" You called out before you could stop yourself. He was walking away from the shop and glanced up with confusion in his face. But once he met your eyes he smirked.

He stopped in his tracks and began walking to you

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He stopped in his tracks and began walking to you. You couldn't help but notice the tattoos on his shoulders. A cross and one that looked like a cloud with a sun.

"It's a little cold to just be wearing a tank top don't you think?" You asked, striking up a small conversation. You were trying to calm the butterflies that were in your stomach.

"Yeah it is a little chilly," he chuckled. "It was a surprise seeing you here," he mentioned, not taking his eyes off of you.

You bowed your head and let out a small laugh. "It's kind of a long story. I was just going to stay at home but my boyfriend decided to leave me stranded," you explained. You looked up and saw confusion in Jeffrey's face so you decided to elaborate some more. "We left the car at the restaurant last night so I'm heading there to go get it."

"Oh really? I didn't even notice a car there when I left work last night," he admitted. "I can take you up there if you'd like, it's only up the street," he offered.

You shook your head no before you could think. "I was just planning on walking up there."

"Well I insist. It's not out of my way, honestly. And it's kinda chilly out here for you to walk," he mentioned. He wanted you to go with him, your subconscious yelled. So you gave in.

"Well, if you insist," you shrugged with a small laugh. He stood first and you followed his lead. You stopped at an older Chevy truck that reminded you of the truck that Bella had in Twilight. Jeffrey opened the passenger door for you and you climbed in.

As he climbed in on the other side he brought something up to your attention. "Just to let you know, I really like your scarf," he said as he gave you a smile. You smiled back and felt the blush creep into your cheeks making you face out the window. "Thank you," you said as you gazed through the glass. Tom never told you that he liked this scarf, and he's the one that watched you make it.

The ride was filled with a casual silence that was often broken by the sips of coffee. You couldn't help but steal glances of Jeffrey as he was driving. His jaw clenched in concentration and his eyes never left the road. It gave you a sense of calm, knowing that you depend on him driving. This gave you time to ponder on what was happening in your life. And what you needed to do.

Jeffrey pulled into the restaurant and parked. Before you were able to get out and thank him he spoke up. "Do you have any plans for today?" He asked while looking over at you.

"No, actually. This was the only thing I had planned for today," you answered. The anticipation rose in your stomach. You were hoping that he would ask what you wanted him to ask.

"Well, I don't have any plans until later. Do you wanna go to lunch with me? I know you have a bagel in your hand but there's always take-home boxes ," he suggested. Tom would be getting off of work soon. But he'd expect you to be getting your car.

"Yeah, that would be nice. Thank you," you said. Jeffrey smiled and nodded as you got out of the truck to retrieve your car. Once you did so, you pulled up beside Jeffrey, realizing how much nicer and bigger his truck was compared to your car.

"I'll follow you," he told you. Decisions weren't your expertise, but you were craving pasta for some odd reason.


"Party of 2," Jeffrey said to the hostess. You followed their lead, watching how Jeffrey's broad shoulders swayed when he walked. Jeffrey pulled out your chair, for you and you replied with a simple thanks. The hostess took your drink orders and gave you your menus.

"I've never been here before," Jeffrey stated as he scanned through the list of food. You smiled, reminiscing on how he was your server last night, and now he was the one being served.

"Well I normally just get the pasta," you mentioned with a shrug. Jeffrey caught the gesture and chuckled. After deciding what to order, Jeffrey started up some small talk.

"Well since you know where I work, where do you work?" He asked as he placed his elbows on the table, giving you his full attention.

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