Not "Imagine Charlie" 0.7

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"We are going to be parents, Adelynn," Charlie says to me with the goofiest grin he's probably ever given me. "Wow! Is it a boy or a girl? Oh, how far along are you? What do we call it? Is it okay to call the baby an "it" for now?" Charlie's eyebrows scrunch up in confusion and he's spitting out questions faster than I can even contemplate them in my head.

I raise my hand to his mouth to stop his questions. "Baby, calm down." I can't help but laugh at him. He's ecstatic and confused all at the same time. It's absolutely adorable! "I saw the results for the first time with you. How would I know how far along I am?" I ask, giggling slightly. He shakes his head and chuckles softly.

"Sorry, I just... I'm so happy and I have so many questions. Can we go get those pictures of the baby?" he asks, his blue eyes shining like a child's on Christmas morning.

"A sonogram? I guess we can, but I don't think we'd be able to see it..." I walk over to the phone on my desk and dial a co-worker's number.

"Why wouldn't we be able to see it?" Charlie asks, his worry very evident in his voice.

"Because I've only missed one period, so it's probably too early to see anything at all." Charlie visibly relaxes and leans on the edge of my desk.

My co-worker's voice comes through the phone, "Hello?"

"Hey, Jennifer," I greet. "It's Adelynn. How are you?"

"Oh my god! I haven't seen you in so long, I'm doing great. How are you, love?"

"I know, I've been a little busy lately." I take a quick glance at Charlie. He seems to be deep in thought, but he has a faint smile on his face. "And I'm doing really good. I actually need a favor from you..." I say, hoping she says yes.

"Of course! Anything for you, you know that. What is it?" Jennifer asks, probing.

"You're the only one I'd trust to do this, I–" Jennifer cuts me off.

"Spit it out, Adelynn! You're pregnant, aren't you?" she exclaims.

"Yes, Jennifer. I'm pregnant." I smile at Charlie who's staring at me intently.

"Holy shit! The biggest prude I know! Wow, I am so happy for you! Get your ass down here! Let's check the little peanut out!" she says and I start laughing.

"We're on our way down," I tell her and I hang up.

"Let's go, babe," I hold my hand out to Charlie. He ignores it, wraps his arms around my rib cage, picks me up and spins me around and I squeal.

"We're going to have a baby," Charlie says and presses a firm kiss against my lips and smiles. His smile really is beautiful.

"You're really going to kill that phrase, you know that?" I say laughing and lowers me so that my feet touch the ground again.

"I don't even care," he says shaking his head. "We're going to have a baby," he says in a singsong voice. I pull him towards the door out of the office.

We walk hand in hand to the Obstetrics department on the eighth floor.

We walk into Jennifer's office and she's beaming at us. She's making me blush. She runs towards me and hugs me tightly.

"You have no idea how happy I am for you guys!" Jennifer exclaims. She and I used to be really close, but moving so far in Jersey from my old New York apartment caused a small drift in our friendship. Although, we still catch up when we both have the time. "Charlie, you're looking great, as always," she smiles at him.

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